So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 143

“Mom, I have made up my mind to study at Song Jiang Industry University.” Yang Ming said in a determined tone.

“Study at Song Jiang Industry University? Why? Tsinghua University and Beijing University are more famous than Song Jiang Industry University. Please don’t make a silly mistake like this!” Mother Yang said in a hurried tone.

“Yeah, Tsinghua University’s prestige is very well established. It will be useful if you’re trying to find a job in the future!” Yang Dahai came over too.

“Dad, Mom, I have decided already. I’m going to Song Jiang Industry University.” Yang Ming said, “Zhang Bing and Chen Mengyan are studying at this university too.”

“Big Ming, are you talking about that class commissary of yours? You’d rather stay at Song Jiang because of a woman?” Mother Yang was angry.

“That is only part of the reason, but not its entirety.” If it was in the past, Yang Ming would plan for his future. But now he didn’t have to worry about money because of his extraordinary abilities. There was no difference in attending a different university! Besides, Lan Ling had rented a house here.

“Big Ming, have you made up your mind already?” Yang Dahai sighed while he asked.

“Dad, I have made up my mind already.” Yang Ming said in a serious tone, “I have already deliberated over this. Besides, I’m planning to work for Uncle Zhang while I’m studying. I’ll be working at his company after graduation. This is a good opportunity. I don’t want to miss it.”

Yang Ming was trying to make an excuse, but Father Yang and Mother Yang believed in it! Finding employment nowadays was more intense. Despite graduating from a famous university, weren’t there a lot of people who couldn’t find a job?

Yang Ming noticed that his parents hesitated, so he decided to push further. “Dad, Mom, I’m very talented in identifying jade. Lately, I have helped Uncle Zhang to earn quite a lot. He even gave me a large sum of money besides my first month’s salary! I just got it today, and I’m preparing to hand it over to you!”

“Really?” Yang Dahai thought Yang Ming was reasonable too. Yang Dahai knew pretty well about Zhang Jiefang’s company. The long-term asset was about twenty million. This would be a company to stay with if Yang Ming could work there. “Right, then show your mom and me. How much did you get for your first month’s salary?”

Yang Ming prepared a bankbook beforehand. When he got 200,000 yuan from Zhang Jiefang, he opened another bank account and deposited 8,000 yuan in it. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to give more. He was afraid his parents couldn’t accept such a large sum of money.

After all, his parents had taken care of him for eighteen years. Now Yang Ming could earn a living. The first thing that he thought about was to honor his parents and make them happy.

“Not bad. Big Ming can earn a living already!” Mother Yang took the bankbook. “As we told you before, your first month’s salary belongs to your dad and me. We two have to spend some of our son’s money!”

“Mom, even if you didn’t mention this, I wanted to give this money to both of you. My first month’s salary should be honoring you two!” Yang Ming was reasonable. In China, many families have the tradition of the children giving their first month’s salary to their parents after they started to work!

“That’s really great. Your dad and I will accept it!” As she spoke, Yang Ming opened the bankbook. She stared at the bankbook and said shockingly, “Yang Ming, am I seeing this right? This… is your salary for a month?”

“Yeah!” Yang Ming sighed lightly. Luckily he only deposited 8,000 yuan. Yang Ming was originally thinking of giving his parents 10,000 yuan.

“Old Yang, take a look at this. Did I count it right? One zero, two zero, three zeros. 8,000 yuan?” Mother Yang passed the bankbook to Yang Dahai.

“Big Ming, didn’t you say your salary was 3,000 yuan? Why is it 8,000 yuan?” Yang Dahai was surprised too, but he looked more steady than Mother Yang.

“Dad, didn’t I tell you that I’m quite talented in identifying gemstones? So Uncle Zhang gave me 5,000 yuan as a bonus!” Yang Ming explained.

“5,000 yuan?! This is a bonus?” Yang Dahai worked in a factory for half of his life. The maximum bonus he ever got was a few hundred yuan. It was hard to imagine a bonus that could be higher than the usual salary!

Surely this was very common in big enterprises, especially for a company like Zhang Jiefang’s trading enterprise. Yang Ming only said so because he understood this well.

“Yeah, dad, don’t you be so surprised. Many big enterprises have higher commission and bonuses that are higher than the salary.” Yang Ming explained.

“Big Ming is right. In our community, Sister Sun’s son is working at an overseas company. He could get around 5,000 yuan. His basic salary is about 2,000 yuan, but his business commission could reach about 3,000 yuan!” Mother Yang nodded her head. “At that time, we were still admiring her son. My son is unexpectedly stronger than him!”

“So, mom and dad, let’s think of it this way. Since I’m so talented in identifying jewelry, it would be a waste if I didn’t pursue this career. Now not many white collar workers can get such a high salary as me. I truly don’t want to lose this opportunity.” Yang Ming struck while the iron is hot.

“En, I think Big Ming has his reasons.” Yang Dahai nodded his head. Nowadays the most important thing is money! Why do you go to a university? Isn’t the objective to get a job with better income? Since Yang Ming has gotten a stable job with an enormous income, why would he give up so readily?

“Okay, since you both are in consensus, that will be great.” Mother Yang had already agreed on Yang Ming’s decision too.

Just like that, Yang Ming signed the university application form without any objection. Then Yang Ming mentioned that he would be going to camp tomorrow. Father Yang and Mother Yang naturally agreed to it, but they asked Yang Ming to be wary of his safety.

On the next morning, Zhang Bing came to Yang Ming’s house. Because of the accident yesterday, the Chrysler 300c was brought in for paint repair. Today Zhang Bing drove his mother’s Audi A4.

A man like Zhang Bing driving a red colored A4 was a little bit foxy, but he had no choice.

If Zhang Bing didn’t call out to him, Yang Ming wouldn’t expect Zhang Bing to drive this car.

“What is this? Why is this so foxy? But I like it!” Yang Ming quite liked Audi, so when he looked at this A4, it truly tickled his heart.

“Since you like it, then you drive.” Zhang Bing was looking for a scapegoat. He attracted too much attention just now, but he had no choice. The red colored A4 was remarkably eye-catching. Zhang Bing immediately jumped out of the driver’s seat.

This matched Yang Ming’s intention. He got into the car and adjusted it. He reversed the car then drove out of his housing area.

“You aren’t bad at driving!” Zhang Bing gasped in admiration.

“Of course!” Yang Ming thought. Bulls***, my eyes are better than the f***ing rearview mirror. I know what’s behind the car from just a glimpse behind.

Yang Ming learned how useful his extraordinary abilities were only after driving. He could see the traffic ahead clearly without limitation in distance. Besides, he would even know whether the traffic ahead was jammed or not.

When he reached Chen Mengyan’s apartment, Yang Ming called Chen Mengyan. They had promised yesterday to give her a ride to school this morning.

“Hello, good morning. I’m looking for Chen Mengyan.” Yang Ming talked into the phone.

“Is it Yang Ming? Please wait for a moment.” The man on the other side of the phone said.

En? How does he know that I’m Yang Ming? His voice is a bit familiar too! Could it be that Chen Mengyan told her father my name?

When Yang Ming was having random thoughts, he heard Chen Mengyan’s voice, “Yang Ming, wait for me for a while. I’m coming down as soon as possible.”

After about ten minutes, Chen Mengyan appeared at the apartment entrance. Today, Chen Mengyan wore a white shirt with a small black waistcoat on the outside, and a pair of pale blue jeans. She looked really pure and innocent with that outfit.

“Here!” Yang Ming extended his head out of the car window and waved to Chen Mengyan.

“Is it real? You’re driving?” Chen Mengyan was stunned, and she was surprised to see this red Audi A4.

At this moment, Zhang Bing had offered his seat to Yang Ming. Yang Ming swiftly started the car after Chen Mengyan got in. “This is Zhang Bing’s mother’s car. I kind of like Audi, so I’m test driving.”

“I honestly didn’t notice. Zhang Bing, you’re certainly a diamond in the rough. I didn’t know your family is so rich.” Chen Mengyan smiled as she said this. She was surprised with the Chrysler 300c yesterday. She only knew about Zhang Bing’s family background from Yang Ming after that.

“Hehe, the real diamond is the one in your family!” Zhang Bing thought, Yang Ming is already a millionaire.

“En?” Chen Mengyan was dumbfounded.

Chapter Notes:

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If you like works from this author, Fishman II, Gravity Tales also features another one of his novels, , translated by Marcy and edited by Weirdo. Lin Yi is a disciple of Yang Ming. He knows martial arts, is a great cook and highly skilled herbal doctor and of course, has his own harem! Check it out!

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