Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 571 - The Bright Gods Escape

Three Bright Gods flew through the skies, warping space itself through their powerful divinities, which, although weakened, were strong enough to consider them Peak Great Gods if not almost Supreme Gods… Although that perhaps, in their peak, they might have been as strong as Supreme Gods…

Uphy, Phunana, and Chaneyr warped through the skies by entering the movable spaces of their divine realms and moving through them as if they were some sort of spaceship or even a flying car sort of deal. Most Gods capable of creating divine realms used them in such a way to move from one space to another, although that didn\'t work all the time, of course.

They rushed out of the center of the continent of Anir\'s Hands, escaping from Bestellen\'s madness…

"We are getting to the Miasma Ocean area!" said Chaneyr, his appearance resembled a handsome young man with a slender and tall figure, his hair and aura were made of slicing emerald winds, but his appearance seemed calm.

"I can see it… Let\'s check around, Kesheia should be around here!" said Uphy.

"Yeah!" said Phunana.

The three Gods roamed the skies at fast speeds, as they quickly saw several sparkling lights floating above the darkness of the abyssal miasma sea… All these sparkles were Heroic Gods, Familiar Spirits, Subordinate Gods, and more!

And within the group, there was a large sparkle of light, the brightest one…


It was a beautiful woman with a voluptuous figure, she resembled a beautiful and tender mother but sometimes would resemble a young and radiant girl. Her hair was long and blonde, her skin pale-white, and her eyes flashing with sparkling yellow-gold light.

The three Gods noticed how tired she was, her face seemed exhausted, her eyes seemed very tired, and her expression very worrisome… Just how long has she been put to work here? Bestellen had abused her good personality and her gentle nature and put her in such a terrible job that would ultimately wear her down…

The gods finally saw their sister once more, as Uphy rushed towards Keshia, tears coming out of her eyes.


"Hm? Ah… U-Uphy?"

Keshia had lost most of her brightness and the power of life within her, her mood was like that of a salaryman who had been working nonstop every day of the week for 20 years straight…

"K-Kesheia! I\'ve missed you so much! You look… so tired… Sister, please stop doing this…!" cried Uphy.

"Ah… I can\'t… Uphy… W-We are… t-the… Gods of this world… L-Like… Bestellen said… We must protect and… take care of the world…" muttered Kesheia, she seemed way too devoted to her work, what she was doing was indeed commendable, but there should be some other way around than tiring the literal goddess of life and day into this for all eternity until the miasma were to somehow miraculously disappear…



The two gods, Phunana and Chaneyr, rushed towards Kesheia and hugged her.

The goddess felt overwhelmed by the love of her siblings, which she had missed for a few thousand years…

"Ahh… S-Stop… We must… work… It\'s… If I stop… t-the miasma…" muttered Kesheia, she seemed somehow in a state where her own mind was too set into doing this. To the point that she didn\'t want to do anything else. She felt deep down in her heart that this was her greatest duty, and couldn\'t let it off, she needed to work hard… To work as hard as she could… Or so she made herself think.

She remembered the words of Bestellen…

"If you stop purifying the miasma, the miasma sea will reach the continent and a catastrophic incident might occur, killing millions of innocents! Kesheia, this is your duty, you must do it, you\'re the only one capable!"

"B-Brother… But… I don\'t think I could do it alone…"

"You have a large group of subordinates, Kesheia, ask them to assist you!"

"I-I see… You\'re right…"

Her eyes seemed to recall this as she didn\'t want to let the world end in catastrophe. If she were to be selfish and look for her own wellbeing, millions of innocents would die by the miasma the moment she stopped purifying it!

"I can\'t… I can\'t… Sorry… but… This is my duty… If we stop… the people will die… I don\'t… want my children to die… I will bear with the burden… I will… do… it…"

"Sister! Don\'t you understand? The miasma sea is not an imminent danger, it will take years to even reach the continent. In that time, we can find a way to cleanse it, another way!" said Uphy.

"Exactly! Bestellen was manipulating you so you could be weakened and easily usable! He\'s a sicko now, he had gone completely mad… He\'s not our beloved brother from before… I don\'t even know what he is anymore…" sighed Phunana.

"Kesheia, come with us, we can solve this together, like siblings. You must not do this by yourself. Your subordinates are not enough either, look at them! Perhaps you won\'t collapse due to your power, but they… they might even die if you continue!" said Chaneyr.

Kesheia seemed confused, she could swear her subordinate and allies were doing fine… but since how long did she even glance at them?

She glanced at them quickly, finding that they seemed small… the sparkling light of their divine souls was weakened, and even her strongest subordinate gods seemed to be fading away…

A sudden shock rushed into her mind as her eyes opened wide open.

"AH! E-Everyone!" she cried, seeing her subordinates fading away like wind, her eyes suddenly started to cry sorrowful tears.

"Kesheia… sama…"

"We… are saving… the world…"


"We must… work… harder…"

"Ah! W-What have I done?! No… stop! Stop at once!" she cried.

In the end, the Gods somehow managed to wake her up from her daze, the other subordinate gods serving her flew into her Divine Realm, barely managing to move, as she immediately tried to heal them, but her own energy was barely almost not depleted…

"Ungh… Ahh… The miasma? It\'s… barely moving…" she muttered.

"Of course, you did such a good work that it might take over a hundred years for it to even reach a few kilometers… Sigh…. Let\'s go back to the demon continent, we have many siblings there waiting for us," said Uphy.

"My siblings… I miss them so much…" sighed Kesheia.


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