TranXending Vision

Chapter 769 - Sister Disciples Self-Serving Plan

Amanda and Park Taeyong had told him that Dark Mona was not to be trusted. He too knew that she was not to be trusted but what other choice did he have? Even if it was tossing thirty million dollars into the trash, he was willing to do it if it gave Amanda and Park Taeyong a chance to survive.

Would they come back alive?

He wasn’t sure.

Liang Siyao walked over and asked gently, “What happened?”

Xia Lei snapped back to reality, he sighed. “Siyao, don’t ask.”

“You don’t trust me?”

“What are you talking about?” He was not in his best mood.

“I may have betrayed you but I swear it will not happen again.”

Xia Lei said, “Siyao, this isn’t about that. If I didn’t trust you, would I have helped you return? Would I have drunk with you?” He didn’t even reveal to Long Bing and Tang Yuyan about the secrets of the Chinese Zodiac Battle Team. He didn’t wish for Liang Siyao to know either.

“Alright then, let me tell you a secret.”

Xia Lei shook his head. “Siyao, you don’t have to...”

“I am the pig,” she said suddenly.

“Huh?” Xia Lei was stunned for a moment. “What did you say?”

“I am the pig,” she repeated.

Xia Lei looked at Liang Siyao with a different gaze. When Liang Siyao said she was a pig, he took it literally. However, the second time around, he felt like he understood something. Suddenly he thought of the Chinese Zodiac Battle Team and how curious he was about the current pig’s identity.

“What do you mean?” he probed.

“I am the pig.” It was the same thing.

“Quit joking around.” Xia Lei was very stern.

Liang Siyao suddenly hugged him. “You think I returned to China to serve the country? Or I returned because I was at a dead-end?”

Her body was soft but he was stiff.

Liang Siyao whispered into his ear, “You’re wrong, I returned to China because of you. When I was still in the CIA, I met your father. He told me that you were not safe. Not everyone in Bureau 101 was your friend and you needed a confidante in the bureau who could truly help you during times of need. I know this was completely a self-serving plan and I promised your father. I returned to China, joined the bureau and I was your confidante. I got rid of the previous Russian lady and replaced her, taking her position. I’m aware of the Chinese Zodiac Battle Team’s existence and I know how important it is to you.”

This was the reason why she betrayed the CIA to return to China and joined the Bureau.

He knew this was not as simple as working for a different company. If anyone caught wind of this, she would be killed! On the other hand, the CIA would release a kill order for their assassins and special forces team to get rid of her whenever they could!

She wanted to prove herself but while doing so, put her life at risk!

He knew the symbolism behind the pig of the team. People reared pigs to raise them and then slaughter them for their meat. In the past, Yevgeniya was in the same predicament. Now, it was Liang Siyao’s turn. The team required a character that could be sacrificed, the pig fulfilled this role.

His heart melted. The knots he had, the mental obstacles he had all vanished.

“You understand now?” Liang Siyao’s voice cracked. “For you, I will lay my life down. I am willing to die for you. I can give you anything, including my life and yet you refuse to give me a chance to be by your side?”

“Why tell me now?”

“If I told you I entered the Bureau 101 to be a spy for you, would you have agreed to it?”

If she had told him everything, he definitely would have objected it.

“I can’t believe my father. How could he do something like this to you? Do you know if you were found out, you will be shot dead!”

“I am willing to do whatever it takes for you. Don’t blame your father. He was also someone the Bureau 101 wanted to catch so he needed contact who could send him information from the inside.”

“Don’t work for Bureau 101 anymore. Resign and join me at my company tomorrow,” said Xia Lei.

“No, you have too many enemies. Shi Boren is hitting the retirement age soon, once he retires, can you guarantee that the new director will be on your side? I know you want to say that Tang Yuyan will be the new director but there is no absolute guarantee in a power play like this. ZN’s Ling Han and Fan Fan are an example of this. Everyone expected Ling Han but in the end, it was Fan Fan who took over. On the other hand, the Tangs’ have always been ambitious so if they had a better choice, Tang Yuyan might not become the director. You cannot control all these things. Once Bureau 101 no longer protects you, your true value will be exposed.”

“Siyao, how can you not understand...”

“No, I understand everything. What I don’t understand is you. Do you know the saying that the one who holds the treasure is in danger? The secret you hide within you is your biggest threat. You need me in Bureau 101. I have made my decision. Don’t tell your father either, he didn’t want you to learn of my identity.”

Xia Lei nodded soundlessly.

“Will you forgive me?” Liang Siyao gazed at him in anticipation. She looked anxious.

Xia Lei suddenly kissed her.

The kiss was his answer. It was more convincing than any words.

During the passionate kiss, everything she had ever done flashed across her mind. In Seoul, South Korea, she risked herself to save him. In Jerusalem, she neutralized the soldiers after him.

She had always been trying to correct what she had done. Now, she was using her life as a gambling chip to prove herself. If Xia Lei could still push her away so heartlessly in the face of such love, without so much as a chance, then he did not deserve her.

“Give it to me.” Liang Siyao clutched his belt, her hands shaking. “I have almost forgotten how it felt to be touched by you.”

It was as if her words cut directly into his heart. He had no way to control the burning passion in him anymore. With a swift motion, he carried her and strode towards a restaurant...

Because it was the closest to them.

Because the table was empty.

Because the silk pantyhose was ripped.

Because the all-cotton fabric had already been tugged aside...

The quiet night was no longer quiet, nor could the tightly closed windows and doors cut out the sounds from what was happening on the meal table and sister disciple’s moans. These peculiar sounds soon triggered a cacophony of crickets outside and the frogs in the pond who sang with joy.

After a few rounds of passionate lovemaking, the restaurant finally settled in a peaceful atmosphere.

Liang Siyao was quietly lying in his embrace, too lazy to do anything or say anything. Her heart was filled with joy. It felt great to reconcile with the man she loved.

“Siyao, I still don’t want you to stay in Bureau 101. You should resign and I’m serious about it.” Xia Lei caressed her dark hair, his eyes filled with worry.

“Can we not talk? I just want to lie here in your arms quietly forever.” Liang Siyao’s voice was soft and unenergetic.

Xia Lei was not the Xia Lei from years ago. If Xia Lei from years ago was the national football player of China, then he would be the Barcelona of the universe now.

Xia Lei thought to himself. “I’ll find another opportunity to talk to her again. This is too dangerous. If anything happens to her, how would I face Master?”

“I’m hungry.” Liang Siyao looked at him with her watery eyes.

Xia Lei said, “I’ll go check if there’s anything in the fridge and bring them over for you.”

“I don’t want anything from the fridge. I want something hot, I’ll get it myself alright?”

Xia Lei did not say anything.

Beep beep beep, beep beep beep...

The satellite phone in his clothes rang again.

Xia Lei quickly leaped off the table and fished out the phone from his pocket.

With a lick of her lips, she looked at him quietly.

Dark Mona’s voice came from the satellite phone. “Xia Lei, I have received your money. You’re a punctual man.”

“Stop with the bullshit. You have the money now. Send your men to Peshawar tomorrow, you will receive the remaining money tomorrow. I guarantee there will be no problems from the trade. I just want my people back.” Xia Lei could not wait to chop Dark Mona into pieces but his voice was filled with sincerity.

He paid the money, let go of his pride, all to save Amanda and Park Taeyong.

“Hehehe...” Dark Mona chuckled maliciously.

Sensing something, Xia Lei’s heart sank.

“Xia Lei, oh, Xia Lei, what can I say? You’re the most powerful opponent I have ever had, but also the most naive. With thirty million in hand, why would I bother releasing them?”

“Do not pull anything with me. Killing them will not bring any benefit to you.”

“Why not? Killing them would mean two less strong opponents to defeat when I come for you.”

“How dare you!” roared Xia Lei.

“It feels good to infuriate you. I have already made preparations, I will send you a picture later. If you want revenge, I welcome you to the training camps of Siberia. I am here.”

Xia Lei bit his lip so hard till he bled.

Abruptly, the sound of her angry shouts could be heard over the phone. “You shouldn’t have killed Gu Kewen! Do you know how valuable she was to me? You bastard! You killed Gu Kewen and thought I would let your people go! I’ll send them to hell...” Bang! Bang!

He heard two gunshots.

The line went silent.

Tears started to flow from Xia Lei’s eyes.

He soon received a picture on his satellite phone. Amanda and Park Taeyong were now dead. The cruelest thing was that not only did Dark Mona use a gun, but she also beheaded them. The blood flowing from their bodies took up a third of the photo.

“My photography skills aren’t too bad, don’t you think?” he heard Dark Mona’s voice once again.

Xia Lei took a deep breath. His voice sliced through the phone lie a knife, “I will personally cut you to pieces and feed the dogs. I will find the FA group’s headquarters and urinate on it.”

Dark Mona hung up.

Xia Lei stood still as if his soul had left his body.

“Lei Zi, I...” Liang Siyao wanted to comfort him but she didn’t know what to say.

Words seemed so feeble in the face of such a moment.

He suddenly said, “Siyao, search up the contact of the Knights Hospitaller.”

Liang Siyao was stunned for a moment. “Do you mean the Malta Knights?”

“It’s the same thing.”

“Why... Why do you need the Knights Hospitaller?”

He forced a word through his teeth. “Revenge.”

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