The Demon's Bride

Chapter 633: When We’re Together-II

Chapter 633: When We’re Together-II

Caleb opened his eyes, stopping himself from releasing the terrible memories that haunted him like a fierce ghost. His red eyes stared at the Satan and Leviathan and at once his expression that was once filled with complexes emotions and angers faded. He had instead, showed them a bleak look on his face.

"Since my resurrection, I have asked myself many times of this question. Why me?" Caleb looked at his hands, "The book summon demons randomly and yet out of everyone it could bring back life, why had it chosen me? Was this another of God\'s punishment? Hadn\'t it been enough what I have suffered? I kept questioning and questioning, wondering how can I stop myself from having to suffer more through this pain. I had enough. Enough of everything. Even though death didn\'t help me to meet her again, I was more in peace than having to stay on this world."

Leviathan\'s golden eyes fell on Caleb\'s hands that begin to move, "There\'s an easier answer, isn\'t there? Stop putting a fight and die peacefully but it appears that you are taking the other approach," said Leviathan as he begin to feel Caleb\'s power raising.

Caleb stared at Leviathan and shrugged his shoulders, "The curse of Diablo is still running in me. All I want has ever changed. I only need to be at peace, at rest. Then the person named Ernest told me that perhaps I can finally be at peace when I had destroyed both Heaven and Hell. It was his plan to do so, and also his offer to help me to die again. Tell me, your majesty, if I have finally created what is known as Hell to the three realms, won\'t God finally put me to death?"

Satan\'s eyes narrowed severely, "Foolish child! One mistake might not be able to avoid but you kept on making mistakes and judgement which are wrong!"

"Whatever it is, I don\'t care," responded Caleb who then disappeared from the place, appearing behind both Satan and Leviathan as he swung put a heavy sword, attacking toward Satan\'s heart. Satan wasn\'t happy at this. Seeing Caleb only reminded him of is younger self, who was still hot headed and wasn\'t able to clearly differentiate what had been wrong and what was right.

Caleb\'s wish had been simple. He wanted to death. His wish had been granted when Ian had died and took his curse, finally putting him to rest but now that he had resurrected back to life, it appears the curse doomed him again. Satan pitied the demon as like him, he had lost his lover and one knew it was a pain anyone could never fully recover from.

Satan saw Caleb\'s attack reaching toward him. His attacks with his sword had been quick regardless of how heavy his sword had been. But one slice of Caleb\'s sword caused the ground underneath them to break. Satan swiftly dodge all the attacks as his hand lunged forward to catch the boy\'s neck, Caleb had stopped his attack and looked at Satan with his once red eyes turning brown, "I… I\'m sorry. Please don\'t hurt me!" begged the small child with innocent tears on his eyes that caused Satan to be taken aback.

Satan was someone who can detect the sincerity behind apologies and Caleb had done it in a way that make his apologize appeared to be genuine. It was as if… as if a child was crying, pleading for forgiveness toward him.

"Move away!" From the side, Leviathan shouted. Satan who caught his son\'s words quickly jumped behind avoiding himself to be impaled by the same sword Caleb had used.

Satan\'s eyebrows knit in a knot, "Petty tricks!"

Leviathan raised his hand toward his father. "Is the child\'s soul inside that body, Caleb?" Having seen all the pain Elise went through being retracing Elise\'s memories, Leviathan knew who William was and how dear the boy was to Elise who regretted being late during the time of his death.

Caleb didn\'t answer but a smirk widely pulled one side of his lips. The innocent look of the boy had turned mad.

"You have to see for yourself but remember if that boy\'s soul is in me. Your attack might demolish the only small part of his life inside me," answered Caleb who continue to resume his attack. Although his body was short, Caleb had used his small body to his advantage, making him more nimble with his attack and faster due to his demonic power that strengthen all part of his body.

There had been chances for Satan or Leviathan to attack Caleb or even puncture injuries to his body. However, a trouble had arises and it was the possibility of William\'s soul residing inside Caleb. The only chances for Satan and Leviathan was by crushing Caleb\'s core where his soul dwell in but if they had done that, it was possible that they won\'t only kill Caleb\'s soul to the point of disappearing for eternity, but also the soul of William.

As the fight became more virulent, Caleb had managed to graze Leviathan\'s chest, using the advantage of knowing the latter won\'t be able to attack him. Fighting demons had been taught to Leviathan\'s bone but not to attack without killing his enemy, making him annoyed by how the situation gradually decreasing.

Just when Caleb saw a chance to pierce Satan\'s chest with his sword, a blasting explosion had sounded from the Black Sea which had stopped the fight for a good one minute. Caleb\'s eyes who stared at the end of the sea saw a small figure soaring on the sky, his pitch black wings spreading over the sky where light begin to appear.

It was the first sign of Ian\'s resurrection and the second sign was felt by all creatures in both Heaven and Hell who felt a chilling presence that had been awakened. In one instance, the heaven was shaken and Hell was startled; while both Ernest and Camael was stunned at disturbing presence they felt that had made their flesh crawl.

"It\'s him," Leviathan said, narrowing his eyes as he also spotted the figure of Ian flying on the sky. Leviathan who didn\'t forgot the fight had quickly resumed it when he turned back, seeing Caleb had disappeared.

Satan who had turned to see how Caleb managed to slipped from his fingers remained silence. "That mark on his wrist. It was a taboo magic."

"Mark?" Leviathan didn\'t see it at first until he remembered seeing one from being reminded by his father. "What taboo magic?"

"Enslavement," replied Satan. "It means that Caleb had been following one person\'s order and he has no choice but to follow their orders, no matter how gruesome it is. But that taboo magic. It is only something that I knew and… him."


A/N: Don\'t forget to vote~

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