The Demon's Bride

Chapter 365: Unbinding The Magic-III

Chapter 365: Unbinding The Magic-III

A/N: I am down with illness and fever. So today I might only upload one chapter, sorry everyone TT

Once all of her memories were run loose, Elise felt better after her tears had dried. She pulled herself together, knowing that the time was crucial now as they needed information, and she could save her tears when more memories which people had erased from her would come back. "I cannot understand why they want to erase or tinker my memory."

Ian smirked, his eyes rolling as a facetious smile appeared on his lips, "That\'s how most people are in this world, they are selfish to the core, for all they care about is themselves sometimes in many cases they even disregard their family members. If others are hurt why should they care?"

"It\'s wrong to do that. Hurting others never justify even with their reason to protect themselves," Elise answered and Ian pulled a sincere smile. He knew that this when Elise shines the most— whenever she stood by her principles, unbending.

"Yet that is how most people lives, that\'s also why Heaven had lost his soulmate," said Ian, turning his gaze on the Angel who had lost his eyes years ago even longer than two hundred years. Elise turned her eyes to Heaven, seeing his smile turning smaller.

"I don\'t blame them, humans," Heaven said, even though he couldn\'t see, he could tell the expression Elise had as he could tell with blind eyes the amount of brightness coming from the girl\'s soul. "They were indeed the one who had killed my wife, thinking that I was a heinous being, but I forgave them."

When Elise frowned wondering what happen, Ian save her space of thinking by saying, "They were living in a small village far on the left side of Runalia when someone witness him having wings."

"It\'s hard to be vigilant when you are living in a very small place," said Heaven, still smiling but Elise could see that he hadn\'t made a peace of her death. It was why he was here in the forest, creating mists while protecting his wife\'s remains. "It\'s not a very pretty story. Runalia was filled with humans who hated other mythical beings much less with ones they are not familiar with who had wings. They didn\'t kill my wife deliberately either. I suppose it was an accident as she tried to protect me."

"If it was me, I would have turn those villager\'s live a living hell," Ian remarked, and Heaven chuckled. He knew Ian wasn\'t the least kidding, if he had spoken it mean he could put it to action.

Elise could tell Heaven had passed over the sadness, and she could also see how he was saying the truth when he claimed he didn\'t hold grudge against the humans, "How do you do that?" asked Elise, having Heaven to inclined his head to his shoulders, "Stopping the hatred I mean," because when she thinks about dark sorcerers, she could feel her ability balled underneath her palm. Anger bubbles in her which made it hard for her to fully control her newfound power.

"I don\'t have anything to teach or tell you about that," Heaven smiled and he brought his hand over his eyes, "It took me a hundred and another half to be able to relinquish my hatred. Time is what you need to help you go through everything you feel now."

"I see," Elise whispered, it was as she had thought, time was what she needed or she would have to soak her hand on the dark sorcerer\'s blood before gaining her peacefulness, though she doubted she would be happy when seeing others died in revenge just like when her aunt did.

"Who do you think put the spell on her?" questioned Ian then, having Heaven to turned his face while thinking.

"I honestly don\'t know. I can feel it has connection with me but at the same time I don\'t. Your mother, she was also a daughter of an Archangel," said Heaven and Elise nodded her head.

"Yes, I know, we have also found out that my father was the Devil\'s son," answered Elise and Heaven only hum, didn\'t appear surprised as if he knew it. "Do you know who he is?" Heaven shook his head.

"Heaven is secretive," said Heaven with a smile.

"And down right dirty while being clean at the same time," Ian chimed with a chuckle, "The only clean place must be the place where they kept the innocent souls. If they don\'t, I will need to have a talk with God." Elise was sure Ian was concerned about the place where his mother was living now, in Heaven. Though she wasn\'t sure of how serious he was by wanting to have a meeting with God. The Angel who posses the same name as the holy place chuckled, appearing to not be offended by his remark.

Still curious, Elise then asked him, "How do you know my mother?"

"Your mother sent a signal of help," said Heaven in reply, "I reckon it is something her father must have given to her. Once it is set, angels would come to help their siblings, as for how she did it, I wasn\'t aware of it. Then I came there to save you and your mother mother from a man named Barner."

Elise\'s eyes widened. The puzzles now fit! "I remember that. Barner threatened my mother."

"And raised his hand on you two," Heaven attested, "I believe you then turned his hand to ashes. He managed to run and I was about to save him, but your mother was in panic as you fell ill after the sudden blast of power you exerted, straining your body."

Ian could guess where this was going for, he asked, "Did she had nosebleed, a terrible one that could almost danger normal people?" His red eyes peered the Angel who appeared slightly taken aback.

"Yes. And I take that it happened again. Your power is not lethal, Elise. It is lethal if you cannot use it under your own violation but Diablo would be able to help you with it. He studies fast, taught by a good teacher would help you."

"He already did, it is under a better control with me now," Elise answered, sharing a gaze with Ian who smirked.

"That\'s great. Which means the nosebleed happen because your body is trying to cope with the new situation of two bloodline running in you. Coming from where we left off earlier, soon after I healed a part of you which seemed to be damaged from shock, your mother thanked me and asked if I could help her by containing your power. I did helped her but I also reminded her that it is impossible to fully to quell your power. She told me that it was fine. It was also at that time she revealed who your father was."

Elise felt her heart moved and some sparkles appear on her eyes, "Did she tells you who he was or whose his name was?"

"I\'m sorry," said Heaven to Elise\'s dismay. He could tell Elise was very looking forward to know her father. "She only said Levi was his name. I\'m not sure if it might help, but I can tell you there is a few Demons named similarly to that. Levion, Levitalius, Ardenalevi, and Leviathan. They are all high Demons. Going by the fact he is the Devil\'s son, we can conclude he must posses a great power in him."

"Leviathan," whispered Elise with narrowed eyes.

"Is that name familiar?" Ian inquired dutifully, seeing his bride shaking her head.

"Father Redrick advised me to read about Leviathan, but I haven\'t been able to read what was written in the Demonic book because the words were written strangely." Elise said. Ian who could smell a smoke raised his thick black brows. His red eyes showed a glow that cast red shadows to his hair that fell on his forehead. Was it coincidence? He doubt that. Demon are the least prone to what human said coincidence. If a Demon is involve no one should ever think what happened to them happened was by a chance or fate. They have been webbed to the trapped like a spider and butterfly. Once they get caught it was the end into it.

"We will read it once we get home," Ian said, he found Heaven looking upward gazing at the sky regardless of the fact that he had given his eyes to Heaven in exchange to leave his once most peaceful home. "I didn\'t get to ask you this earlier. Why the thick fog? I know you have always kept such barrier but today felt worse."

"The souls," said Heaven with a deep frown, "I felt the movements of many souls from the place on Heaven to earth."

Movement of souls? Elise asked in her mind. "I thought souls cannot shift place once they are taken in either Heaven or Hell?"

"That is correct, and this is why it\'s strange. It\'s as if the dead is coming back to the living."

Elise\'s eyes snapped to meet Ian, both of them looked at each other with brows raised, "The experiments. They are bringing the dead back to life!"

"Oh no, good Heaven!" Heaven said in whisper.

"Tch, they keep doing what they cannot do and crossed the line. Well Heaven and Hell is going to be busy," Ian sang his remark, "Don\'t worry we have caught the small tail of dark sorcerer. Soon I can feel we are going to meet them head on," in slaughter Ian added his words in his mind once he had assured Elise who was concerned.

Elise felt a sudden chill when thinking about the dead coming back to life. The resurrection of the dead was everyone\'s wishes but also a chaos if it truly happen. As no one could tell whether the souls that were given the second chance was a good one or an evil one. Knowing the dark sorcerers, it would be best to think of the latter, thought Elise.


A/N: I\'m in the hospital next chapter is due another few hours~

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