Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 461 - Even a Pig Would Not Grow so Fast by Force-feeding

However, Lao Liang figured that there was still hope. After all, it was just a district hospital. The doctors or facilities were incomparable with the hospital in B City.

“Can we transfer her to the hospital in B City? Our home is in B City and it’ll be more convenient to receive treatment there,” asked Lao Liang.

There was no mention of Lao Liang’s distrust in the district hospital.

Moreover, Lao Liang could not make arbitrary decisions since he was not one of their family members. It was better to leave the decision making to the Chang family, thus, it was safer to transfer both of them to the hospital in B City.

On top of that, the doctor understood the situation too. The doctors would still refer the patients from villages to tertiary referral hospitals when the district hospital lacked facilities to treat their diseases. The doctors’ experiences and facilities in the district hospital were simply inferior to those Class Three Grade A Hospitals 1 in the cities. This was the truth and there was nothing to be unhappy about it.

“No problem, we’ll immobilize the fracture temporarily so that she can reach the hospital in B City without further injury,” the doctor answered.



Qi Chenglin and Ruan Danchen went straight to the Qi family manor after they were done enjoying their honeymoon. They were fetched by Xiao Fan, who was instructed by Grandfather Qi, directly from the airport.

Grandmother Qi pulled Ruan Danchen over and examined her carefully from head to toe the moment she stepped into the house. After noticing Ruan Danchen’s ruddy complexion and chubbiness, Grandmother Qi relaxed immediately.

“How’s the trip? Are you tired?” Grandmother Qi was worried about Ruan Danchen since her pregnancy was still in the early trimester.

“He brought me on a holiday. We slept in at the hotel every day before departing to our destinations by car. He would insist on resting after a short while of walking before going for food and drinks afterward,” Ruan Danchen squeezed her own cheek.

“I feel like my cheeks are getting chubbier even though I don’t see much changes when I look into the mirror every day.”

Grandmother Qi was exhilarated after listening to Ruan Danchen. “That’s right! It’s better to be chubby!”

“...” Ruan Danchen squeezed her cheeks again before shifting her gaze to Qi Chenglin. There was something fishy going on with Qi Chenglin forcing food down her throat to fatten her up and it was not completely due to her pregnancy too.

Ruan Danchen could feel a conspiracy going on for some inexplicable reason, but the mystery remained unsolved even after racking her brain for quite some time.

However, Ruan Danchen figured the conspiracy theory was just her imagination after looking at Qi Chenglin’s calm and honest expression.

Qi Chenglin raised his eyebrows curiously after Ruan Danchen fixed her gaze on him for quite some time.

“By the way, where’s Youxuan?” Ruan Danchen noticed that the living room was way too quiet. Not only was the kid nowhere to be seen, even Little Youjin, who was supposed to be the kid’s companion, was absent too.

“They’re taking a nap in the room. Judging by the time, they should wake up anytime soon. You guys just got back so you have to get adequate rest. I’ll ask Aunt Liu to cook Fried Pork in Scoop tonight,” Xia Wenna answered.

Ruan Danchen swallowed her saliva with a loud slurp and sat together with Qi Chenglin on the sofa. “Great, I miss home-cooked meals. The architecture in Europe is splendid and it has an awesome environment. It was a very good experience to sum it up, but I wasn’t used to their taste in food and drinks. Now I feel full whenever I smell the scent of bread and pizzas. I won’t have an appetite even if I’m famished because all of them have almost the same taste.”

“The food that I craved the most when we were in Europe was instant noodles, but it was a pity that I couldn’t eat it yet.” While caressing her abdomen, Ruan Danchen figured that her sense of taste had deteriorated.

“Young lady, you can have as much food as you want tonight,” Xia Wenna replied as she had no idea how to react appropriately after listening to Ruan Danchen.

While Ruan Danchen was distributing the souvenirs she purchased in Europe to the family members, a clear and melodious sound of a child traveled to her ears. “Mom, mom, where’s mine? What did you buy for me? Is it chocolate? Cheese? German sausage? Pork knuckle?”

Ruan Danchen took out a box and answered, “I brought chocolate for you. There are various kinds in the box, but you’re not allowed to eat so many at a time.”

“Youjin’s still asleep?” asked Xia Wenna.

Then, they heard a thunderous cry of a baby.

“Well, he knows somebody misses him, so he’s awake now,” Song Yu replied and proceeded to carry Little Youjin out of the room.

Ruan Danchen was frozen to the spot. They had been away for only ten days, what in the world did Little Youjin go through during this period?

“What have you done to your little brother?” The corner of Qi Chenglin’s eyes twitched uncontrollably due to shock too.

Little Youjin had gotten so chubby in merely ten days!

A delicate pinkish baby had turned out to be a huge dango!

Even a pig would not grow so fast by force-feeding!

“Nothing. I just want to share delicious food with my little brother.” The kid’s response sounded especially innocent and pure. There was absolutely no way that he would admit his intention to fatten his little brother.

“My little brother’s too greedy! He’ll look at me immediately whenever I start eating my dessert, and he’ll just keep on staring at me or start crying until I share my food with him. He’s so scary!

His drooling saliva can be very long when that happens too!” The kid gestured with his hands and continued, “He seems to have some sort of superpowers too. He’ll wake up immediately from his nap the moment I start having my food.”

“...” Qi Chengzhi was at the end of his forbearance and replied, “He won’t wake up if you stop eating food with strong aroma right beside him on purpose.”

This brat fed his son with malevolence!

Since this brat was growing chubby, he disallowed his little brother to be more handsome than him. Such an evil-minded boy!

Little Youjin was getting a little too heavy for Song Yu to carry comfortably at the moment.

Little Youjin stared curiously at the beautifully decorated boxes of different sizes on the coffee table and waved his chubby arms restlessly as he reached out to them excitedly.

Song Yu was almost drenched in sweat and quickly placed Little Youjin on the carpet out of worry that the burden may slip from her arms accidentally.

The short-limbed Little Youjin crawled toward the coffee table, propped himself up with his elbows and stood up with his chubby hands supporting the edge of the coffee table. His eyes lit up brightly at the sight of those exquisitely designed boxes on the table.

“Ah! Ooh-ooh, ah-ah! Ooh-ah!”‘Food! Was there any delicious food? Feed me, quickly!’

“We bought some food which is suitable for Youjin’s current age such as rice noodles and fruit-flavored nutrition powder for kids,” Ruan Danchen said and then pointed at one of the bags beside the table which was full of food products. “We bought formulated milk powder for both Chengyue and my future babies too. It’s preparation in advance.”

Little Youjin seemed to have understood Ruan Danchen’s statement. He released his grip on the coffee table and stumbled forward, falling on all fours onto the carpet.

However, safety precautions had been implemented to prevent possible injuries to children, not only for Little Youjin but also for the future baby in Qi Chengyue’s womb.

All the Qi family members had replaced their original carpets with thicker and softer carpets. The Qi family manor, both Xia Wenna and Guan Liya’s houses, and even Qi Chengyue, Song Yu, and Ruan Danchen’s houses had implemented the same method too.

Thus, Little Youjin did not feel pain at all after falling down or perhaps he ignored the pain when there was delicious food right in front of him. With his chubby limbs, he crawled swiftly toward the bag, pushed it down and took the boxes of different sizes out of the bag.

Brightly-colored and attractive food designs adorned the boxes of baby food products. Little Youjin’s eyes lit up and his saliva streamed onto the boxes uncontrollably, making a few wet stains on them.


Little Youjin took one of the smaller boxes into his embosom, which appeared especially big in comparison with his small size. The box basically blocked all of him except for his limbs and small head. Fortunately, it contained powdery products only, so it was not heavy at all.

Then, Little Youjin tapped the box and waved his hands with joy. “Ah-ah-ah!”‘Hungry. Fed me!’

Obviously, Qi Youxuan had formed an intimate friendship with his little brother after these ten days. Most of the time, the adults would not understand Little Youjin’s babbling but Qi Youxuan could understand him perfectly.

Thus, the kid moved to Little Youjin’s side and pointed at the pink-colored box in his embrace. “Aunt, Youjin’s hungry.”

“...” Song Yu was left speechless.

Normally, her son would not feel hungry. Her son’s huge appetite was all thanks to her nephew!

However, Song Yu must feed Youjin since he was hungry.

No one could understand her sorrow.

The gaze Song Yu gave Ruan Danchen was full of sadness and seemed to convey a message. ‘Look at your son’s work. My son has almost become a pig after your son’s persistent feeding.’

Ruan Danchen coughed awkwardly and turned around to look at Qi Chenglin for help.

Qi Chenglin merely replied Song Yu seriously, “Youjin is hungry.”

“...” Song Yu was at a loss for words.

Song Yu had no choice but to take a bowl from the kitchen and open the box in Youjin’s embrace. Then, she took out a packet and poured the powder and hot water into the bowl before mixing them into a thick and fragrant paste.

Song Yu turned around to look at Youjin again, whose saliva burst forth like water from a dam.

“It’s too hot right now. I’ll feed you once it cools down,” Song Yu said grudgingly.

Qi Youxuan took a spoonful of the paste and blew on it a few times before inserting it into his mouth. It had a savory aroma of strawberry. “That’s delicious!”

“Ah-ah-ah!”‘That was mine!’

Little Youjin waved his arms frantically and anxiously.

Thus, Song Yu blew the paste on the spoon and tested its temperature with the corner of her lips grudgingly before feeding Little Youjin.

After Little Youjin tasted the sweet strawberry flavored paste, he rubbed his legs on the thick carpet happily while putting on a joyful expression that appeared especially cute on his pinkish chubby cheeks.

“Why don’t you get some sleep? You need to get rid of jet lag as well. Especially you, Danchen, you can’t afford to be exhausted,” Guan Liya suggested.

To be honest, Ruan Danchen had trouble falling asleep since her circadian rhythm was out of whack after her vacation, but she nodded so that the elders would not worry too much about her.

However, Ruan Danchen dozed off in the end after laying on the bed for quite some time. After that, she felt a burden bowing on the bed beside hers and sensed a familiar scent from her man. Thus, she knew he was Qi Chenglin straight away without opening her eyes. Naturally, she leaned closer to Qi Chenglin and found the most comfortable spot to encircle her limbs around him like she was hugging a bolster.

Qi Chenglin lowered his gaze to Ruan Danchen’s comfortable expression. He wanted to hug her in the same way too, but Ruan Danchen’s move ahead of him was totally unexpected.

However, Qi Chenglin felt uncomfortable being caged by Ruan Danchen. Thus, he slipped out one of his arms and legs cautiously and wrapped them around Ruan Danchen.

Then, Qi Chenglin tightened his constriction around Ruan Danchen before falling asleep in satisfaction and comfort.

Both Qi Chenglin and Ruan Danchen did not want to rest too much since prolonged naps may lead to insomnia during the night.

Thus, the duo slept for approximately three hours before getting out of bed.

Qi Chenglin slept in peace and comfort when there was a delicate softness in his embosom, but his compression caused numbness over Ruan Danchen’s limbs.

When Ruan Danchen tried to lift herself with the support of her unaffected left arm, the movement sent tingles and pain to run underneath the skin of both her right limbs, which caused her to gnash her teeth in discomfort.

Ruan Danchen kicked Qi Chenglin with her unaffected left leg after noticing his energetic and lively expression which was typical after adequate rest.

“What happened?” Qi Chenglin remained calm after noticing Ruan Danchen’s discomfort.

“My right arm and leg are numb because of you,” Ruan Danchen complained and started massaging her right leg.

“...” Qi Chenglin realized that his embrace was a little too tight just now, so he started massaging Ruan Danchen’s right leg sincerely out of his guilty conscience.

However, the initiation of blood recirculation was very uncomfortable and even the slightest touch would induce an agonizing tingle and soreness in the affected area. Thus, when Qi Chenglin started massaging Ruan Danchen’s leg, he could feel her calf muscles contracting uncontrollably.

“Hold on, you’ll feel better after this,” Qi Chenglin had no choice but to comfort Ruan Danchen.

Ruan Danchen peeked at Qi Chenglin. Who was the cause of her current suffering?

Qi Chenglin coughed awkwardly. “My fault.”

Ruan Danchen stared at Qi Chenglin who was massaging her leg with his long and slender fingers. Who could have thought the stern and reserved second Young Master of the Qi family was massaging his wife’s leg earnestly and even apologized to her without the slightest unwillingness?

Ruan Danchen felt much better after the numbness faded away gradually. Then, she gestured to Qi Chenglin to rest by moving her leg away from him.

Ruan Danchen lifted her gaze and saw Qi Chenglin smiling faintly at her with a gentle and tolerating gaze. Such an awesome and elegant man was pleasing to her eyes, and her heart was at peace upon the realization that she was the apple of his eye.

Ruan Danchen leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. Since the numbness in her leg had not fade away completely, she got off the bed and stomped her foot a few times before the sensation in her affected leg returned to normal again.

Ruan Danchen glanced at the clock which showed that it was approximately three o’clock in the afternoon.

The duo was on their way downstairs when Qi Chenglin’s phone rang suddenly. It was from Jiang Yuan.

“Yes?” Qi Chenglin asked calmly.

“Chang Zhiyuan’s wife, Mo Yuxin called me just now since she doesn’t have madam and your contact numbers. She said Chang Zhiyuan and Chang Jingqiu were transferred back to B City this morning and are currently staying in Chutian Hospital at the moment.” Jiang Yuan hesitated before continuing, “Chang Zhiyuan was unconscious and we have no idea about his current condition. She’s hoping that you and madam can visit them in the hospital.”

“Why would Chang Zhiyuan lose consciousness?” Qi Chenglin asked with a frown.

They had just returned from a vacation happily without expecting such a sudden event.

Ruan Danchen lifted her head in surprise after listening to Qi Chenglin.

Qi Chenglin held Ruan Danchen’s hand to calm her before Jiang Yuan continued. “She merely mentioned that this incident was related to Chang Jingqiu without explaining it in detail. Moreover, Chang Jingqiu was injured too, but her condition remained unknown as well. She said you’ll understand everything at the hospital.”

Qi Chenglin really disliked Mo Yuxin’s unclear statement and cliffhanger.

However, he figured that Chang Zhiyuan’s injury was related to an argument with Chang Jingqiu based on her statement alone too.

Perhaps Chang Zhiyuan had found evidence that Chang Jingqiu was not born in the Chang family after all.

“Understood,” Qi Chenglin hung up the phone call and explained the situation to Ruan Danchen after noticing her worried expression.

Before Ruan Danchen could muster a response, Qi Chenglin said, “Let’s go to the hospital.”

Ruan Danchen nodded in response. After informing the Qi family regarding this issue, they rushed to Chutian Hospital.

Qi Chenglin gave Mo Yuxin a phone call while they were on their way to the hospital. Mo Yuxin was shocked after hearing Qi Chenglin’s voice through the phone since she figured it was just a prank call when she noticed the unfamiliar phone number.

“I’m at the hospital,” Mo Yuxin replied.

“How’s Mr. Chang right now?” asked Qi Chenglin.

Mo Yuxin glanced at the unconscious Chang Zhiyuan on the sickbed and sighed. “Not good. Investigation results are normal and yet he’s still unconscious. I’ve no idea when he’ll regain consciousness.”

“We’re on our way right now,” replied Qi Chenglin.

After listening to Qi Chenglin, Mo Yuxin seemed to have found her pillar of strength for some inexplicable reason and gave him Chang Zhiyuan’s current hospital room number.



Qi Chenglin and Ruan Danchen arrived at the hospital and searched for the hospital room number which Mo Yuxin gave them.

The door was closed, so Qi Chenglin knocked on it and Mo Yuxin opened the door momentarily.

Other than the unconscious Chang Zhiyuan on the sickbed and Mo Yuxin, there was a stranger in the room whom Qi Chenglin failed to recognize—Lao Liang.

Mo Yuxin stared at Ruan Danchen with bloodshot eyes as they entered the room.

“He was well initially and even gave me a phone call yesterday, who could’ve expected—” Mo Yuxin wept, unable to finish her statement.

“What happened?” Qi Chenglin asked as he stared at Chang Zhiyuan, who was in a state of serenity, on the sickbed.

Ruan Danchen walked toward the sickbed with a heavy chest. This was a man whom she just met on her wedding dinner last time and he was acting with such extreme vigilance just to avoid causing unhappiness to her. Chang Zhiyuan treated Ruan Danchen kindly not only because of his intimate relationship with her biological mother or merely her character, but also due to his pure love toward his own family member.

This sort of pure and innocent mind was exactly why Ruan Danchen was unwilling to reject Chang Zhiyuan. Ruan Danchen’s kind attitude was enough to send him into a euphoric bliss, and yet he was cautious when taking her feelings into consideration and tried to prevent himself from over-demanding.

Since Chang Zhiyuan was Ruan Danchen’s family, it was reasonable for him to act affectionately. Whenever Ruan Danchen recalled his perturbed expression at that time, she would feel sad and blamed herself for not treating him better. She should have invited him to join them. She should not have given him a cold-eyed stare as he walked away at that time.

Ruan Danchen made a promise ten days ago. They would visit Chang Zhiyuan and Mo Yuxin personally after they returned from their honeymoon.

Ruan Danchen had already decided that she would treat Chang Zhiyuan differently and remained unconcerned about Grandmother Chang’s affairs.

However, a previously well and healthy man was currently lying on the sickbed without consciousness.

Mo Yuxin was not in a good state of mind due to constant worry about Chang Zhiyuan’s condition.

Lao Liang said, “Hello, my name is Liang Xuebin. I’m Brother Chang’s friend and a private detective too. Brother Chang asked me to investigate Chang Jingqiu previously.”

Then, Lao Liang explained everything from the beginning until the end.

Ruan Danchen was digesting the information with difficulty, unsure how to react.

“Chang Jingqiu had undergone a surgical operation too. Initially, I was worried that the doctors in the district hospital had misdiagnosed or misinterpreted her condition since their facilities or physicians’ experiences aren’t as good as the hospital here. That was why I requested for her transfer to Chutian Hospital, but the result remained the same after consultation,” said Lao Liang.

“Chang Jingqiu is considered... disabled,” Lao Liang continued and shook his head. No matter how selfish Chang Jingqiu was, she was still a young lady with a long future ahead of her, but now...

“She has to sit in a wheelchair in the future since her diplegia is incurable. The doctor mentioned that even the best physician will be helpless with her current condition.”

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