Empire of the Ring

Chapter 428 - An Unexpected Dark Horse (2)

Chapter 428: An Unexpected Dark Horse (2)

Youngho met Sanderson, the Chief of the British Secret Intelligence Service, last time he visited London. Although they could talk on the phone, Sanderson wanted to meet Youngho, so he visited London after his work was finished in Sweden.

The reason that he wanted to see Youngho was to provide a special loan for the autonomous state and to make it a strong ally of the British Intelligence Service. It was called a special loan, but it was basically free money that the state could use. Youngho politely declined the offer because he did not want to lean on the UK too much.

The purpose of the loan was to buy intelligence equipment for the autonomous state’s intelligence department because the costs of related equipment exceeded a year’s expense of the whole state. The loan was offered to relieve the state’s burden. On top of that, Sanderson promised that he would provide British military satellite services and various electronic equipment with a high-performance level of a supercomputer.

It was tempting, but Youngho had to give it up since the British Intelligence Service would naturally start interfering with the autonomous state’s work if he took the offer.

Sanderson, who was not happy about Youngho’s rejection, visited the Arirang Autonomous State today.

“Mr. Sanderson, you must’ve gone through the trouble to travel this far. How was your trip?”

“I had a comfortable trip because you sent me a luxury jet to Baku, Duke. Thank you.”

“Excuse me for not coming to Baku to meet you. I would have, but I had to finalize some work here. So, I made you come.”

“Oh, that’s not a problem at all. If you came to Baku, I wouldn’t have had a chance to see the autonomous state.”

“This is not a fancy place. We’ve only formed a small city.”

“The Grand Palace is quite magnificent. I’ve seen it from satellite pictures. I like how peaceful the autonomous state is. London is extremely complex and tiring compared to your city.”

“I heard that there was a terrorist attack there today.”

“Yes, terrorists are still active now. Speaking of which, you’ve sacrificed yourself for our people. I haven’t been able to thank you for your bravery. Your performance saved many lives.”

“What do you mean...?”

“We’ve confirmed that you and your friend were the ones who saved people’s lives from a bombed building through security cameras and satellite images. Even though you did a heroic performance, you remained anonymous. Even Her Majesty the Queen was impressed by that.”

Youngho did not expect anyone to find out about the terrorist attack incident in London that day, but it seemed that the British Intelligence Service had found out about him and Jong-il. He only jumped in because all he could think about was to save people. He had already forgotten about that incident.

“Well, anyone would have done the same in that situation. I’m not a hero or anything.”

“How on earth did you attain such supernatural strength?”

“Well, when in an emergency, people can exert superhuman strength. This is often on TV news. Have you heard of the story about a mom who lifted up a car when her child was run over by a car? I was very surprised by what happened that day. I came back to the state and tried to lift up a stone that had a similar weight, but I couldn’t do it anymore.”

“Hahaha... I see you think you suddenly had Herculean strength.”

“Yes, the human body can do amazing things. I just thought the heavens gave me a sudden power at that moment so that I can save people.”

Sanderson did not doubt Youngho’s lie. It seemed that he was only thinking that Youngho was a gentleman who saved lives and did not brag about it.

“Her Majesty wants to thank both of you. Could you visit Buckingham Palace some time?”

“Oh, I don’t want to be rewarded over nothing.”

“You are indeed a gentleman. Even the Foreign Secretary was praised by Her Majesty because of that. A Danish royal family must be happy to have someone like you as their family-in-law.”

“Oh, please stop trying to flatter me. I think I’m getting dizzy.”

“I’m also personally honored to know someone like you, Duke.”

“That’s too much praise. I’m only a clumsy person who still makes a lot of mistakes.”

“You saved dozens of lives. It’s something only a gentleman can do. So the British government has decided to provide free intelligence equipment instead of a loan. It’s a way to express the gratitude of our government. Please do not refuse this time.”

“Oh, I don’t want to get anything in return for my deed.”

“It’s just a favor from the government.”

“Well, if you insist, I’ll give you an answer after I consult with the head director of our Intelligence Department.”

Youngho knew that this could not be just a simple favor. It was to tie down the autonomous state, but it was still such a tempting offer.


“What did you say? He said he would give those valuable equipment? Even the CIA doesn’t give us that much support. Indeed, the British are a gentlemen’s country.”

Jong-il got excited as he heard the news. It was great news for him since he was annoyed by the lack of equipment for intelligence agents.

“Don’t get excited too fast. Sanderson didn’t tell me what he wants in exchange yet.”

“Stop being a chicken. Even the Queen is inviting us. Why don’t we take the equipment first? If they change their word, we’ll just give them back those devices.”

“You’re diminishing the UK. You’re talking about the country that used to be on top of the world.”

“Don’t think too much. With those kinds of high tech devices, we’ll be able to count even the number of cockroaches crawling in the Presidential Palace in Astana.”

“Are you trying to watch the Presidential Palace too?”

“It’s to protect the President. He must’ve made so many enemies while trying to maintain his power.”

“Oh, how great is your loyalty.”

“Of course. He’s the one who entrusted the future of Kazakhstan to the autonomous state. We’ll have to protect him.”

Jong-il was saying that he would surveillance even the president’s bedroom. Saying that he would be able to watch the President’s kinsmen’s activities, he was getting excited.

“So far, our agents found that the Deputy Prime Minister meets other politicians quite often. If she doesn’t have ambitions, there’s no reason for her to meet them so frequently.”

“I see. Something must be going on between them.”

“The deputy prime minister is now considered to be the heavyweight in the political world of Kazakhstan. People think that the President is rooting for her. But when they find out that the President is pushing you, they’d be upset. You know they must’ve used a lot of money for her until now.”

“What are they going to do?”

“She and her supporters might even cause a coup .”

“What? Against her father? Oh, you’ve gone too far now.”

“Who knows what hunger for power can do to people?”

“So, you’re saying that this is why we should accept the equipment from the United Kingdom’s Intelligence Service?”

“She’s not someone that should be underestimated. We really need all the help we can get. You have two options. Give up the autonomous state or get her.”

“Phew, it’s a hard decision.”


Sanderson the Chief of the British Secret Intelligence Service spent another day in the state before returning to London.

Youngho decided to take the bait that the UK Intelligence Service had cast out.

It was because he had a huge enemy, the Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Dariga. In order to collect data about her, cutting-edge intelligence equipment was essential.

Sanderson returned home happily saying that he would send different types of equipment as well as personnel to install and operate them immediately. Since the UK was not a neighboring nation, the friendship between the autonomous state and the UK would not be broken so easily. Neighboring countries could only be tied to their interests, so often times their alliance was easily broken. That was why a nation had to grow its force to maintain the balance of power with the neighboring countries, or it would be overtaken by others.

Anyway, with the equipment provided by the UK, the autonomous state would be building a trusty relationship with the UK by gathering and sharing information of Central Asian countries. By establishing this relationship, the UK would be gaining a bridgehead in Central Asia through the autonomous state. For now, the autonomous state would have to maintain good relations with the UK which may be a quite substantial friendly force.

“Hey, Chief Sanderson surely promised us to provide military satellite data?”

“Yes. How many times do I have to tell you?”

“I can’t believe it. This is too good. With that technology, we’d be able to see everything around the world from our state.”

“They will probably give us only the data from Central Asia.”

“And we should be thankful for that!”

“Don’t you ever think that the UK is tying us down with their support?”

“It’s a faraway country. What are you afraid of? Let’s think that we have a good partner to exchange information with. Who knows? The UK may become a true ally of Kazakhstan in the future.”

“I don’t know why I’ve become so skeptical these days. Everyone looks like a thief to me.”

“What’s sadder is not being worthy to be even used. Just be glad that the UK finds us useful and is offering us with their intelligence support.”

A nation without power would have to beg for peace, and Youngho was sad that the autonomous state is at the same state. Although Jong-il tried to console him by saying that the state was useful, Youngho was still feeling bitter. He comforted himself with the phrase, ‘your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.’

“I will refrain from visiting Astana for a while.”

“You’re not going to meet the President and find out his intention?”

“I will talk to him on the phone as long as possible. If I don’t show up at the Presidential Palace, I won’t be targeted as a political opponent by his daughter.”

“What’s the point? She must be keeping her eye on you already.”

“She would think that the President and I grew apart if I keep my distance from him so suddenly. It’s a simple trick but it works.”

“As soon as the devices are here, I’ll start watching that woman.”

“Yeah, you should. From now on, keep a tight watch on her. I’m saying that we should check even a puppy in her house.”

“It’s pathetic that I have to focus all of my energy on that woman.”

“This is an important matter! All of the people of the autonomous state are at stake.”

“So, I’m saying. We should arm ourselves to the extreme. Hire more researchers for the weapons lab. We should make missiles, too!”

“Aren’t you tired of saying that?”

“Dude, you always treat me like I’m crazy, but there will be a day that you’ll thank me for this.”

“Jeez, it’s like you’re begging for war.”

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