Living in this World with Cut & Paste

Chapter 13-15

The guild leader called out to me as he came across me.

「Yes, just now....... Since there was the incident with Hyold, I won’t say that it went perfectly, but one way or another the adventurer registration was completed.

「I see, good work. However, it has been a long time but you’ve become an exclusive receptionist lady, huh? Even though you rejected the high rank adventurers’ request.」

I had immediately volunteered when they were talking about assigning him with an exclusive receptionist as an apology.

It is true that until now, I had chances to become famous adventurers’ exclusive receptionist.

Even if it seems like this, I pridefully believe that I can do my job.

Previously I had capitalised on my experience as a B-rank adventurer, and I think I also obtained trust from the adventurers.

Probably because of that, there had been quite a lot of adventurers who requested for me to become their exclusive.

However, none of themresounded in my heart, and I rejected all of them.

Among the ones that I rejected were as the guild leader said, a few high rankers.

For the adventurers, having an exclusive receptionist lady is a huge honour, it is one of the goals besides raising one’s rank.

There are a great amount of adventurers who have high ranks but no exclusives.

That’s true, since the number of receptionist ladies are overwhelmingly less compared to adventurers.

For the receptionist ladies, becoming exclusive to high rank adventurers have high merits regarding wages and free time.

There are also girls who dream of becoming exclusives to high ranked adventurers, going out with them and then getting married.

And if I remember correctly, there have been many girls who got married in the past.

Therefore, receptionist ladies want, even if a little, to become exclusives to good adventurers, there is no need to give agreement.

Because of that, cases like me who reject high rank adventurers are considerably rare.

It think it is natural for the guild leader to feel strange when I took up being Myne-kun’s exclusive.

「That’s right, honestly even I myself was surprised. Since I never even dreamt of becoming an exclusive receptionist.」

「I see, then why’d you accept?」

「......Let me see, if there was a reason, it would be him protecting me from Hyold’s attack using his body, but the main reason is probably a “woman’s intuition”」

Yes, it’s unreliable, but I accepted to become Myne’s exclusive in accordance with my own intuition.

With a relatively excessive polite attitude in aiming to become an adventurer, the strength of his heart, protecting me when he knew I would be hit, the depth of his thoughts when he was pondering on inquiring before registering in the guild. (TLN: Kill me now. @[email protected])

Above all else, when I saw that kid for the first time, my whole body felt something like an electric current.

When that something accumulated, I reflexively raised my hand.

He will definitely become a famous adventurer, so I had thought.

「I see, whatever then. You better properly support him as an exclusive.」

Saying only that, the guild leader went back to his office.

I think he was definitely caring about Myne-kun.

By the way, the work of an exclusive receptionist lady, when the exclusive adventurer isn’t here, is to give assistance and deal with work as usual such as during busy times.

However, in that situation, a red sign saying 『Exclusive』 will be put up at the reception counter.

In the case where this red sign is put up, when the adventurer the receptionist lady is in charge of comes to the guild, if she is in the middle of dealing with someone, other staff will change with her.

Understanding this, because of the lining up there aren’t many disagreements.

But, naturally, or rather because of this line of work with many ruffians, once in a while there are some who ignore that and create disputes over it.

In such situations, the guild’s staff who specialise in fighting scenes will promptly deal with it.

When there are no ordinary reception work to help out with, they obtain the acknowledgement from the guild leader for reserving requests suitable for the ability of the adventurer the receptionist is in charge of, acquiring information and others.

If the adventurer one is in charge of plays an active role, a big bonus will be added into the wages, so they will work frantically.

In addition, the guild’s receptionist ladies adopt a 10 person system.

5 people will be in charge of the teller window as Tellers, and five will be auxiliary personnel called Stagehands.

The Tellers and Stagehands will be on rotation.

Stagehands will aid the tellers, working when the tellers are resting.

Naturally, when one of them becomes an exclusive receptionist lady, there will be a vacancy among the ten.

In such a situation, immediately a receptionist lady who is cancelled exclusive will fill this vacancy.

The cancelled exclusive is called a Waiter, and when the Tellers and Stagehands are taking their break, they will follow-up for them.

By the way, if the adventurer the exclusive receptionist lady is in charge of dies due to unforeseen circumstances, or if the adventurer stops being one, the exclusive is naturally cancelled.

Precisely because it is a work involving life and death, cancellation of exclusive is a real thing and happens quite often.

In the case where the receptionist who has their exclusive cancelled cannot be adjusted into the vacancy, there will be a reselection.

Guild receptionists are only for women, because the job is extremely popular, recruitment will be quickly settled.

Though, the replacement will often be finished by Waiters, so there aren’t many newcomers.

「Now then, since I don’t think Myne-kun will come today, maybe I’ll help out with the reception」

Putting the red sign in an available counter, as I sat on the stool, the adventurers I am familiar with came crowding.

「Aisha-chan, is it true you became an exclusive!?」

「Yes, it’s true. I don’t think he’s coming here anymore today though」

「What’s with that!? Even though you rejected me when I requested...... Why to the newbies who registered today!」

He is Lyle-san, a C-ranked adventurer who I had previously rejected to become an exclusive.

Well, it’s true that we have to come to an understanding...... I probably have no choice but to say it honestly.

「......Hmm, if I had to give a reason, it’s my intuition」

As I said that, Lyle-san trembled and his face turned bright red.

「Are you saying that that guy has more promise than me?」

「Promise, it’s a little different than that...... Are you not pleased with that?」

「......Yeah, I’m not pleased with that. Very.」

Saying that, he turned his back to the counter and walked out from the guild.

Leaving the guild, I firstly went towards the weapon and armour shop.

The two shops were built next to each other, and were ran by brothers.

The elder brother sells weapons, while the younger sells armour.

Actually I’m bothered by the appraisal results, but I’ve again come to know that I am weak just now in the guild.

As such, I prioritised getting my equipment in order.

Fortunately, there was an extra income and I also sold the materials for a high price.

「Good afternoonー!」

First I visited the weapons shop owned by the elder brother.

「Oh, if it isn’t Myne, my boy. You’re as lively as usual!」

Actually I visit this shop quite often.

I used a dagger when I hunted for game like rabbits, but no matter what maintenance is necessary.

Even though I do as much as I can, no matter what I can’t carry out repairs.

At that time, I will rely on this shop. Furthermore, my father also had a good relationship with this shop. (TLN: Basically the shopkeeper.)

「Is today also for the dagger’s maintenance?」

「No, today I want to buy new weapons......」

As I said that, he showed a greatly surprised expression.

「Not for dismantling but weapons used to battle? Will you be alright?」

Asking me with a worried face, it makes me happy.

Since he doesn’t know about my skills, this kind of reaction is natural.

「Yes, it’s because I received a skill when I came of age! I even defeated an orc yesterday」

「O, Orc, you say!? You soloed it by yourself!!!!?」

I’ve been told by the onii-san at the alchemy shop.

Orc is a monster hunted by C-ranks.

Well, anyone’d be surprised.

「It’s true! Look at this」

As I said that, I handed over about 200g of orc’s meat to oji-san.

「This orc meat, is today’s share!」

To tell the truth, my father was very indebted to this weapon shop-san and armour shop-san, and shared a portion of the prey he caught with them.

I also shared prey with them, though it was only rabbit meat.

I’ve always given him rabbit, so I felt bad, but...... will he accept this, I wonder?

「Amazing, you really did hunt an orc......」

As oji-san said that, he looked fixedly at the meat I gave him. (TLC: しげしげと見る. What does shigeshige mean in this case?)

「......Thanks, for giving me something so delicious. So, weapons was it? What do you need? Is it a dagger after all?」

「Yes, that’s right. If you have a good dagger I would like to see it.」

「Okay, what’s your budget?」

「If it’s okay I would like two daggers with a total of 10 gold coins or below.」

Oji-san nodded and said I see, went inside the back of the shop to bring out the goods.

After about 5 minutes, he returned.

「Take a look at this one」

As he said that he showed me a steel dagger.

At first glance, it looked like a normal dagger.......

Name: Steel Dagger + 12

Attack: + 30

Grade: High

Attribute: None

Special attack: Humanoid (TLN: 特攻:人型. ._. ...? What? Help, someone?)

Hmm? What’s this +12 attached to the name.

「It may look ordinary, but this fellow cuts terribly well. There are times when a skilled blacksmith is striking the equipment and in the middle it shines with a rainbow colour, and those who show such a phenomena will without a doubt display a special sharpness. And this is that exceptional dagger」

I see, the + was definitely attached when it shone.

What is the 12 though.

Oji-san continued his explanation.

「However, there seem to be a difference in sharpness among the shining weapons...... but I guarantee this fellow’s sharpness.」

Oh, it looks quite good.

But what is this special attack? Oji-san didn’t explain this though.......

Since oji-san doesn’t have Appraisal, he can’t see this detail.

That’s why, he surely doesn’t know, I think.

「Yes, this looks good! How much is it?」

Oji-san made a happy expression as his recommended dagger was complimented and answered.

「Hmm, it’s originally 12 gold coins, but you have a budget...... 8 gold coins’ll be enough.」

He decreased the price by 4 gold coins!? Is it okay, I wonder....... Even though I’m happy, I feel anxious. Oji-san will be losing money.

「I’m really glad but...... is it okay? Oji-san.」 You’ll be losing money, you know?」

As I said my worry, oji-san immediately looked blankly at me and laughed out loudly.

「Uhahahahahaha, boy, a kid like you shouldn’t be worrying about an adult」

「......Thanks, oji-san」

As I said my thanks, he was a little embarrassed and pointed at a shelf behind the counter.

「As for the other one, choose the one you like from that daggers shelf, any one of them’s better than the one you use for dismantling.」

As I was told that, I looked at the shelf.

I tried appraising them and they definitely look the same.

Hm, wait...... somehow a strange one is mixed among them.

Name: Dagger of Origin

Attack: + 10

Grade: None

Attribute: Growth

Special Attack: None

What is this, it seems strange.......

It’s pitch black from the blade to the grip but it doesn’t seem to be different from the other daggers.

Even so, I am curious about something.

It has a weird name, and I don’t know what’s the meaning of the growth attribute.

Uun, since it’s not much different from the others, I’ll choose this.

「Oji-san, I’ll choose this. How much is it?」

「Hou, 60 silver coins will be good.」

I paid oji-san for the both the daggers, and expressed my gratitude.

「Thank you for the fine goods! I’ll cherish it」

「Yeah, don’t do the impossible okay boy? After all you can’t do anything if you’re dead」

Next is the armour shop.

「Good afternoon!」

The younger brother is already married, only his wife is at the counter.

「Ara, Myne-kun, good afternoonー! That dagger, by any chance did you buy it from brother-in-law?」

「Yes! Oji-san sold me excellent goods! And this is the usual thanks!」

As I said that, I handed the orc meat to the wife, and she was very surprised but immediately smiled sweetly.

「Amazing, it’s orc meat! Thanks for always, Myne-kun」

「No no, well then, I’ve want to buy a set of leather equipment but...... can I buy a complete set with 10 gold coins?」

As I said that, the wife put a finger to her lips, and thought about it.

「Un, we’ve been indebted to Myne-kun......」

As she said that, she took out a set of equipment.

「Up until now, Myne has been using rabbit leather armour, right? This is Black Wolf leather armour, so I think the defence will be considerably increased」

A, amazing!? Black Wolf leather armour, is equipment used by C-ranks and above!?

It is definitely unreasonable for 10 gold coins.

「Eh? How much is it? I don’t have that much of a budget......」

「10 gold coins will be enough, it looks really neat but it is a second-hand. Because it has never been used even once for some reason, and was returned to us.」

I’m curious about this “reason”, but if she says that...... is it okay?

I thanked the onee-san, and paid for the equipment.

Yosh, with this, I’ve prepared both weapons and armour.

Let’s return home and think about the appraisal results.

I haven’t edited or proofread this so if there are any mistakes or weird parts please inform me! (I still have homework so I don’t have much time. Sorry.)

Now then, I’ve finally reached home.

Even though I only registered in the guild, I didn’t expect that it was more tiring than when I went hunting.

Quenching my thirst with water from the well, I threw myself on my bed and looked up at the ceiling.

......Let’s try appraising.

Name : Myne

LV : 7

Race : Hume

Gender : Male

Age : 15 years

Occupation : Adventurer (Rank F)


Appraisal・Complete LV2 (4/200)

Cut & Paste (9/200)

Dagger・Extreme (14/50)

Twin Blades (0/50)

Axe (0/50)

Leg Enhancement・Small (22/50)

Sight Enhancement・Moderate (10/50)

Swift Feet (Small) (22/50)

Strong Arm (10/50)

Magic・Wind (12/50)

Support Magic・Speed Reduction (2/50)

Support Magic・Sleep (1/50)

Support Magic・Gradual Restoration Small (Stamina) (0/50)

Cooking (1/50)

Needlework (0/50)

Etiquette (0/50)

Art of Negotiation (3/50)

Alchemy (6/50)

U~n, as expected something changed in the display.

The one I’m curious about is definitely the “LV”.

Why did it suddenly increase, or rather what is LV?

I’ve never heard of it up until now.......

There’s also a LV attached to the back of Appraisal.

The LV at my place is 7 while 2 behind Appraisal’s, I wonder what’s between the numbers.

And there’s another incomprehensible digit behind Appraisal...... it’s changed from when I saw it at the guild!?

When I saw it at the guild it was (3/200), it’s raised from 2 to 3.

Ah, wait.

If I don’t understand I can appraise it, I completely forgot when I was surprised and stunned.

【LV】: Read as level. The digit shows the strength, the higher the number, the stronger it is. By defeating enemies, experienced will be obtained, and when a fixed amount is accumulated, the level will rise. By raising the Skill level, the skill proficiency level will rise.

Uwa~. I somehow knew something amazing.......

I see, since up until now there was no 【Appraisal: Level】 in my 【Appraisal: Complete】, nobody in the world knows about it.

Probably, when using Appraisal the proficiency level, probably the numbers behind it in the ()......, when this was collected, it became level 2.

Because Appraisal reached level 2, the concept of level can be appraised, probably something like this.

Me raising my level to 7 was surely because I defeated the orcs.

......Thinking about it again, but 【Appraisal : Complete】 is an outrageous skill, huh.

Though I’ve never seen it in this world before, I can see everything about it...... In other words, levels and proficiency level which only I know about will appear from hereafter.

Knowing this or not knowing this, will probably have an overwhelming difference in efficiency in becoming stronger.

In the first place, I haven’t confirm whether a skill will become stronger when I use it.

For some reason, the feeling of becoming stronger is a sensation of the world. (TLN: wat. なんとなく、強くなった気がするというのが世間の感覚だ。)

And when that is mastered, one will feel that their ability is raised.

That’s why they don’t think it’s “The more you use it, the stronger it’ll become” .

If they know, surely they’ll put in great effort to raise their level.

......But, since they don’t know, they can’t become stronger anymore, except if by chance.

However, I know. No, I accidentally knew.

Won’t this become an outrageous advantage as an adventurer.

I’ve no choice but to accept guild requests immediately tomorrow.

I won’t only be able to obtain a new skill, I’ll even be able to strengthen my present skills.

And if I raise my own level, I’ll become even stronger.

I think Aisha-san who became my exclusive receptionist lady will also surely be delighted.

Yosh, yosh, yosh! My motivation’s rapidly gushing forth!

Thanks to the skills I received from God, my life has really changed, and is heading towards an excitingly good direction!

It’s won’t be enough no matter how much I give my thanks, huh.

God, I truly truly thank you.

After I expressed my thanks to God from the bottom of my heart, I made dinner and went to sleep.

Ah, it’s definitely thanks to the Cooking skill that the meal was very delicious!

Good night.


「Why! Why is this happening!」

A loud voice reverberates in the bar, which immediately disappear into the noise, and disappeared.

「Calm down Lyle」

The one who shouted in the loud voice was Lyle, an adventurer who wanted to Aisha to become his own exclusive receptionist lady.

Because he was cursing Aisha in the guild, his comrades brought him to the bar.

By the way, in the situation where an adventurer who is in a party has an exclusive receptionist lady attached to him, that receptionist lady will also receive the party.

However, if the exclusive adventurer leaves the party temporarily or permanently, the party member will not be received.

In other words, if Aisha is Lyle’s exclusive, as long as the party members are still in the party, it’s the same as having an exclusive receptionist.

「In the first place, the guild leader’s is still a guild leader! Why did he fucking approve to give a newbie like him an exclusive!」

Lyle banged the table with all his strength.

His party members said “good grief” and while pacifying Lyle, they agreed with him.

「As if I’ll come to an understanding! I, I am more worthy of Aisha! Even though I’m almost becoming a B ranker!」

Once again, he knocked the table, grabbed the poured out ale, and drank it all in one go.

As he finished drinking it, he hit the beer mug to the table with a ‘Bang!’, then urgede for seconds in a loud voice.

「Ora! Gimme another ale!」

Lyle’s party members soon raised their hands at Lyle who was in quite the bad mood.

「Oi, Lyle. I understand what you’re feeling, but don’t get carried away」

「Yeah, look around you, those guys are irritated and glaring over here, you know」

Even though his party members persuaded him, Lyle turned a deaf ear.

On the contrary, he started provoking them when he heard that they were glaring at him.

「Aah? What? You have a problem with me? Worthless bastards like you taking such a cheeky attitude with me, you’re too eeearly for that!」

Saying that, he took the beer mug on the table which contained the ale his party members were drinking, and splashed the ale at the adventurers who were glaring at him.

As expected, going that far, the other adventurers were obviously unable to stay silent.

Adventurers are the type of people who extremely hate having their face crushed. (TLN: Face as in honour)

Unable to keep their manners, it is impossible for them to stay silent when they were splashed with ale by a fool making a ruckus at the bar.

Naturally, it became a big scuffle.

Lyle’s party members said ‘I can’t do this’, and ran away. Of course, Lyle, the culprit behind the tussle, was deserted.

The one who attacked wasn’t only the man who had ale splashed on him, the adventurers who were fed up with Lyle’s noisiness surrounded him.

The numbers swelled up to about 10 people.

No matter how competent or confident one is, there is no way to put up a good fight against 10 people in a drunk condition after gulping down ale.

Lyle who was beaten up was then thrown out of the store.

「......Ku, Everything, everything is that brat’s fault......, I’ll kill him...... I’ll fucking kill him」


At the same time, in a certain room in the capital.......

「The young man I mentioned last time who was bestowed 【Appraisal : Complete】, had defeated an orc by himself」

「Oh, that’s amazing. Defeating an orc by himself just after coming of age, huh. 【Appraisal : Complete】 isn’t a combat skill, right?」

「Yes, of course」

「......Was he bestowed with any other skills?」

「If I remember correctly...... there was also 【Cut & Paste】」

「Hm? What’s that...... From the name, isn’t it a skill with 【Cut】 and 【Paste】 together?」

「Yes, that’s how it seems. None of them are important skills, so I didn’t report this......」

「Only this two?...... Both of them aren’t combat skills, what’s the meaning of this?」

「I do not know......」

「That young man seems to have some secret, huh? It seems like it will be interesting to try meeting him once」

Without the knowledge of the person himself, Myne’s gears of fate was starting to move greatly.

What exactly does Myne’s fate await him?

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