Legend of Legends

Chapter 97: New Power 3

It was the first time he was seeing arrows glowing with moonlight. He was curious about the damage they would inflict, and Adolphe and Doctor Tula became their first targets.

Doctor Tula was about to use the flamethrower on Halo, and Adolphe was running while carrying his mechanical sword. They were both hit by the moonlit arrows and staggered backward.

Doctor Tula was hit on the right arm, and Adolphe was hit on his thigh. They both looked to be in great pain, and Diane readied another shot.

"It was worth the price," she said.

Diane shot another five arrows. They zoomed through the air in a row, and Doctor Tula lifted his legs. He blocked three arrows, but two arrows still hit him on the chest.

"Ugh!" He moaned, in pain, and staggered farther back.

She had used her power and not just an ordinary attack, and it inflicted extraordinary damage. Diane laughed a little and pulled on her bowstring again.

"Deathblows delivery!"

Junhyuk could guess at what she meant. Diane carried items with high attack that inflicted fatal injuries. She shot some more moonlit arrows, and Doctor Tula used his front legs to block. He couldn’t block arrows shot with her powers, but he could block ordinary attacks. After blocking, he launched a spider web at her in response.

Diane was tied up by the sudden spider web. She couldn’t let go of her bow, but Halo was able to move again. He was already close to the enemy, so he used his lighting flash attack.

The lighting flash attack was also different. As Halo moved, wind was compressed into the sword and, as he slashed Doctor Tula’s ribs, the wind was decompressed, opening a gash where the sword passed.

Doctor Tula looked at himself bleeding and asked, ""What kind of damage is this?"

In fact, Doctor Tula didn’t have a lot of health. Compared to the other heroes, he had high attack and the ability to tie people up, which made him dangerous, but when attacked, he was not different from the other heroes.

Diane’s attack had delivered a massive blow, and Halo’s attack was also very strong. Doctor Tula was about to die, so he used his flamethrower. The strong flames engulfed Halo, and the fire inflicted persistent damage. Halo wasn’t tied up, so he wasn’t hurt badly. If he had been, he would be in critical condition.

Halo still had some fire on him when he jumped and swung his sword.

The sword slashed Doctor Tula’s body, and his chest bled profusely. By the look of the amount of blood spilled, Halo’s new item opened up injuries and made them bleed.

Doctor Tula staggered, and Adolphe rushed after Diane. With his mechanical sword, Adolphe slashed Diane’s chest. She was paralyzed, and he lifted the mechanical sword up high. If he attacked with his sword, she could die.

Junhyuk grabbed Diane’s shoulder and teleported away. Adolphe slammed his sword down.

Crack, crack, crack, crack!

Adolphe’s sword crushed the ground up to thirty-three feet way, but Junhyuk could teleport a distance of forty-three feet. He saw the crushed ground ten feet in front of him and sighed.

Adolphe saw his power hadn’t worked and rushed toward Diane again. He knew Diane had low defense and wanted to bring her to an end. However, Junhyuk stood in front of the rushing Adolphe. Since he was a champion, his attack was certainly higher than Junhyuk’s. His powers were strong, and his ordinary attack also looked powerful.

Still, if Junhyuk didn’t stop him, Diane would die, and he couldn’t let that happen.

He had to hold him for just a moment. Whenever Diane could move again, she would kill that champion easily.

They both used their powers. Junhyuk walked toward Adolphe, and Adolphe looked at him and laughed.

"I heard you have useful powers."

He attacked with his mechanical sword, and Junhyuk dodged to the side. Adolphe twisted his waist and swung again. It all happened too suddenly, and Junhyuk couldn’t really escape.

Adolphe’s sword slashed through the empty air. Junhyuk had been attacked, but he looked like a shadow. Adolphe’s eyes widened, and Junhyuk smiled. That was the power of the Dark Night Cloak. Junhyuk had escaped, and he swung his swords at Adolphe, who blocked with his mechanical sword.

However, Junhyuk had been practicing his swordsmanship, and with three continued swings, he slashed Adolphe’s thigh.

Adolphe had already been hurt by Diane’s arrow, and he couldn’t really find his footing. The important thing was that Junhyuk had slashed him with the Frozen Rune Sword, and Adolphe frowned.

Adolphe realized he was debuffed. He was moving slower, and Junhyuk’s attacks became faster. He tries to block, but he was slashed five more times.

The debuff was stacked three times.

Junhyuk thought he had done enough and hit Adolphe’s sword as he stepped back. Adolphe ran toward him, but was hit by five arrows in a row.

Adolphe covered his weak spots, but Diane didn’t aim for them.

Thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck!


The five arrows hit him on the leg without the previous injury. With five arrows in one thigh, Adolphe stared at Diane, but she was slowly loosening another arrow.

"That hurt."

The arrow flew, but Adolphe blocked it.


It had been an explosive arrow. As Adolphe blocked it, another arrow flew through the air and penetrated his neck.


Adolphe started disappearing, and Diane ran and said, "Junhyuk, follow me!"

She knew Junhyuk hadn’t used his force field and ran with him.

Halo had already killed Doctor Tula. He was hit by the flamethrower, but the damage had been minimal. Diane had killed Adolphe, so the allies had the advantage.

Halo took the lead, and Diane, Junhyuk and Sarang followed him. Sarang was running last, and Junhyuk frowned.

Bater was rushing against Artlan and stomping the ground. His attacks covered long distances and inflicted heavy damage, and Regina was also on the move.

Regina’s speed was amazing, and she swung down her cutlass on Vera. Vera was in danger.

Nudra kicked Regina, pushing her back. He tossed Regina toward Halo and Diane.

Halo used the lighting flash attack on her back. The attack opened a gash on her back, and it started to bleed, so she turned and shot her gun at Halo.


He was hit by buckshot and staggered. Regina ignored Halo, and at max speed, she moved toward Vera.

Bater was fighting Nudra and Artlan, and Regina was trying to kill Vera. That seemed to be their plan. Their original plan called for Doctor Tula and Adolphe to join them. They had meant to kill all three heroes by using their great attack powers. However, Doctor Tula and Adolphe were dead, so Bater was dealing with Nudra and Artlan, and Regina was dealing with Vera.

Regina was moving at great speed, shooting her pistol at Vera. Vera dodged the bullets and quickly set a fire orb in Regina’s path. Regina slid away from the fire orb, but a firewall appeared in front of her. She had nowhere to go, and Vera threw a fire spear.

Boom, boom!

Regina was hit with the fire spear and staggered to hit the fire orb. Vera had upgraded her equipment, and her damage had increased, but Regina was not dead yet. She looked at Vera, lifting her eyepatch. It was a new power. Vera turned into a big rock.


Regina walked up to Vera and swung her cutlass and shot her pistol.

Slaa-chink! Bang, bang, bang!

Nudra launched a strong gust and pushed Regina back, but Bater rushed in.


Vera was a big rock, and she broke into small pieces. She had been out of range of Junhyuk’s force field, and Artlan looked at Vera dying and ran toward Regina.

From behind her, Halo jumps toward her. Regina spun and shot her pistols.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Artlan and Halo had to find safe spots from her bullets. Her pistol attacks had the power to push people back.

After seeing the petrification power, they knew all of Regina’s powers, but she was quite dangerous. She was trying to retreat when five arrows flew toward her. Regina attempted to dodge them quickly, but was still hit on the shoulder and chest.

She had already lost a lot of health because of Vera, and the two arrows delivered the deathblows.

Regina turned grey, and Bater smacked his lips. They were losing. Bater inspected the field and then ran toward Diane.

The other heroes saw Bater running toward her.

Nudra jumped and downward kicked Bater’s head. Only Bater remained, so he used his ultimate. Bater used both arms to block Nudra’s attack, but was stuck knee deep into the ground.

Artlan and Halo ran toward Bater. At close range, only they could deal with Bater. Both had health, so they could attack Bater without dying. They were both attacking when Bater stomped the ground. They were both within range, and the ground shook and staggered them.

Boom, boom, boom!

Bater stomped three times, damaging them heavily. Meanwhile, Diane shot at him. Bater was stuck to the ground, and it was too easy for her to hit him with her arrows. The Moonlight Quiver also added extra damage.

Even Bater couldn’t ignore the injuries he received.

Junhyuk was standing behind Diane. They were still not sure about the enemy’s powers, so he was ready to use his force field at any time.

Diane shot again, just to make sure. Her attacks were deadly, and Bater extended his fist toward her. There were about eighty-two feet between them, and Bater couldn’t rush because he was knee-deep in the ground.

Diane opened her eyes slightly and let go of her bowstring. That attack should kill him, and Bater also knew that. Then, steam came out of Bater’s arms and the mechanical fists shot off.

"Rocket punches?"

They had to move. Junhyuk created a force field around Diane. The force field was covering Diane, Junhyuk and Sarang when it was hit by the fists.


The force field was pushed back thirty-three feet. It was the first time the force field had travelled that far, and they turned to look at Bater.

He was hit by the arrow and was disappearing. Their tensions loosened.

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