The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 75 - Decisions

Waking up from the deep slumber I had been put into, I rubbed my eyes while slowly getting up from the bed.

The sun was already shining through the window curtains while numerous sounds were coming from downstairs, indicating that at least Aroura was awake. I could hear a few mutters and movements, while some words seemed more conceivable than others. I could hear 2 female voice while there was another crunching sound and tearing sound, as if someone was eating.

\'To think I can hear somebody eating at the first floor while being on the third floor...\' I thought to myself while walking towards the bathroom in front of my \'room\'.

Doing all the necessary things like showering, brushing my teeth with the wooden stick thing people use in this day and age, and getting ready for the day, I walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a robe, walking towards my room to change.

I didn\'t really have to shower, nor did I need to brush my teeth since my body was automatically cleansed when it gets dirty, however, it gave me time to think about things, calm my mind and feel much cleaner overall even though it might have not made a difference.

Walking out of my room 5 minutes later with a blue hoodie with the inner part being white, so I could just switch between them if I wanted a change in colour. This was a request I made to the tailor when we went to the inner region of the town, so wearing it felt more fulfilling than any of the clothes my mother made me wear all together.

I was also wearing black tights that were mostly covered by the knee long white dress I wore.

Walking downstairs with a fulfilled smile, I watched as everyone was already eating without me. Slightly frustrated at the lack of decency to even wait for me, I walked towards the sink to wash my hands while ignoring the rest of the family who had frozen up after looking at my eyes.

"Uhm, Panni.." Aroura spoke breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" I replied while not glancing back

"How come your pupils are white now? Can you even see through them?" Aroura asked while staring at my back.

Finally finishing the task of washing my hands and getting a plate for myself, I looked back just to see the rest of the family have their eyes change from a squint to a widening of the eyes.

"It\'s white?" I asked while raising a single eye brow

"Yes it is... Should we get that checked? Maybe we can get you contacts?" My mother asked while looking slightly worried.

Realising this worry was directed towards the chances of someone not wanting to marry me rather than genuine worry for if I was okay, I narrowed my eyes at her and ignored her. Seeing that I was ignoring my mother, my father sighed after glaring at his wife for a few seconds, before asking a question of his own.

"Do your eyes not hurt anymore when you keep them open?"

"No, but thank you for your genuine worry dad. Really appreciate it" I said with a smile

"Well, that\'s good. Anyway, it\'s nice to have you back again by the way. I\'m sure we all really enjoy your company. It\'s just that in the last 4 days we were all kind of busy with the party and everything, but good news is that everything went well yesterday" My father replied with a smile of his own.

As we started to eat, I could see that my brothers we glaring at me after every bite, making me sigh slightly and mutter "I have to take care of that".

I was either going to make them fear me, or respect me. Either way, it was going to be the forceful approach of getting someone off your a*s. Of course, I could just wait for them to to the academy where I would only see them a few times a year, this could be a double sided blade. On the one hand, maybe getting away from home would either give them a reality check, or it could fester their rage and ego into something more, making the situation even worse when the come back home, not that I would be there when they come back of course.

"Dad, Mom, Granny, I wanna do something and I\'m hoping that you guys can agree with it" I said out loud grabbing the attention of everyone on the table.

"What is it? I\'ll try to be as supportive as possible, but I wont let my little girl do something that might risk her life okay? I love you, but I\'d rather you hate me than see you get hurt" My father replied with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes,

My mother and grandma however, did not reply as they only watched to see what I would say. Aroura just stayed silent since she wasn\'t a parent of mine, even though I respected her as my sister, the adults would make the important decisions that concern my well being and future until I reach the age of 19, when the academy would finish.

"First of all, I want to say that I will be spending most of autumn, winter and a tiny bit of spring with you guys and the most of spring, all of summer and a little bit of autumn with Juilam in the forest. This one isn\'t really a request but I\'m just informing you about it so you know when I go" I said while closing my eyes, not to see the displeased eyes of my mother nor Aroura\'s.

"Secondly, in 4 years time... I know you don\'t want to say yes and you probably wont without some convincing, but I want to join the army" I declared while everyone, including my brother\'s, eyes widened while looking at me.

"NO!" My mother roared while slamming her fist on the desk. However, I did not take a single glance as I just looked into my father\'s eyes, seeing how he would react.

Sighing a little, with a calm voice, he just voiced "That wont be happening. I\'m sorry, but even the entrance to the army is 16 years of age. Even if I would have said yes, there is no way to get you in"

"That\'s why I was going to propose an idea. How about getting me a fake identity? As a low class girl from a poor family. Since I\'m growing at this speed, I\'m sure my body will eventually reach a level of maturity at the age of ten that could be compared to a 16 year old. I can even change my hair colour while wearing some contacts, which would make my story much more bel-"

Before I could finish my idea, I was cut off with another "No" with a flat yet commanding tone from my father.

"I do not care how you would change your identity, I won\'t let my child go to the army even if you were of age. You have barely awakened and you think you can go into the army now?" My father said with a slight mocking tone, trying to use it to discourage me, a bit like what he would do to the twins t discourage them from doing stupid things.

It\'s not really a good parenting technique, but I have t admit, it is very effective against most children.

"Well, as someone who had barely awakened, you have seen the kind of power I had shown when fighting against that boy who was 3 years older than me. I can easily become much stronger with the 3 years worth of training I will get over the next 4 years, and that is not even including all the days that I might train with you, mom or granny." I retorted

Seeing his provocation had not worked on me like it works on the twins, my father frowned a little before looking at me again and saying "Okay, I\'ll let you go if in the next 4 years, you are able to pass my test. I\'m going to train you personally and going to make every day you train with me a personal hell. I\'m going to show you how the army is no where to joke around, and a place of serious matters!" my father replied stubbornly.

Grinning inwardly, I had realised my plan had gotten how I expected it to go. Through reading his facial expressions and calculating the best way to carry on the conversation to get the best answer from him, I had found it. Even though I still have to pass my father\'s test, I have 4 years to train with both Juilam and my father, maybe my mother and my Grandmother.

"You can\'t just make that kind decision on your own! This is our child, not yours only!" My mother shouted across the table, however, ignoring her further, I just ate a piece of omelette that I had cut off. This eventually made my mother snap, as she started roaring out loud everything on her mind.

"I carried you for 9 months, gave birth to you, fed you and took care you, and this, THIS is the kind of treatment I get?! Why the hell do you have to go to the army!? No, why the hell would I let you even go to the academy!? It\'s so much better if you would just listen to what I suggest rather than indirectly flipping me off every single time! Your life would be so much easier, OUR life would be so much easier if you used that beauty your growing up to be to marry someone rich and get into a wealthy and politically strong family! Is that too much for me to ask!? Is that too much for me, YOUR MOTHER, to ask?! Imagine how much you, your brothers and your sister would benefit from this?! You will regret not getting into a marriage from a young age and I will remind you of this day, just to see your face when you can\'t find anyone to love you when you get older! You just made the greatest mistake of your life young lady!"

Looking at my mother with an amused look, I restrained my temptation of making a joke or ridiculing her. I had to make sure she didn\'t accidently go into labour of course. \'For the sake of the baby\' I told my self while strengthening my will.

"I\'m sorry Ava, but I support Panni\'s decision. You told me yourself that she is mature enough to make her own decisions and what I saw in the forest was exactly that. Not only is she strong, but she is calculative and precise. I know she can become stronger and that the only thing holding her back now is experience, and I\'m sure she has realised this too. I realise that you want her to go into a marriage for the sake of this family and her, but I don\'t think you actually know what is best for your own daughter. We don\'t love in a world that is forcing women to marry into a better family for the sake of both their families and their lives. They can use their own hands, their own magic and their own talents to become something more than what they are to a man\'s eyes." My grandmother voiced while closing her eyes.

Of course, part of what my grandma was saying was due to the confrontation with Juilam where she had gotten a slap of reality to the face. Even though she might not agree with what Juilam said, she couldn\'t really say anything after the warning he had given her. The most she could do is tell Juilam about what I wanted to do, and get him to advice me to stop if he so wishes. She no longer wanted to treat me like a child, but rather, like an adult who can make their own decisions but needs advice every now and then.

I looked towards her with my eyes slightly widened, however, I didn\'t look for too long in case my mother got angry again. I had never thought that an old person from this world would be more mature than a younger person, and would be able to understand and accept change so quickly. It kind of changed my preceptive of older people in this world since two had already tainted my image of them.

"So your saying... That my opinion doesn\'t matter?! SHE IS MY DAUGHTER, NOT YOURS!" My mother shorted while storming off upstairs while holding her belly gently

\'damn, she is like a child going on a tantrum\' I couldn\'t help but think. I had a certain limit to how much bullshit I could take from someone I should respect and my mother had hit right below that line after 6 years of living with her.. \'At least she isn\'t as bad as my last father huh\' I couldn\'t help but think to myself while releasing a sigh.

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