The Glory After Rebirth

Chapter 318 - Jiang Shennians Choice

Chapter 318: Jiang Shennian’s Choice

The borderlands.

“Marshal, are you going to that border city in Youzhou?” asked Jiang Ke the deputy commander.

“Given the domestic situation of the Wan Kingdom, the troops they sent to Youzhou are probably all they’ve got. It’s an all-out attack and they’re hell-bent on taking that city. Youzhou must not fall. I have to be there directing the operations personally. You stay here and keep your eyes peeled,” said Yuwen Tong. “Time is short, so let’s get started. Call all the others in.”

Jiang Ke said no more, immediately walked off and called the core group of officers in to have a meeting.

Four hours later, after all necessary arrangements were made, Yuwen Tong set out for the border city in Youzhou without more ado.


The capital city.

Ling Zhaowu’s words turned out to be prophetic. A reply from the garrison of Jiangzhou did arrive. They’d just procrastinated for two days.

During the past two days, Fang Quan who didn’t dare give up on the Jiang family entirely had been trying to get in touch with them all along, but all his messages went unanswered, which rendered Fang Quan somewhat helpless and at the same time put him on the alert. Please go and support our new domain!.When the reply from Jiangzhou arrived, though they were asking for a lot in return for their help, Fang Quan had no choice but to accept.

At the same time, Ling Zhang also received a message from Jiangzhou saying that Jiangzhou garrison had been mobilized, that they were now gathering supplies and would march north in two days at the latest.

Miao Shisan sent a message to the garrison of Shengzhou who had covertly moved south, telling them to get ready. He then made two copies of the letter from the garrison of Jiangzhou, one of which was delivered to the capital city, and the other to the commander of Shengzhou garrison.

At this time, all troops of the garrison of Yanzhou had entered Cangzhou and been put under the command of the General Zhongwu (AKA the General of Loyalty and Valor). Ling Zhang was still expecting an up-to-date battlefield report on the fight against the rebel army in Cangzhou...

“According to the agreed protocol, Dai Cheng should send us a battlefield report today, but it’s already midnight, and the report still hasn’t arrived. I think either something happened to the messenger or the front... or something happened to Dai Cheng. Either way, it’s not good news for us. I hope Yue Qi and Ji Chaofang would kill Dai Cheng in time,” said Ling Zhaowu.

Ling Zhang was also worried. “I’ve already had Miao Shisan deliver a letter to the General Zhongwu, telling him to be prepared, lest he get caught off guard when Dai Cheng’s men turn their coats.”

Ling Zhaowu inclined his head. “That might not be a bad move. At least we’ll have some time to do damage control if things really go south.”

During the next two days, the capital city lapsed into a weird lull.

In the meantime, Ling Zhang went to the residence of the Assistant Minister of Rites to pay Yuwen Feng a visit, but Yuwen Zhi refused to let him in, so he didn’t see Yuwen Feng that day.

Ling Zhang didn’t insist. He had some time ago had enough of Yuwen Zhi’s unruly deeds. Since Yuwen Zhi had a death wish, he had no reason to stop Yuwen Zhi from getting what he deserved, so he decided to just let it be, feeling that maybe it was a good thing that Yuwen Feng was under house arrest and didn’t have to get involved in this matter. As regards what might happen to Yuwen Feng in the future, Ling Zhang believed it was best if he let Yuwen Tong worry about that.Read latest chapters at


In the residence of the Jiang family.

“Father, what should we do? There hasn’t been any news from the outside for ages. I wonder whether or not Fang Quan and the others have ever tried to reach us. They’re such a bunch of morons,” huffed Jiang Chengfeng.

“From the vantage point of the present, we can’t get any messages out, and they can’t send any messages in here, which means it’s not that Fang Quan and the others are not trying, but that this bastard surnamed Xie laying siege to our house is being too stubborn.” Jiang Shennian was also very angry. “If things keep going on like this any longer, Fang Quan would definitely give up trying to save us in order not to waste any more time, so we’ve got to figure something out to save ourselves.”

“Save ourselves? How? That bastard surnamed Xie neither listens to reason nor bows to force, and Chu Liangyan is too cowardly to even meet us face to face, and those soldiers’ skulls are just thick as that of their commander. If we are to save ourselves, we’ll have to at least figure out a way to meet them first, won’t we?” said Jiang Chengfeng.

“They’re keeping us under house arrest but didn’t kill any of us, which means they have misgivings. It would be detrimental to Yuwen Tong’s reputation if any members of the Jiang family are killed under his men’s watch... Give me some more time to think it over. We need to get them to come here and meet us on their own account,” said Jiang Shennian.

Jiang Yu, who had been keeping silent all along, walked out and asked, “Grandfather, are you considering resorting to the ruse of self-injury?”

Jiang Shennian gave a nod. “I don’t really have a choice.”

Jiang Yu’s lips clamped together. “I think that’s going to be a long shot. The encirclement of this place is so tight that nobody out there could get any news of us. Will anybody give a damn about whether we’re alive or dead?”

“If a member of the Jiang family dies here for no reason, it would be a stain on Yuwen Tong’s reputation and jeopardize his chance of taking the throne, so they WILL do something about it!” said Jiang Chengfeng.

Jiang Yu flicked a glance at him. “I’m just worried that by laying siege to our house, they’re just putting on an act for outsiders to watch, and they don’t really care whether or not any of us will die in here. After all, none of us knows if Yuwen Tong values his reputation. He’s a military officer, not a civil official who sets great store by his repute like a bird by its feathers.”

Jiang Chengfeng furrowed his brows. “Stay out of this. We need to give it a try.”

Jiang Yu took a deep breath, shifted his gaze from his father to Jiang Shennian and said, “Grandfather, I’m just afraid it’s within their power to make our lives hell, given that they have the power to besiege us. We don’t want to end up being hoist by our own petards, so we need to cautious.”

Jiang Chengfeng spat with a frown, “Shut your mouth.”

Jiang Shennian, however, had a thoughtful face. “Yu’er may have a point. It’s best if we reconsider this.”

“Father! We must not dither. We have to take immediate action. Otherwise Fang Quan will give up on us completely. This is a chance for the Jiang family to make a comeback. Surely we’re not going to let it slip away?” demurred Jiang Chengfeng.

Jiang Shennian raised his head to look out into the sky. After quite a while, he said, “How can you be so sure Fang Quan is going to succeed? Yuwen Tong is the most formidable antagonist I’ve ever met. Seeing as he dared to go to the borderlands leaving Fang Quan and the Eighth Prince in this city in these circumstances, there’s no doubt he has taken some precautionary measures. Had we not been under siege, we’d still stand a chance of helping the Eighth Prince accede to the throne, but now... Fang Quan and the others don’t have what it takes to make it happen.”

“I think you’re overestimating our enemies and underestimating ourselves, Father.” Jiang Chengfeng was unconvinced. “Moreover, the Eighth Prince is kin to us. If Yuwen Tong, rather than a prince of the Zhou family, is enthroned, what good could it possibly do us? Yuwen Tong has no love for any of us.”

“But we have no quarrel with Yuwen Tong, after all. ‘To take no action is better than to take any.’ Given the current circumstances, there’s no action we can take that doesn’t involve great risks, so I think we might as well just stay put,” observed Jiang Yu.

Beside himself with rage, Jiang Chengfeng almost turned around to slap his son across the face but caught himself just in time. “What’s got into you exactly? Do you by any chance still have feelings for Yuwen Tong?!”

Jiang Yu’s face darkened and he glared at Jiang Chengfeng, an incredulous look in his eyes. “What do you mean by that remark, Father? I’m your son, not your enemy. All I did was just express my opinions. You can’t belittle me just because I don’t see things the way you do. I’ve long since dismissed those pointless ideas from my mind, and I thought everybody could see that I did. It never crossed my mind my own father would make such a wild accusation against me. Is this what your son is like in your eyes? A shameless, lovesick puppy? Are you disparaging me or yourself?!”

“You–!” Jiang Chengfeng was rendered speechless by Jiang Yu’s sharp retort, his face dark with fury.

“That’s enough,” said Jiang Shennian. His sulky eyes raked over Jiang Chengfeng and Jiang Yu and eventually rested on the latter. “Yu’er, this is not how you talk to your father.”

Jiang Yu hung his head. “I’m sorry for my problematic choice of words, Grandfather.”

Jiang Chengfeng was still glowering at Jiang Yu, who directly rose to his feet and continued, “But Grandfather, it was for the Jiang family’s sake that I said that. The Jiang family is like a big tree – we’re quietly standing here with our roots deep in the ground, posing no threat to anybody. Actually, being besieged and trapped in here has its compensations. If we are under house arrest, we would have a good chance of survival no matter whether it is the Eighth Prince or Yuwen Tong who accedes to the throne eventually, so please be discreet about every decision you are going to make next, Grandfather. After all, once we take action, it would mean that we tilt in favor of the Eighth Prince. Moreover, chances are that those people out there would inflict something worse than death on us if we make our move. The future emperor will seek to settle old scores with his enemies. If the Eighth Prince succeeds to the throne, we’ll be useless pawns for him; and if Yuwen Tong takes the throne, we’ll surely be exterminated. Not matter what your final decision is, you’ll have my full support, and I’ll do everything within my power to fight for the Jiang family’s survival, so please, Grandfather, be cautious about the decision you make.”

After saying this, Jiang Yu made a bow with hands folded in front and then left.

Consumed with fury, Jiang Chengfeng bellowed, “This unfilial son is getting more unruly by the day!”

Jiang Shennian silently looked at him, inwardly let out a sigh and unnoticeably shook his head.

“Father, don’t listen to a word of that brat. We need to act as soon as possible,” said Jiang Chengfeng.

However, Jiang Shennian was wavering in his determination. “Let me give it some more thought.”


“Enough. You may leave. I need quiet.”

“...Yes, Father.”Read latest chapters at L

After Jiang Chengfeng left, Jiang Shennian limply sprawled in his chair and exhaled deeply.

Jiang Yu’s words had helped him come to realize that in these circumstances, for the Jiang family staying put was a far better choice than taking action. After all, the Jiang family no longer wielded great power in the imperial court now. If he laid low, the Jiang family would probably end up becoming an ordinary family, but at least they’d still be alive; if he attempted to stage a comeback, he’d be risking the lives of all his family, and it’d take only one single wrong decision to cause all of them to meet their ends.

More importantly, the overall political situation out there was not really favorable for them. It seemed that the Zhou family’s days as the imperial household were really numbered. Yuwen Tong’s army of supporters was too massive to be equaled. Even if they really managed to take the capital city, one day they would still have to face Yuwen Tong’s troops on the battlefield, and when that day came, would they stand a chance of winning?

Jiang Shennian ruminated over it for a very long time, looking as though he had just aged several years.

Jiang Shennian even couldn’t help but wonder whether or not it was really because of his old age that he was being overcautious and so indecisive, lacking the dash and courage he used to have when he’d been in his youth.

Still, aside from anything else, he had to take into consideration the lives of over a hundred members of the Jiang family.


“Young Master?”

Jiang Yu paused and looked up into the sky. For quite a while, he gazed motionlessly as the servant watched in fear. Eventually, without uttering a single word, Jiang Yu withdrew his eyes and continued progressing.

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