The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 894 - Visit from Jiahang’s Mother

Chapter 894: Visit from Jiahang’s Mother

He Xiyan and Yuan Yuan returned home bearing bags of varying sizes. They had gone to the supermarket and bought two large bags of food, including vegetables, fruits, and snacks.

He Xiyan took out these items one at a time and put them inside the fridge. Yuan Yuan wanted to eat an apple so she picked one up, peeled it and cut it into tiny slices for him.

She was about to bring out a plate of sliced apples when she heard Yuan Yuan calling for her in the living room.

“Mom, I think there’s someone at the door,” he yelled loudly. He had just emerged from the bathroom and was about to retrieve his sketchbook from the bedroom.

The guests outside spoke to each other as they knocked on the door.

“Is this the right unit?” Yang Yun asked as she looked at her niece, Gu Lin.

Gu Lin looked at the text message that her cousin had sent her and checked the unit number once more.

“This should be it, block 1 unit 19-02. This is the correct unit,” she said.

He Xiyan placed the sliced apples on the tea table before she walked toward the door.

Soon, she heard the rapid knocks on the door.

“Who’s this?” she asked loudly as she stood at the doorway.

Jiahang would use his own set of keys to open his door and she saw that he had taken the keys with him before he left, so the people outside had to be visitors.

“Knock knock knock..”

There was another series of knocks and soon, she heard a familiar voice.

“Is this Yan Yan? I’m Shaoqian’s mother.”


He Xiyan froze and she felt as though a rock had slammed so hard against her head that she saw stars.

She looked at the door that was tightly shut and wanted to open it, but her legs felt as heavy as lead and she found that she was unable to move.

“Yan Yan, is that you?” Yang Yun called out once more when she didn’t hear any response inside. She was afraid that she had gone to the wrong building and ended up in the wrong unit.

“Hm, this should be right,” she said in confusion. She had clearly heard a voice inside earlier.

He Xiyan took a deep breath and placed her hands were now coated with a layer of sweat on the door handle. Then, she turned and looked in the direction of the bedroom where Yuan Yuan had disappeared.

She suddenly smiled.

Forget it, she would not be able to hide this secret for long and she would have to deal with this one day anyway.

Since the time of reckoning had come, she would have to face it.

He Xiyan turned the doorknob and the door opened. She saw two women standing outside and the first was obviously Jiahang’s mother while the second woman looked a little familiar.

Oh yes, she finally remembered where she had seen this woman. Jiahang had been staring at her that day at the airport.

She looked at this unfamiliar lady in confusion and forgot all about greeting Jiahang’s mother.

“Hello, I’m Shaoqian’s sister Gu Lin,” Gu Lin introduced herself.

When she heard the word ‘sister’ she finally remembered Jiahang mentioning that he had a cousin. This cousin was probably Gu Lin.

He Xiyan quickly ushered them into the house.

“Aunty, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were going to come,” she said with a smile and looked a little awkward. She felt awkward because she knew that Yuan Yuan was inside.

“Yan Yan...” Yang Yun said with a smile as she walked inside the house and only turned to her after she looked around the house. “Both Jiahang’s father and I were still worried about him and wanted to visit the place where you lived and worked to understand more about both of you. Jiahang’s father has a bad foot, so I asked Lin Lin to tag along. Why! Is Shaoqian out?”

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