The Demon's Bride

Chapter 469: Driven White Gown-II

Chapter 469: Driven White Gown-II

Not only was Elise who was surprised but Ian was taken by the sudden news he found.

"How sure you are of the words you said?" Ian asked, demanding for answer. It only comes to him until now that his mother was hiding many things he was never aware of. Such of it was that she had some friends to sent letter with. Now that he had seen the letters, he remembered of the days when he came to visit his mother on the tall isolated tower of the mansion where she would have some quill and inkwell but nothing ever seem to appear on what she was writing on the table. There was no paper and he often asked her what she wrote.

He could hear his mother\'s voice on the back of his ears like yesterday, \'I was writing a wish, folding it into this shape and let it run free to the sky. Maybe then someone would hear my wish.\' His mother chuckled. When he asked again what her wish was, she replied that her wish was all for his safety and health.

"More than how I\'m sure the amount of frown that would appear on Michael\'s face when seeing me," answered Lucifer smoothly.

Elise was still stunned, however. She didn\'t know how to take the news with. Her eyes then fell again to her necklace. Going by what Lucifer said, Raziel was her grandfather which also explain why Lady Lucy\'s pendant would look similar to hers. It was because both her mother and Lady Lucy had received them from the same person.

Elise pursed her lips, parting to ask, "How much do you know about Angel Raziel?"

Lucifer\'s eyes sank for a while and his answer was delayed with a brief silence, "He was a very quiet one. He love humans more than any angels did until he couldn\'t go back because he fell for a human woman. The woman then gave birth to a baby and she was your mother. Adelaide was her name if I don\'t remember it wrongly. At that time, Angels who had a relationship with human was considered a blasphemy. Many, I mean everyone in Heaven was in chaos as they were not able to agree with Raziel\'s choice."

"What happened then?" Ian questioned, watching how Lucifer\'s signature smile went missing as he spoke.

"He was ripped away from his loved one, dragged to Heaven and had his wings torn. That was the first time anyone in Heaven ever had their wings torn. When the time comes for his wife to die he wasn\'t able to see her death. I heard he raised a little war to Heaven in order to see his dead wife on her last movements."

The story of her grandfather was no less easy than any other stories Elise had heard. Her heart went for her grandfather who she had never seen before, sympathizing with his pain and loss. While she asked why no one from her family had ever searched for her, she learned that there were more layered stories that was slowly revealed until now.

"How is he now?" Elise was grateful thee was Lucifer to tell her about her grandfather.

"Locked in the highest punishment tower in Heaven. He is punished to never stepped away from Heaven. It was unfair. Amongst all Angel, I found him a rather peaceful fiend. We never shared a lengthy talk but we didn\'t share a terrible relationship. But to think he was the one to ignore my sister\'s plead of help," Lucifer\'s words dropped from a high altitude. His voice, sounded icy.

Not wanting the High Demon to mistaken it, Elise quickly said, "I don\'t think it my grandfather did it willingly. He expressed that he wouldn\'t be able to talk with her again and had requested her to request anything to someone else whom he trust in his place."

"Rather, it wasn\'t Raziel whom my mother begged to with the letters," Ian raised the two letters, one letter was written by Lady Lucy and the other one was sent by Raziel. Flipping the two letters, his fingers pointed to the two different address that was written.

Lucifer\'s eyes narrowed, he asked in his mind who it could be that his sister talked with other than Raziel. He thought of how a shame it was that he didn\'t know who his sister talked with, not been noticing that she was a friend letter to the famous Raziel until today. He only realized how he had distanced himself form his sister when he should have stayed beside her more like a glue or maybe spent time as a human with her even if it was something he would never do. For her sake it was just a simple thing.

But things that had been broken cannot be fix. Even if one was to glue them back together, the sparkles had long been lost.

In time the four of them heard heavy flap of wings. A noisy chatters accompanied the new guests\' arrival. "Shove your hand away from me!" Esther said with all frustration, trying to pull herself from Beelzebub\'s arm.

Beelzebub watched the woman struggle and he smiled, "You know, saying no to a demon will only sound like more and yes." He whispered breathily against her ears, causing shivers to cover Esther neck.

Esther\'s eyes snapped with a glower. "I don\'t like to entertain dogs, Mr. Beelzebub. Especially those that doesn\'t know when it is to obey their master\'s order!" Esther yelled as she raised her fist which was easily restrained by Beelzebub.

"Does that mean you claim to be my master?" Beelzebub pulled a smile, "How dare you, calling me, Beelzebub a dog and claim to be my master? It is said that a dog cannot be leashed unless they are fed well. Where is my food, master?"

Esther\'s neck turn red from the anger that bubbled from the depth of her heart. Balling her had to a tight fist, she was ready to give the man a punch or claw to his heart when all of a sudden Beelzebub released her waist without adding any of his nasty behavior.

Surprised, Esther stared at his eyes that turned sharp and immediately turn to look behind. Her eyes widened at the sight of the tall man who was dressed so lightly in a black robe. His long black hair had been tied to the left side of his shoulders, letting it scattered all over. Esther hadn\'t spent too much time in Hell but there was no need for question on who this man was.

It was Lucifer!

"You came," Lucifer said, and Esther felt anxiousness climbing to her heart as if he was speaking to her which she noticed was wrong then as Lucifer\'s eyes went straight to Beelzebub. His smile widened, showing his teeth that gleamed in menace, "After putting a great act last time, surely I cannot forget to thank you, Beel."

"Kill him for later," Ian interrupted and Lucifer looked at him with his lips thinned to a line. "We have other thing to take care."

Lucifer still wasn\'t convinced and Elise said, "We need to read the letter and know who Lady Lucy is speaking with, Mr. Lucifer."

"Luci," the High Demon corrected.

Elise looked at him with her blue eyes innocently inquiring after his words. She didn\'t get what Lucifer wanted from hr by only the four letters.

"Call me Luci like you did in the past. It makes me feel less of an outsider if you do so and I will let this man\'s life spared for now."

If no blood should be unnecessarily shed, Elise was ready to comply. "Mr. Luci." Lucifer shook his head and Elise felt an awkwardness of pulling the words out for her mouth. It might be easy when she was young but not as she had gotten older to call Lucifer in his nickname. "Luci..."

"Great, let\'s get back to the letters then," Lucifer turned back his face to meet Ian\'s gaze that had been settling on him. When he smiled, Ian ignored the offer and went to take the rest of the two letters.

The first letter that was sent was a measly invitation to a ball which the three of them see of no importance while the other letters said, "Indeed as you have said, milady. The current situation is not feasible for you to come and visit Hell. A news came to my ears that unfortunately Lucifer, your brother was taken to the prison of Hell and his punishment as ruled out today. He might not be able to come and visit you but I will be available at any time you wish. It is also a wish of him as well and was something he had requested. Awaiting for your reply."

The particular letter held no name of who had written the letter. By time, Esther had entered with Beelzebub to the hut but she feared Lucifer and stood at the far end corner, near Elise in case if her life was threatened. For once, she also think it was alright to have Beelzebub standing near her.

Elise who had read the letters aloud as it was impossible for six eyes to read the letter at the same time lifted her head. Her eyes always met Ian\'s first before they both shifted gaze to Lucifer.

"You know this person?" Ian questioned but Elise see no need to ask the question because at once, Lucifer\'s eyes that was bright red veiled with a cruel black gaze. The white part of his eyeball had turned black, and the intensity of the room caused both Esther and Hallow to hide deeper into the place they found the most safe. In the midst of fear, Beelzebub upon seeing Esther moving closer to him broke to a grin.

"This is an utter bullshits! I have never asked anyone from Hell to speak with Lucy because none of them is trustworthy. I would have asked Malphas," his fist tightened and his voice boomed inside the small house. "Give me the letter," he demanded.

Elise passed the letters to his hand, letting Lucifer take it and watched how he pulled the letter to his nose. "It smells like Hell but also angels."

Ian, who had stood behind Elise, reading the letter with his privilege of being taller also had a frown on his forehead. To think that in his mother\'s death there seems to be things he was yet to discover. "Do you think you can pinpoint whose smell it is?"

Elise knew that the two demons, both Ian and Lucifer wished to know more about Lady Lucy and whose name she had called before her death but now it was apparent that someone might have dipped their hands to Lady Lucy\'s death by forging a letter that sounded as if he was instructed by Lucifer to do so.

"No but a trip to Hell should help to find out who he is," Lucifer said with his jaw set. "I was planning to stay here as your wedding would be held right in another two days. I will make sure not to be late for the ceremony but for now, there are things I also need to find. Malphas!"

Malphas ran back to Lucifer\'s side with his breathings in disarray. His hair that was combed back to look stricter fell all over is forehead, turning him almost similar to a black mushroom. "Y-Yes, master?"

"We are going to Hell!" Announced Lucifer and he took a step forward only to stop and turn to look at Elise, "Dear, is there anything else you are going to do now?"

Elise questioned his sudden inquire of her schedule. "We will be going to the Church to drop the books Elise borrowed." Ian was the one to answer in her stead, making sure Elise speak less with Lucifer as he still sees the man as untrustworthy and seed of trouble if not chaos. "There is an angel there whom you might also know," Ian added, referring to the priest who had asked him to drink holy water to show Elise that he was a Demon.

Ian was someone who never forget anyone\'s kindness on him as well as their evil behavior as he always not it in his mind when serving back the karma.

"Interesting," hummed Lucifer. "I was going to ask if there is anything you wish for your wedding?" Lucifer\'s eyes looked at her deeply.

Elise didn\'t expect Lucifer to be the one to ask the question after Ian. She looked back at her future husband and a smile on her lips. She has everything she needed, a beautiful ceremony, a wedding gown, and a husband who swore his life for her just like she did for him. The vow is the last thing to finalize their union. She was satisfied with everything and couldn\'t wish for anything more. But frankly, there was one single thing she wished. She wished for one person\'s attendance.

In her dream, Elise wish to hold her marriage with her family, the Scotts. Now that they weren\'t here and with her birth mother\'s death, that leaves only one person which is her father. But would he want to come to her wedding though? Elise didn\'t know how to meet him and wondered if she could ask Lucifer to do that in her stead. But then he was still serving his punishment.?Elise knew not to wish for the moon and settled for what she had.

After a while of contemplating, Elise then shook her head. She held Ian\'s hand that slipped so naturally between her fingers, "I am happy with all the arrangement."

Lucifer continue to stare at her for a good five seconds before smiling, "Wonderful. Pass me the books you want to return to the Church. As a wedding bride take as much a beautiful sleep you need and leave this kind of things to me or your servants."

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