Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 301 - Veronica The World Traveler?


Now there was the addition of an Ancient Dragon God and even more, like Daniel, and his colony of Ants was invited by Ervas and Veronica as well.

Although he had been left inside the Kingdom while Ervas and Veronica went to the mountain, he and his colony did not slack off at all.

Through all those days up until today, Daniel and his Colony had kept exploring Dungeons around the Forest and had actively raised their level and sharpened their skills.

Although they were not able to do this as much when they were alone, now that they acquired the backing and help of Veronica and Ervas and their allies and resources, they were able to rush through dungeons with great efficiency, using any item such as potions to recover their health and mana and saving a lot of food through the several Spatial Inventory Accessories made by Veronica.

From a Rank 3 Small Silver Armored Ant, Daniel increased his Rank to Rank 5, becoming a Great Silver Armored Ant Warrior.

The rest of his Colony had improved as well, a most of them matched his Rank or were of Rank 4 at least. The Colony seemed like a remarkably interesting group of monsters whose powers and combat ability increased when they were together, being able to combine their strength as one.

There were the strong Lesser Silver Armored Ant Warriors, similar to Daniel but a bit weaker, who specialized in Strength, possessing enormous metallic jaws that could tear apart monsters easily.

There were also the Silver Armored Ant Soldiers, which were smaller but faster, and composed most of the Colony, they did several tasks, and many of them were on their way to learning Magic as well thanks to Daniel\'s influence in the ants.

And the Queen herself was also a being of its own, as her Rank was 5 and she was named Great Silver Armored Ant Colony Queen, with the ability to command all of the Ants and better coordinate their movements and combat capabilities.

They were no longer simple ants, as Daniel had developed Skills and abilities to make their intelligence and strength develop further at his side.

These Ants were now around Daniel, as he had taken on a bigger form through the Grow Skill, growing up to the size of a horse, so he could talk more comfortably with everyone.

Daniel used to be one of Veronica\'s coworkers, but his mind had changed greatly since Earth, and he no longer saw himself as a human either, this coupled with his growing fascination with Veronica and Ervas had slowly changed him into a different being altogether.

Although he still held such memories of his past lives.

However, not a single time had he heard about \'Traveling to other Worlds\' other than the time he died and was sent to that white space with the rest of his coworkers, where the mysterious God granted them the System and also special cheat Skills.

Araba, the God he had recently met who Ervas and Veronica \'acquired\' when they completed his Dungeon was at his side, the god seemed just as confused.

"And that is how I did it, by separating my soul into a large chunk, I sent it straight to that world. I\'m planning some things with it… Ah well, my soul weakened a lot since then, but because I evolved right away, the damage in my soul was mostly recovered," said Veronica.

"Pretty impressive… I wish I could have done the same," said Ervas with a mild smile.

"Amazing, you did it just as I did! Aw, my little Veronica is getting stronger~!" said Kireina as she petted Veronica.

"L-Little? I am not your daughter, Kireina!" said Veronica.

"Fufu, sorry, it is just a natural reflex…" apologized Kireina.

Daniel, who had been absent all this time, also got to know Kireina… another reincarnated person, but from a completely different world named Genesis.

Just by hearing her explanations about her story and also about the terrifying world of Genesis, Daniel could not help but think that he was lucky to have reincarnated in Kritias again…

"That\'s crazy, Veronica! What if you ended up dying out of the soul damage?! That was an immense risk! You are not like Kireina who is supposedly as powerful as a goddess or something! You could have truly died if it weren\'t because your evolution just triggered in time!" said Anna.

"Aw come on, Anna-chan, nothing went wrong, and everyone is happy, relax," said Veronica.

"For real, I often worry about such carefree nature of you…" said Shade.

"E-Eh? You too? Sheesh, you two treat me as if we were married!" said Veronica.

Suddenly, as Veronica said those words, Anna and Shade went silent in embarrassment… They were truly acting as if they were the worried wife and husband of Veronica.

"A-Anyways, it was indeed incredibly risky… But at the very least, Veronica calculated it… and well, it went fine," said Ismene.

"That\'s right… Although I will not let you do the same until your soul is immensely big, you hear me, Ervas?" asked Jason, he seemed concerned, he didn\'t want his son to follow his insane split soul.

"Okay, dad. I will not split my soul into another world until I grow very strong," said Ervas while glancing at the floor, he was a good boy and would not reject his father\'s concern.

"Y-Yeah… that\'s right! …Although I feel like I should have not left so many loopholes in what I said…" admitted Jason.

"E-Excuse my rudeness, my lords… But… Is it true that… the Samsara System has some kind of power like that? It is quite… hard to figure," asked Daniel shyly, he didn\'t want to trigger the rage of his lords, so he asked very politely.

However, Ervas and Veronica seemed to have cool down since the first time they met with Daniel, and answered him leisurely and quite calm, as if he were just another member of the pack now.

"Although I had my doubts, it seems that Veronica confirmed it," said Ervas.

"Indeed, Daniel. Remember that time when that God… Hekaton was his name? Well, when Hekaton brought us into his Divine Realm, he gave us this Samsara System and our cheats (mine is Appraisal by the way), he said something about reincarnating us in different worlds \'in danger\' or \'going through issues\' whenever we were to die in the world we were sent at first, Kritias. Most likely, the Samsara System triggers some kind of effect whenever our souls detect that our bodies died or something, so we are sent to another world. Perhaps these words are within the list of Worlds that Hekaton, a supposed god of Transmigration governs," said Veronica.

"I-I see… Bu then, why were we sent to this Parallel Kritias? Was it part of the list of worlds?" asked Daniel.

"I don\'t think so, it would be weird, especially because this world isn\'t completely in dire need… yet," said Ervas.

"What we had come out with is that Lamus and Vedon, the version of these Gods from the Original Kritias modified our Samsara Systems when our original soul was divided in two, and perhaps they edited the next world to be this Mirror Kritias instead of a random world within the list that Hekaton prepared," said Veronica.

"…I see. But… what about… me? I don\'t think those Gods could have done something to me, as they had suddenly disappeared in the middle of the war, and they were said to have been in a deeps slumber inside of their Divine Realms," said Daniel.

"Huh? Daniel, have you not realized?" asked Veronica.

"He really hasn\'t…" said Ervas.

"Eh? My lords, what have I not realized?" asked Daniel.

"You\'re blessed by Qadall, the God of Death and Souls from the previous Kritias," said Ervas.

"…Eh?!" said Daniel.

"You were most likely sent by him here… But because Qadall must not be as experienced with soul manipulation and even less the System he most likely could only reincarnate you into a very weak monster inside a dungeon… I believe that he might use some kind of trail that we left when we reincarnated, and this is why you appeared in the same dungeon as I," said Veronica.

"Is that… so? Oh… I see… how it is… Then… Qadall-sama had given me the task to…" muttered Daniel.

"Most likely the same task as us… Although it is surprising, seeing how Qadall was a rather aloof God that never got into any fights and barely helped defeat the Demon God King…" said Ervas.

"Hm, perhaps when he saw how that Kritias began to fragment into pieces as rifts in space opened and weird labyrinths from other worlds started to pop up, he most likely began to finally worry, so he desperately tried to send some kind of help to us… But that might as well be just assumptions, it is hard to discern the true intentions of Gods, especially someone so silent as Qadall," said Veronica.

"I see… I guess… Even Qadall-sama might have changed…" said Daniel.

"Anyways, how is it going in that other world?" asked Kireina.

"Much like your main body, I can\'t see anything nor hear anything, nor experience anything that my Soul Clone does. But it is sending me small bits of info every few hours… She\'s currently… Sill talking with Nyx, it seems that there is a lot of conflicts in Kosmos that I didn\'t know beforehand, several Human Nations are fighting against each other, and some of the Olympian Gods are siding with certain nations… ah, and several Humans are also trying to revive the fallen Titans and- Oh, some are trying to acquire the power of the Gods," said Veronica.

"Well, that\'s a lot of plot points! Are you going to go through all of them off-camera?!" asked Kireina.

"Well, my clone is doing her best, but it is not near as strong as I am, so she needs to first adapt to that world\'s laws and powers, and make them her own. She inherited the Samsara System, so she has Ranks and Jobs… She is a Rank 6 Abyssal Shadow Soul Specter… It is like a powerful ghost I guess, as it is only my soul that went there, but perhaps she could get a physical body at some point… or not," said Veronica.

"Did you said something about her sending your energy?" asked Ervas.

"Oh right! Much like Kireina, my clone there is slowly sending me Source Energy from Kosmos! I am using the Samsara System to transmute this energy into my own power, which is being converted into stats and exp… Most of the stats are Mana though, as it is the primary source of energy in Kritias… Although the amount I get is very small, so it is not like I will turn into something monstrously overpowered or something," said Veronica with a chuckle.

"Amazing, it is just as I\'ve been doing it!" said Kireina.

"Hm… I guess I also have something to say…" said Ervas.


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