So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 600 - Tips for Playing Games

Chapter 600: Tips for Playing Games

Lin Zhiyun and Yang Ming were having a similar experience. Although they were native Song Jiang people, they hadn’t been to the temple fair for many years. Previously, when they saw the grand occasion of the temple fair on TV, they were enticed to it. Now that they were in such a place, how could Lin Zhiyun be not excited?

Lin Zhiyun was dazzled looking at it.

“Yang Ming, can I look at the small jewelry there?” Lin Zhiyun saw a lot of girls making noise around a stall that was selling jewelry. She couldn’t help but feel moved.

Everyone had a heart for beauty, especially girls. Lin Zhiyun didn’t usually buy these things, but it wasn’t easy to have such an opportunity this time. Naturally, she wanted to shop with pleasure.

“Okay.” Yang Ming nodded. “If you want to see anything, do you still need to ask me? It’s as if I was being strict with you.”

Lin Zhiyun didn’t argue with Yang Ming. At this moment, she was completely attracted to this beautiful little jewelry. These things were actually not expensive, but they were very beautiful. They were favored by the young girls.

“How about this necklace?” Lin Zhiyun picked from her left and right, and finally, she was satisfied with a crystal pendant necklace. As a matter of fact, the so-called crystal pendant was plexiglass that was slightly more beautiful.

“It looks great.” Yang Ming nodded. “Buy it if you like it.”

“Well then…” Lin Zhiyun really liked the necklace, so she asked the owner who sold the jewelry, “Boss, how much is this?”

“That one, the ocean heart. Twenty yuan.” The boss glanced at it and said.

“It’s so expensive…” Lin Zhiyun frowned. “Can it be cheaper?”

“Eighteen yuan, I will give you a two yuan discount. This thing doesn’t have much profit.” The boss said.

“Fifteen.” Lin Zhiyun thought that eighteen yuan was still a bit expensive, so she continued to bargain.

“Fifteen yuan won’t work. I won’t make any money. Eighteen is the lowest.” The boss shook his head and said.

“Please, let it be fifteen yuan…” Lin Zhiyun said.

“No, at least seventeen yuan…” The boss replied.

“Fifteen yuan!”

“Seventeen yuan!”

Yang Ming shook his head and interjected, “It must be seventeen yuan…”

“Ah?” Lin Zhiyun was stunned. How can Yang Ming bargain like this?

Yang Ming was stunned, too. Originally, he wanted to say, “It must be fifteen yuan,” but he accidentally said, “It must be seventeen yuan!”

Unexpectedly, the boss said after listening to Yang Ming’s words, “It must be fifteen!”

“Okay, deal!” Yang Ming’s response was so quick. He said it instantly.

“Ugh…” After the boss said it, he reacted. Originally, he was arguing with Lin Zhiyun on the fifteen yuan and seventeen yuan. When Yang Ming said seventeen yuan, he naturally responded with fifteen yuan. So, it resulted in this muddled deal.

“Hehe…” Lin Zhiyun looked at Yang Ming and the boss in front of her. She couldn’t help but smile. Yang Ming was so lucky. It was her the first time witnessing such haggling.

“Never mind. It’s fifteen yuan then…” The boss shook his head and said, “Don’t do this next time. A couple actually saying different things. It’s confusing me!”

Yang Ming also paid the bill with a smile and said, “I said it wrong, but I didn’t expect you to say it wrong, too.”

“Ha! Forget it.” The boss also smiled. “Although I didn’t make money, I have a topic with friends for drinking tonight. It’s so funny!”

Lin Zhiyun saw that Yang Ming had paid the money. She wanted to say that she would pay, but she didn’t have the courage. So, nothing happened in the end.

After buying this small necklace, Lin Zhiyun didn’t buy anything else. She just looked around most of the time.

As they left the business street, it was the entertainment street. The shops here were even more varied. But they were all about entertainments, such as throwing darts, fishing goldfish, ferrules, rock climbing and so on.

On the entertainment street, special game coins were used, and the game currency was exchanged at the special conversion shop at the entrance. All the entertainment items inside could be played with different numbers of game coins.

It was a secret how much the organizer charged each booth, but this had little to do with Yang Ming. One game currency was two yuan. Yang Ming paid fifty yuan directly. A total of twenty-five game coins were bought. Then, he entered the entertainment street with Lin Zhiyun.

“Why did you buy so much? What a waste.” Lin Zhiyun shook her head with some distress. Fifty yuan was a lot for her. It was her income for one tutoring session.

“It’s hard to for us come out and play during Chinese New Year. Of course, we need to have fun, hehe!” Yang Ming said, “I’ve already exchanged it anyway. Let’s play.”

Lin Zhiyun was helpless. She could only let Yang Ming do what he wanted.

“There are a lot of people over there!” Lin Zhiyun pointed at a game booth not far away.

“Let’s go and take a look.” Yang Ming nodded.

Yang Ming and Lin Zhiyun squeezed to the front. It turned out that this was a game like fishing. There were many people playing it, and it looked very interesting. Yang Ming and Lin Zhiyun watched for a little while and generally understood the rules of the game.

The game dealer filled four rows of small bags on the counter. Ten bags in a row, and a total of forty bags.

Inside each of the bags was filled with a lot of plush toy prizes. However, in these bags, there was a bag containing a red card. If you catch a bag with a card inside, you can get a super big baby bear!

The baby bear was a particularly special version of the Pedi Bear Limited Edition. It wasn’t sold at all on the market. Only a few sellers put it on Taobao, but the price was extremely high. It usually cost around seven or eight hundred yuan.

Therefore, this prize was still very tempting. Moreover, the business projects of the temple fair were supervised by the Industry and Commerce Bureau. It was impossible for the game dealers to commit any frauds, so there must be a red card in these pockets.

And for those bags without cards, a person could only get the plush toys inside the bag. Most people got small plush toys. From the morning until now, no one had gotten a red card yet!

“Do you want to try?” Yang Ming saw that Lin Zhiyun seemed interested in it, so he asked.

“I want to try, but I’m afraid I won’t catch the red card,” said Lin Zhiyun with some concern.

“Ha, how can this thing be so easy to catch?” Yang Ming smiled. “You see, so many people failed to catch it, right?”

It was because after each person played once, the staff member would refill a bag. Then he changed the order randomly and then put back the bags, so there was basically no tricks with it.

Fortunately, ten game coins could be used for one try. It wasn’t very expensive. It was only twenty yuan. If you couldn’t get it, it could be considered as entertainment.

“Boss, we will like to play once!” Yang Ming gave the boss of the game booth ten game coins.

“Okay.” The boss greeted and his staff member handed the hook for the fishing bag to Lin Zhiyun and taught her how to operate it.

Lin Zhiyun was very nervous. It was twenty yuan! If she hooked the bag with the card inside, naturally it was a good thing. But if Lin Zhiyun couldn’t catch it, she would be really distressed!

The operation was very simple. Lin Zhiyun quickly learned it, but when it was her turn to operate it, she hesitated. She took a deep breath, but she couldn’t decide which bag to catch.

However, Yang Ming had long used his special abilities to observe the contents of the bags. If I don’t use it now, when should I use it? Although it seems to be overkill, it seems that my special abilities should be used to pursue girls, gambling, and by the way, seduce the pretty teacher, right?

Yang Ming scanned all the bags with his special abilities and found that there was only one bag with a red card among the forty bags. However, the position of this bag was very strange!

It was in the middle of the first row, just opposite of the customer!

Yang Ming slightly muttered and understood the key point. On the surface, this bag seemed to be placed in the most conspicuous position which was also the easiest place to catch. But this was related to a problem of psychological influences!

Everything that was in front of people was often overlooked. But instead, those bags behind were what everyone focused on. It was because everyone was more convinced that the higher the difficulty of catching the bag, the higher the chance a red card would appear!

Therefore, this bag was placed here, but no one touched it. Recalling the scenes of a few people playing before, there was literally no one choosing the bag in this position!

However, these were useless for Yang Ming. He didn’t care about psychological influences. These bags were transparent in Yang Ming’s eyes.

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