Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 331 - A Rhythm That Impedes For 100 Years

However, Qi Youxuan did not seem to mind, instead, he was very happy throughout the journey, as long as he could stay with Ruan Danchen, he was content.

Ruan Danchen looked at Qi Youxuan’s joyful attitude, she didn’t feel upset, she always felt like she owed the boy too much, her hand was held firmly by him.

She paused and looked at Qi Chenglin, and saw that his expression was warm and gentle, and he slowly looked at her.

He whispered softly, “didn’t you want to help him design his new room? When the time comes just do a good job, and make him happy.”

Ruan Danchen felt warm in her heart, she didn’t know how this man could always see through her, always knew what her heart wanted, and even though there were rarely any sweet words, she always felt very affectionate.

Ruan Danchen blushed, and could not help but to come closer to him, lightly clinging onto his arm. Her hand had also turned, interlocking her fingers with his.

Qi Chenglin looked down at her, eyebrows raised, and could not help but smile.

After they paid, they returned to the store and let the staff package the goods to be loaded into the car. Qi Chenglin loaded it all into the car’s boot.

When they returned home, Ruan Danchen changed into her house clothes and went to the kitchen to prepare lunch, Qi Chenglin had rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, and sat crossed-legged on the floor, and started to assemble the wardrobe.

The assembly of the wardrobe was simple, just a few metal struts and boards, a heavy curtain, and a few smaller parts.

Ruan Danchen had finished making lunch and walked out to see father and son sitting on the floor, Qi Chenglin was setting the final few corners, while Qi Youxuan held the small parts, studying them intently, imitating his father.

Qi Chenglin reached out his hand to Qi Youxuan, without saying anything, and the little boy placed the necessary parts in his palm.

This scene was really heartwarming, and Ruan Danchen could not tear her eyes away. Thinking about family life, this would be it.

Qi Youxuan, with nothing to do, could no longer sit still and stood up, turned and saw Ruan Danchen looking at them.

“Aunty Ruan, what’s wrong?” Qi Youxuan ran over to her, seeing Ruan Danchen looking as though she might cry.

“It’s nothing. Lunch is ready. Go wash your hands, and come eat.” Ruan Danchen said, smiling smally, gently rubbing Qi Youxuan’s chubby face.

Qi Youxuan immediately ran over to the bathroom, and Ruan Danchen walked over to Qi Chenglin’s side, “finish it after you eat.”

“It’s just about done.” Qi Chenglin screwed on the last screw, and slapped the sides, it looked fairly sturdy.

He then pulled the wardrobe up, and placed it next to the TV cabinet.

Qi Chenglin looked at Ruan Danchen, knowing what was wrong, and firmly took her by the arms and pulled her into his embrace, “feels good, right? If you move in with us, it would be like this.”

“Okay.” Ruan Danchen said softly, the scene just now moving her so much she was about to cry.

She realized, ever since Qi Chenglin and Qi Youxuan had walked into her life, she could not bear to live alone again.

Every time Qi Chenglin took Qi Youxuan and left, leaving her alone at home, it was unbearably lonely. She had spent so many years living like this, and she had never felt lonely, but now it was so pervasive.

Qi Chenglin thought he misheard her, and paused, “what did you say?”

“I said okay. When the house is ready, I’ll move in with you.” Ruan Danchen said as she looked up, her soft whisper full of determination.

Qi Chenglin’s arms wrapped around her tightly, lowered his head and kissed her.

Ruan Danchen, in a daze, could only think of one thing, in a moment Qi Youxuan will see them.

Qi Youxuan had taken the opportunity to relieve himself in the bathroom, and had just stepped out, and turned to see Qi Chenglin kissing Ruan Danchen, his little hands immediately covered his eyes, and walked towards them even as he could not see, and banged his head on the dining table. It was a good thing that the table was curved, or it might have cut the skin.

In the stupor, Ruan Danchen could still hear a ‘bang’ and the little boy’s cry of “aiya!”.

Ruan Danchen snapped out of it, and urgently struggled her way out of Qi Chenglin’s embrace, making him release his grasp. She turned to see Qi Chenglin covering his head, on the floor.

“Youxuan, what’s wrong?” Ruan Danchen rushed over and helped him up, pulling his hand away. She saw a red lump on the little boy’s fair forehead, and her heart ached upon seeing it.

Qi Chenglin also walked over, his mood sour, this brat always kept saying how he wanted to help, but it would always turn out that he’d do just the opposite, is this the rhythm that would impede for a 100 years?

“I hit the dining table.” Qi Youxuan was in so much pain his eyes, so large you could see the whites and blacks, was misty with a layer of tears. His fluttering eyelashes were also laced with tears, that pitiful expression made Ruan Danchen’s heartache so much she thought she would die.

“Why didn’t you look where you were going?” Qi Chenglin asked unhappily, the good mood that was going on had been ruined by his own son.

The young lad Qi Youxuan was also upset, and fiercely looked up and glared at Qi Chenglin. “It’s all your fault, kissing indiscreetly, usually on the TV when people kiss, grandma would cover my eyes! Seeing you two kiss, how could I not cover my eyes!”

Qi Chenglin was speechless.

Ruan Danchen’s face turned crimson, they really had been seen by the child, and he only hit his head because he was trying to avoid it. She felt so bad inside.

Ruan Danchen was very embarrassed but didn’t know what to say. Her heart ached as she saw the growing red lump on his forehead. She touched it gently to test it, “does it hurt?”

The little boy was exceptionally upset, he had knocked his head hard, and his dad didn’t know how to comfort him, so he could only whine to Ruan Danchen, “it hurts.”

“Keep acting.” Qi Chenglin said, his face dark.

“Qi Chenglin, he’s already in so much pain, can your attitude be a little bit better?” Before Qi Youxuan could reply, Ruan Danchen had made her displeasure known.

Qi Chenglin pursed his lips sternly, he suddenly felt very depressed. Things were great just now, Ruan Danchen was reacting well to him, not to mention clingy, and now, almost in an instant, she was upset with him because of the boy.

He honestly felt that in Ruan Danchen’s heart, he was far below Qi Youxuan.

“I’m sorry, it’s our fault.” Ruan Danchen said, her heart still aching for the boy as she carried him, gently rubbing his back to comfort him.

Who knew, Qi Youxuan suddenly wailed with a “Wah”, burying his face in Ruan Danchen’s shoulder, a pair of chubby arms wrapping around her neck tightly. He was beside himself, crying.

“What’s wrong? Does it hurt that much?” Ruan Danchen was panicked by his crying, and comforted him endlessly, “it’s okay, I’ll make an ice pack for your forehead, it won’t hurt anymore, don’t cry.”

Who knew, Qi Youxuan’s head, which was still pressed against her shoulder, was shaking. “No... it’s not because it hurts... ooh...”

“Then what’s the matter?” Ruan Danchen asked worriedly, “if it doesn’t hurt why are you crying? Or does some other part of your body hurt?”

“Ooh...” the little boy’s arms hugged her tighter, his crying broke Ruan Danchen’s heart, “so this is what it’s like to have a mommy, to have mommy’s comfort when you’re hurt, ooh... Aunty Ruan you’re so kind, will you be my mommy?”

Ruan Danchen was stunned, she never thought that Qi Youxuan would be crying because of this. Hearing his words, her eyes stung with tears too.

“Ooh... when I’m with daddy at home, and I make him mad, only Nanny Zheng will secretly comfort me, I don’t have a mommy to defend me, since I was small until now, I’ve never had a mommy to fight with daddy because of me. The feeling of having a mommy to love me and take care of me is so good, ooh... Aunty Ruan, don’t leave daddy. Aunty Ruan, I like you a lot, I want you to be my mommy, I want a mommy that loves me, ooh... I want a mommy to tell me stories, tuck me in, I want a mommy to cook for me, send me to kindergarten, I want a mommy to kiss me and hug me, ooh... I want a mommy, ooh...”

Ruan Danchen’s heart was already breaking from the boy’s crying, and she broke down and cried too. This little boy never had a mother. When other children were with their mothers and fathers, he could only look on, never knowing what it would be like to have a mother of his own.

Qi Chenglin loved his son, but he was a man, and he could not easily show his emotions. Qi Youxuan needed a mother who would love and spoil him, whose heart would ache when he had accidents, and would hug and comfort him when he was at his weakest and on his knees.

A mother’s love would eternally be different from a father’s.

He could have a grandmother and a great-grandmother who loved him, but it would never substitute a mother’s love.

The little boy was so young and was always optimistic, and while he was always asking for a mother, he never made known his sadness about not having a mother. How could a six-year-old boy endure this much?

When he was alone at night, how much pain he was in, she didn’t dare imagine.

This little child, since he was aware of things, how did he endure it all this while?

Ruan Danchen carried the little boy with more energy, burying her own face into his shoulder, crying uncontrollably, really wanting to apologize to him that he had to suffer for so many years.

Even Qi Chenglin could tell, this time the little boy wasn’t putting on a show, he didn’t know what vigor had filled his heart to move his emotions that he had kept suppressed in that little heart of his, that was now being poured out.

Watching him cry until he was trembling, his body heaving and hiccuping, Qi Chenglin’s heart ached as well.

Watching Ruan Danchen holding Qi Youxuan, mother and son sobbing uncontrollably, Qi Chenglin sighed, and stepped forward two paces, coming in front of them.

An elegant hand reached out, and almost completely covered Qi Youxuan’s little head.

His hand pressed against Qi Youxuan’s head, rubbing it gently, and he spoke gently, “don’t cry, you’ve already made Aunty Ruan cry”

“Ooh...” the little boy kept crying, but upon hearing Qi Chenglin’s voice, he lifted his head, tears streaming down his face, seeing Ruan Danchen was also crying.

“Aunty Ruan, why are you crying too, don’t cry.” He lifted his hand and began to wildly wipe the tears from his face, and then reached out his wet hand to wipe Ruan Danchen’s tears too.

Ruan Danchen shook her head, seeing the little boy bean-sized tears were still falling, like pearls falling off a broken string. His tears were so clear and clean, it felt as though nothing in this world was cleaner than this boy’s tears.

“Youxuan, do you blame your mommy for never being there?” Ruan Danchen asked, crying, wiping his tears, they felt like fire, burning her skin, hurting her.

Qi Youxuan shook his head, blowing his nose, and hiccuped, “I don’t know, Nanny Zheng said... it’s not that mommy didn’t want me, she just couldn’t find me. But it’s been so many years, the Qi family is so famous, why can’t she find me? I don’t know...”

Ruan Danchen breathed deeply, her nose was blocked, at this moment every mouth sighed, chests aching.

In front of her eyes, a box of tissues suddenly appeared, it was held by a beautiful hand whose finger bones were clear and beautiful, Ruan Danchen looked up at Qi Chenglin, and took a tissue to wipe Qi Youxuan’s tears, only wiping her own after she had wiped his face clean.

Because she was crying, Qi Youxuan had calmed down somewhat and was no longer crying, but now it wasn’t just the lump on his forehead, his luminous eyes were also puffed red, making him look like a peach.

“Aunty Ruan, I’m not crying anymore, so don’t be sad.” Qi Youxuan used his pale hands to wipe her tears, his voice still trembling slightly.

“I’m not crying anymore.” Ruan Danchen forced a smile, but looking at Qin Youxuan’s puffy red eyes, her heart still bled.

She held Qi Youxuan’s face in both her hands, and breathing in hard from her nose, she spoke, “Youxuan, no matter what happens between me and your daddy, I will always love you like a mommy.”

Qi Youxuan did not speak, as Ruan Danchen wiped his tears, and sat him on a chair nearby, then got up and went to the kitchen. She took the ice tray out of the freezer, knocked out all the ice cubes, and wrapped them in a cloth, making an ice pack, before returning.

Sitting next to Qi Youxuan, Ruan Danchen placed the ice pack on his face. “How does that feel?”

The coolness neutralized the burning heat from his forehead, and Qi Youxuan nodded, “better.”

The child felt bad for letting her hand keep it up for so long, and so took the ice pack from her hands, holding it against his head by himself. Ruan Danchen helped him pick food, and put it on his plate, and with an ice pack in one hand, a pair of chopsticks in the other, he ate.

Ruan Danchen was worried that he’d get tired from holding the ice pack up by himself, and so she rushed through her meal, before returning to help him hold the ice pack.

After a while, Qi Youxuan’s mood improved considerably, and though his eyes were still red, his expressions were a lot more relaxed and ate with increasing gusto.

“Aunty Ruan, I feel a lot better now, you don’t need to hold it anymore.” Qi Youxuan said, while gnawing on a rib.

Ruan Danchen removed the ice pack, and looked at the redness of Qi Youxuan’s forehead. She couldn’t tell if it was red from the impact, or from the ice.



After lunch, Ruan Danchen cleared the table, Qi Youxuan sat for a moment, before he went to have his nap. After about 3 hours, he was woken by the sound of the doorbell.

Opening the door revealed that Qi Youxuan’s little bed and screen had arrived. With the two pieces of furniture placed, her small living room looked cramped, and with Qi Chenglin’s lanky body standing in the house, it felt like there wasn’t even space to move.

The child was so happy he immediately lay on his bed, rolling around in excitement. He rolled up, then down, then left, then right, until he was breathless, and lay spread-eagled on the bed.

“Aunty Ruan, before I sleep tonight, will you read me a story?” Qi Youxuan suddenly asked, lifting his head.

“Of course.” Ruan Danchen sat at the side of the bed, running her hand over his hair very affectionately, “will you be okay sleeping alone?”

While the living room was fairly cosy, it wasn’t as big as his room in the mansion. Furthermore, this wasn’t a place he was familiar with, and it was dark at night, connecting directly with the corridor and the main door, Ruan Danchen was worried he might get scared.

But Qi Youxuan wasn’t afraid, he blinked his eyes, thinking of making Ruan Danchen keep him company, but he was immediately seen through by Qi Chenglin, who suddenly coughed.

Qi Youxuan suddenly thought, at this time he needed to support daddy as much as he could to marry Aunty Ruan. After they were married, and she was his mommy, there would be all the opportunity to let her keep him company.

Thinking for a moment, he shook his head, “I’ll be okay.”

Ruan Danchen looked at Qi Chenglin with suspicion but saw him smiling approvingly at his son. Those attractive lips were curved attractively, warm and enticing.

Looking back at Qi Youxuan, he seemed proud that he had his father’s approval.

Ruan Danchen was speechless.

Qi Youxuan was finished rolling around, and climbed out of his bed, wiggling his little bum as he walked into Ruan Danchen’s bedroom. Then, she saw him run out of her room with his clothes, breathing hard.

The rotund body, and chubby limbs being so lively was so adorable, making Ruan Danchen imagine a chubby corgi.

Qi Youxuan put his clothes in the wardrobe, Ruan Danchen wanted to help him put his undergarments in the drawer, and the child blushed.

“Aunty Ruan, my underwear is still inside, I’d be embarrassed if you looked.” He said, his face red, head lowered, twisting his no so obvious hips.

Ruan Danchen felt like saying there was nothing to be ashamed about, but looking at Qi Youxuan, she let it go and allowed him to do it himself.

After a while, she realized that Qi Chenglin was missing, and she didn’t know where he was. She heard Qi Youxuan say, “I saw daddy walk into your room just now.”

‘...’ Ruan Danchen’s heart was beating erratically, gave the child a glance, who was concentrating on folding his clothes. While he was slow, it was very neat work. She went to her own room.

At the door, she saw the Qi Chenglin had already placed his luggage on the floor and opened it, putting all of his clothes on the bed. He was now placing them one by one into her own wardrobe.

Ruan Danchen blushed and saw that all her clothes were hung together, the wardrobe had been divided into two parts, one for him, and one for her.

Looking at their clothes being hung in the same wardrobe, a sense of unspoken intimacy permeated the atmosphere.

“Come and help me?” Qi Chenglin asked as he looked at her, a half-smile on his face.

Ruan Danchen looked at him, invading her home, previously with Qi Youxuan it didn’t feel that way, but now it was just her and Qi Chenglin, and the intimacy was too much.

She didn’t speak, her scalp itched as she took a hanger and hung his clothes in the wardrobe.

As Qi Chenglin saw that she was helping out, he turned to do something else, and pulled open the drawer where Ruan Danchen kept her inner-wear. Inside, he could see her bras and panties all arranged neatly, with enough space for his own.

Ruan Danchen turned, to see Qi Chenglin’s clean and long fingers holding her panties.

Mini scene:

One day, Wei Ziqi and Wei Ran brought Little Muran and Little Muche to Qi Chengzhi’s home to play. Qi Chenglin had also brought Ruan Danchen and Qi Youxuan along.

Qi Youxuan had pulled Little Muran to one side to chat, “do you know why I don’t let Aunty Ruan see my underwear?”

Wei Muran: “No.”

Qi Youxuan: “Because I’m saving it for you.”

Wei Ziqi: “Get lost.”

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