Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 241 - Are You Two Friends?

Chapter 241 - Are You Two Friends?

Gaara looked around in confusion. The last thing he remembered was one of Yuna\'s chains piercing his stomach, but now he was suddenly standing inside a sewer. Additionally, Fuu was here as well, and, just like him, she was standing in a slightly different-looking sewer.

A short moment later, Gaara let his gaze wander and noticed that Yuna was present as well. Instead of a sewer, she stood inside a snow-covered forest and had a slight smile on her face.


Yuna shook her head in denial when she heard Gaara\'s guess.

"Nope, I temporarily connected our mindscapes and dragged you two into it."

Gaara\'s eyes widened when he heard Yuna\'s words. He certainly had heard about the term mindscape, but he never gave it much thought since he wasn\'t someone who used spiritual attacks.

He couldn\'t help but be dumbfounded when he realized that Yuna\'s mindscape was actually developed.

\'How in the world did she do that? I heard someone needs a calm and steady mind to work on their mindscape. Few terms fit Yuna less than these two.\'

Meanwhile, Fuu had no idea what was going on and didn\'t understand Yuna\'s explanation either.

"Didn\'t you attack us just now, Yuna? Why did you attack me; aren\'t we friends?"

"I don\'t think that counts as an attack. You didn\'t feel any pain, right?"

Fuu thought about Yuna\'s words for a moment and nodded her head.

"That\'s true. It didn\'t hurt, so it can\'t be considered an attack. That makes sense. Hahaha, so we are still friends, right?"



Gaara noticed that Yuna was manipulating Fuu a little but decided not to intervene. He still didn\'t know how Yuna managed to get him here, and neither did he know whether Yuna could harm him while they were connected.

"Why did you bring us here, Yuna?"

"I have already said that, haven\'t I? It is so you two can properly meet your Bijuu."

Gaara could only look at Yuna in complete bewilderment when he heard her words.

"M-Meet? As in, meet them face to face? No, wait! You said it as if you have already talked with yours! Have you met and talked to the Kyuubi face-to-face!?"

"Haha, naturally. Do you two want to meet him as well?"

"I would rather not."

"Okay. Oi lazy fox, Gaara here wants to meet you!"

"D-Did you even listen to my answer?"

"Yes, but it was boring, so I pretended you said something else."

"Haha, Although I am not entirely sure what is going on, you two sure get along. Are you two friends?"


Although Fuu got two opposing answers to her question, after a short moment of pondering, she concluded that Gaara was simply shy and didn\'t want to admit being friends with Yuna. As a young man, he was undoubtedly embarrassed by having a female friend.

Moments later, an elephant-sized fox with nine tails and a mixture of red, blue, and white fur strolled out of the forest. Although Kurama\'s original size was much bigger than this, his smaller form made it much easier to move around, so he occasionally used it.

Yuna has been helping him refine his chakra for quite a while now, and the more they refined, the easier it was to control. Previously, it would have been impossible to change forms like that, but now it was relatively easy to do.

[I might be lazy, but at least I am not degenerate like you.]

"Hehe, you have been praising me a lot lately. You\'re almost making me blush with all those compliments."

[Sometimes I wonder why I even keep trying?]

"Only by defying the heavens can one reach the apex."

[Yeah, yeah, Dao this, heaven that. I got it.]

While Yuna and Kurama talked with each other, Gaara and Fuu were busy picking their jaw off the ground.

Gaara has heard a lot of ridiculous stuff about Yuna, but this tops all of it. Not only was she casually chatting with the Kyuubi, but it was also rather apparent that he wasn\'t sealed anymore.

He almost fainted when he realized that an unsealed Kyuubi is currently very close to Sunagakure.

\'I knew she was insane, but I completely underestimated how far gone she really is. But why isn\'t the Kyuubi making a move? Now that the seal is gone, he should be capable of leaving Yuna\'s body. Why isn\'t he doing it?\'

After contemplating a bit more, Gaara came up with a possible explanation, which caused his already pale face to pale even further.

\'He is staying willingly. But why? …Impossible. Did they become friends? That\'s beyond impossible.\'

Meanwhile, Fuu was looking from Kurama to Yuna and then back to Kurama, and the more the duo talked, the wider her smile became.

At first, she was just as shocked as Gaara by the sudden appearance of the Kyuubi, but after Yuna started chatting with him, most of that fear started vanishing. Now, there was something else that piqued her curiosity.

"Are you two friends?"


Yet again, she received two opposing answers, but just like the last time it happened, she decided that the Kyuubi must be shy and didn\'t want to admit being friends with Yuna. As an ancient being, he is undoubtedly embarrassed by having such a young friend.

While Fuu came up with her own conclusion, Gaara almost had a stroke when Yuna happily admitted to being friends with the Kyuubi. Although the Kyuubi denied it, Gaara felt like he was only denying it out of spite instead of actually meaning it.

While Fuu and Gaara were deep in thought, Yuna realized something else.

"Oh right, do you mind if I tell those two your name?"

[Since we will be meeting Shukaku, it doesn\'t matter anyway. The moment he sees me, he will yell out my name, so we might as well get that out of the way now.]

"Haha, alright. Fuu, Gaara, this here is Kurama. We have been friends for quite a while now."

Although an annoyed scowl appeared on Kurama\'s face, he didn\'t deny Yuna\'s claim of being friends this time.

While Gaara\'s brain was being overloaded by the information he just heard, a huge smile appeared on Fuu\'s face.

Since Yuna became friends with her Bijuu, it should be possible for her as well, right? If she could befriend the Nanabi, there would always at least be one friend with her. Apparently, Yuna wanted to meet the Nanabi anyway, so Fuu had something else to do for now.

"Hahaha, nice to meet you, Kurama. Let\'s become friends."


"Ehhh? Don\'t be like that. Come one, let\'s be friends."


"How mean~"

[It\'s still a no.]

A pout appeared on Fuu\'s face as she continued pestering Kurama with friend requests, which were all shot down by him.

Meanwhile, Gaara watched Fuu casually bugging Kurama like it was no big deal, and he couldn\'t help but chuckle.

\'Hehe, am I the weird one? Is it normal to casually speak with an ancient monster that can easily destroy a country? It must be; after all, two people in front of me are doing so. I can still understand Yuna; she is insane, after all. But how come Fuu happily joined the conversation? Well, I was somewhat isolated for most of my life, so this must be normal…right?\'

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