The Glory After Rebirth

Chapter 287 - A Return Visit to Tongguan Town

Chapter 287: A Return Visit to Tongguan Town

The date they’d agreed on half a month ago came, and Ling Zhang had been waiting since early in the morning. According to their agreement, Ji Yanlai was supposed to give the drug to them on this day.

There was no telling whether or not Ling Zhaowu had perceived something, but he had been silent all along since he’d got up, and wherever Ling Zhang went, he followed on his heels, as though afraid of being abandoned.

“Father, we’ll go back home together after we get the drug,” Ling Zhang consoled him.

Ling Zhaowu looked at him. “Go back home?”

“We’ll return to Tanyang. Grandfather and Uncle are waiting for you there,” said Ling Zhang.

“Tanyang...” Ling Zhaowu murmured repeatedly, his eyes staring somewhat vacantly, as though remembering something.

Ling Zhang fixed him with an expectant gaze but at the same time was on the alert, fearing that his father might suffer another seizure.

After a few moments’ trance, Ling Zhaowu’s face started to show signs of pain. Ling Zhang interrupted him at the sight of this. “Father!”

On hearing Ling Zhang’s shout, Ling Zhaowu gave a start and subconsciously looked at him.

“Let’s go and start packing.” Ling Zhang supported him to his feet, eyes on him.

His attention distracted, Ling Zhaowu’s headache gradually ebbed away. It seemed as if he wouldn’t have a fit as long as he didn’t think too deeply.

This time around, Mr. Mu would leave with them, so apart from Ling Zhang and Yuwen Tong who were helping Ling Zhaowu with the packing, Mr. Mu had also been packing his bag since early in the morning.Read latest chapters at L

When the packing was almost finished, Ji Yin showed up, holding a medicine phial and a jade pendant in his hand.

Ji Yin first returned the pendant to Ling Zhang, which had become blackish green and lustrous again. As sunlight hit it, a gleam flowed across its surface and then gradually sank into the center, a refreshing medicinal aroma emanating from it. Ling Zhang took the pendant which gave his palm a cool sensation. Given its familiar shape, this was indeed his jade pendant.

Seeing its sheen, Ling Zhang found this whole thing amazing and was now slightly more convinced of Ji Yanlai’s words.

Ji Yanlai had said that this pendant had acknowledged him as its master, and also faintly implied that there were some secrets hidden in this pendant which were closely linked to his rebirth, so Ling Zhang naturally set great store by it. After taking it, he solemnly put it on a string and wore it around his neck into his collar.

After he put away the pendant, Ji Yin handed him the medicine phial and, with a delighted face, said in an excited tone, “The pills are ready. There are two of them, one for your father to treat his illness, the extra one for you.”

Ling Zhang was very surprised. “For me?”

“The Clan Leader said that since you’ve adopted our method to cultivate internal energy and are more talented than others, you deserve to be treated as a half-disciple of the Millennium Pavilion, though you’re not officially a clan member, which was why he gave you an extra pill.” Ji Yin relayed Ji Yanlai’s message.Read latest chapters at L

Fairly reasonable as those words sounded, Ling Zhang knew very well that this kind of pills were very rare and precious and even official members of this clan would scramble for them, but he had been offered two at a time, which showed that Ji Yanlai was investing a lot in this deal with them.

Ling Zhang took the medicine phial. “I want to go and thank the Clan Leader in person. Where is he?”

Ji Yin shook his head. “The Clan Leader started closed-door cultivation right after making the pills, saying that this pendant of yours provided some enlightenment which he needed a stint of closed-door cultivation to further comprehend, that he wouldn’t be seeing us off and we could leave whenever it’s convenient for us. To ensure our safety, the Clan Leader has made arrangements for two guards to go downhill with us. They are both kung fu experts. With their protection, your father and Mr. Mu would have less less concerns about safety.”

Ling Zhang inclined his head. “That’s very considerate of the Clan Leader. It seems that I’ll have to wait until the occasion arises to thank him.”

Maybe Ji Yanlai had sent these two men here purely out of his intention to help, and maybe it was because he wanted them to spy on them. Either way, these two men could be of help, so Ling Zhang raised no objections.

Ji Yin said, “Have you finished packing? If you have, we may set off in an hour.”

All of them had almost got everything ready, but before leaving, they felt that they had to express their gratitude to Ya the servant. Not having carried anything valuable with him that he could gift Ya with, Ling Zhang gave him a token. Yuwen Tong also gave him a token of the Yuwen family.

“Sorry we don’t have anything else to give you. This is my token. If some day you’re in Tanyang or the capital city, you may visit the Ling family or me. The other one is Yuwen Tong’s token, which carries more weight than mine. It’s useful in basically every city of the Great Yue. It’ll prove helpful to you when you’re in need.”

Ya said in a deep voice, “Thank you.”

“We’re the ones who should say thank you, for tending my father. The chance of us seeing each other again elsewhere is rather slim, so take care of yourself.”

Ya bobbed his head. He was taciturn but very poised.

After taking their leave of Ya, Ling Zhang and Yuwen Tong, carrying Ling Zhang’s and Mr. Mu’s baggage respectively, left the courtyard house with the other three. When they had walked out of the orchard, they saw two middle-aged men who were in gray and appeared just as taciturn waiting for them outside.

“Prime Elder.” The two men paid their respects to Ji Yin.

Ji Yin introduced them to Ling Zhang and the others. “This is Ji Donglin, and this is Ji Chaofang. They’re the guards under the Clan Leader’s orders to escort us to Tanyang.”

As Ji Yin had told them about this matter a while ago, Ling Zhang and the others were not surprised to hear it.

“Thank you in advance for escorting us, Brother Donglin, Brother Chaofang,” said Ling Zhang.

Both Ji Donglin and Ji Chaofang folded their hands in front and said, “You’re welcome, Childe Ling.”

Thus, the group of five men expanded to a group of seven. Ling Zhaowu, knowing that he was about to leave this familiar place where he’d lived for five years, had a very uneasy expression on his face. He had a long cry when parting from Ya and was now looking somewhat lethargic.

Ji Donglin and Ji Chaofang took the traveling bag from Ling Zhang’s back so that Ling Zhang could focus on guiding Ling Zhaowu forward. “Let’s go, Father.”

Clinging on tight to Ling Zhang’s arm, not daring to release his grip, Ling Zhaowu vigorously nodded. “I’ll do what Zhang’er says.”

Because of Ling Zhaowu, they didn’t walk very fast, and it took them a long time to get to the exit.

Ling Zhang was just about to crouch down to carry Ling Zhaowu on his back when Yuwen Tong shoved his traveling bag into Ling Zhang’s hand and squatted down before Ling Zhaowu. “I’ll do it. Uncle Ling, I’ll carry you.”

Ling Zhang’s other hand was holding Mr. Mu’s medicine chest, so naturally it was inconvenient for him to carry anybody on his back. He was a little worried that Ling Zhaowu might be unwilling.

But maybe because Yuwen Tong had managed to build trust with Ling Zhaowu during the past half a month, the latter didn’t feel afraid but just looked at Ling Zhang.

Ling Zhang said, “I’ll be right by your side. I won’t walk away.”

It was after hearing this that Ling Zhaowu obediently lay prone onto Yuwen Tong’s back to let Yuwen Tong carry him. Seeing Ling Zhang was indeed walking side by side with them, Ling Zhaowu gradually relaxed.

The exit was the dense woods that they had followed Ji Yanlai through to enter this place half a month ago. The complexity of this formation was beyond Ling Zhang’s grasp, and he could only recall a small part of the right route, which was not enough for him to get out of it on his own.

“I’ll lead the way. Donglin, Chaofang, you two bring up the rear. Keep an eye on Mr. Mu,” said Ji Yin.

Mr. Mu said, “Well, don’t underestimate me. Although my kung fu is lousy, I’m a quite strong man.”

But Ji Donglin and Ji Chaofang still acted as rear guard. Ji Yin was taking the lead. Yuwen Tong was carrying Ling Zhaowu on his back, Ling Zhang walking side by side with him, followed by Mr. Mu, Ji Donglin and Ji Chaofang.

The seven of them entered the thick woods, progressing along a path so circuitous as though they were going in circles.

Foliage of the tall, exuberant trees blocked the sun, making the path dark and brooding.

Ling Zhaowu was very frightened of this place and kept calling Ling Zhang’s name. “Zhang’er!”

So Ling Zhang directly carried the medicine chest on his shoulder and took Ling Zhaowu’s hand. “I’m here, Father. Don’t be afraid. We’ll be out of here soon.”

With his son holding his hand, Ling Zhaowu calmed down somewhat, slumped over Yuwen Tong’s back, curling up.

Getting through the woods took them a long time. In the sunshine, Ling Zhaowu looked somewhat better, but maybe because he’d been in nervous tension all along, he seemed rather groggy after relaxing his concentration.

When they had walked for about an hour after exiting the woods, Ling Zhang glanced at the sun overhead in the sky and suggested they stop to have some rest.

“It’s noon. Let’s stop and have a bite to eat.”

The others looked at Ling Zhaowu and then all nodded.

They had just left the Millennium Pavilion and still had their cooked food. This time, because of Ling Zhaowu, they had carried a ceramic wok. After heating the food, they had Ling Zhaowu eat some. Mr. Mu decocted some medicine and let him drink it. After the duration of drinking a pot of tea (approximately 10 minutes), Ling Zhaowu, leaning against a tree trunk, drifted off to sleep.

The others took advantage of this opportunity and quickly finished their lunch. When they had gathered up their stuff, Yuwen Tong, as he’d done previously, carried Ling Zhaowu on his back and they resumed their journey without more ado, planning to cover some distance while Ling Zhaowu was asleep.


After two days’ travel in the Sanguan Mountains, they reached Tongguan Town.

At first Ling Zhaowu had been quite scared. Halfway to the town, he’d kept quiet for a day, and eventually he’d appeared somewhat anxious and fretful, for the Sanguan Mountains had struck him as fearful and he’d wanted to get out. Fortunately, they’d been not far away from edge of the mountainous area.

As soon as they arrived at Tongguan Town, they quickly checked into an inn and settled Ling Zhaowu in a room.

It was Ling Zhang and Yuwen Tong who had been taking care of Ling Zhaowu in the Millennium Pavilion during the past half a month, so naturally the two of them were able to handle it with ease, though they were now in a different place. They bathed Ling Zhaowu, helped him change clothes and then had him finish his supper and take his medicine. When Ling Zhaowu had fallen asleep in bed, Ling Zhang heaved a sigh of relief and found that his shoulders felt somewhat sore.

He had been quite tense as well, and it was after Yuwen Tong massaged his aching muscles that he fully relaxed.

“Sit here.” Ling Zhang had Yuwen Tong sit down, and then returned the favor by giving him a good massage.

“Mr. Mu has also turned in. Donglin and Chaofang will take turns to check on your father tonight. You two may go to sleep now.” Ji Yin showed up.

“You should go to bed as well, Grandfather,” said Ling Zhang.

Ji Yin walked up to take a look at Ling Zhaowu and then went to sleep.

Ling Zhang and Yuwen Tong quickly washed and then went to bed in the room next to Ling Zhaowu’s.

When they woke up, Ling Zhaowu was still sleeping.

“Let’s just spend the night here and set off tomorrow morning,” suggested Yuwen Tong.

Ling Zhang looked at him, appearing to have something to talk to him about.

Seeing this, Ji Yin and Mr. Mu went to Ling Zhaowu’s room to check on him, giving Ling Zhang and Yuwen Tong some privacy.

“We’ll be fine in Tanyang. Do you think you should go back to the capital city? It’s been such a long time since we left the capital city, I’m worried that there had been some unexpected occurrences,” said Ling Zhang.

Now that they had come outside, the placid life in the Millennium Pavilion was naturally past history, and there were many brutal facts they’d have to face up to. It’d been over half a month since the last time they’d received a message from the capital city. Ling Zhang was now deeply worried that there’d been some accidents that might cause the situation to go out of control.

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