Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 530 Clueless?

Carlos Kent was sitting back in his seat leisurely. He was lost in his thoughts. He is imagining receiving resources from the Giant Tower Headmaster. 


But a sudden notification sound jolted him awake.

"Damn it, who ruined my dream?" He cursed out, as he fixed his gaze on the communication watch.

But after looking at the contact name. He revealed a good smile on his face. The person who was calling was none other than Ernest Kirk.

When he attended the call, a panicking voice reached his ears.

"Faction Head, something is wrong here," Ernest Kirk sounded from the other end.

Carlos Kent wore a knowing smile on my face. To maintain the pretense, he asked, "Ernest, what happened?" 

His voice sounded with a hint of concern.

"There are a lot of rogue warriors targeting us. I fear our mission details have been leaked," Ernest replied.

"What is Zack Lockwood doing?" He asked.

"Zack is staying back in the inn."

"Faction Head, what should we do now?" Ernest asked back in a hurry.

Carlos Kent\'s eyes gleamed with a twinkle. He doesn\'t want them to return because of fear. 

"Don\'t worry, they won\'t attack students of our academy. Try to finish the mission as quickly as possible. Don\'t let the criminal get away," Carlos Kent instructed.

After saying that he ended the call. But he was surprised that Giant Tower\'s men were targeting them right away.

It\'s not been several hours since they arrived there. But their men showed their fangs. If the dean finds out, it would cause trouble for him. 

Because it\'s too much of a coincidence. Carlos starts to tap his fingers on the desk. As the anxiety slowly starts to build up, he feels restless.

The earlier relaxed attitude was gone. After a few minutes, he decided to contact the Giant Tower Headmaster.

Giant Tower Academy:

In the meeting room, the Giant Tower Headmaster and the intelligence department elder silently watched the video on holographic projection.


The Giant Tower Headmaster frowned. He saw Carlos\'s name. He wonders why he is calling him in the middle of the operation. 

"Carlos Kent, what do you want?"

"I have told you before. Your resources will reach your hands after the end of the operation," He said with a frown.

The intelligence department elder\'s expression becomes pale with fright. The name "Carlos Kent" is too popular. 

He was aware of the name of the Special Faction Elder. That person is a special element warrior. And he guides the group of students who are special element warriors in their academy.

His change in expression didn\'t go unnoticed under the headmaster\'s eyes. 

"Harumph," The headmaster gave a cold snort.

If not for the sudden call, he wouldn\'t have slipped his tongue just now.

The elder shuddered, feeling the headmaster\'s gaze. He stood up from his seat and walked out immediately. 

It would be his death sentence if he hears the further conversation.

Seeing the person disappear. The Headmaster turned his attention to the call.

He asked, "Are you there?"

"My faction member just informed me. Several rogue warriors are targeting them right after they land in the city."

"Are you going to put a hat on me?"

Carlos Kent said with a dissatisfied voice.

The Headmaster squinted his eyes. He realized what happened. But it can\'t be helped. The task was open to all the rogue warriors.

Whoever completes the task, he will be rewarded with resources. Many rogue warriors are rushing forward to do it. So there is bound to be some competition.

Shaking his head he asked, "What do you want to say?" 

"Just order your men to focus on the target, not on the other two. If three of them died, I can\'t explain to the dean," Carlos Kent\'s voice sounded from the other end of the call.

The Giant Headmaster replied, "Alright, I\'ll order them."

After saying that he ended the call. But a sneer appeared on his face. He just lied to him. He won\'t say anything to disturb the operation.

If the two members of Zack\'s left out, then it will expose their purpose. He doesn\'t want the lightning brat to slip away from his sight again.


BedRock City,

Ernest and Laverne believed Zack\'s words right now. 

"What did he say?" Laverne asked. 

Just now, Ernest ended his call with the Faction Head. But from Faction Head\'s words, he didn\'t get any assurance. 

"Ernest?" Laverne called out the name.

Ernest\'s thoughts returned to reality. He looked at Laverne and said, "Trouble."

"What happened?" Laverne asked back.

"His head is not right. He wants us to complete the mission no matter what," Ernest answered.

The next moment, Laverne\'s face becomes bloodless. 

"What\'s wrong with him?"She said to herself. She even considered Carlos Kent as a role model. But right now, she doesn\'t know how to react.

They are in some kind of trouble. Then why does the faction head keep sticking to the mission?

Ernest noticed her expression. He didn\'t want to say something in front of her. The faction head didn\'t show any concern to them.

Which is troubling his mind? 

"Laveren, let\'s go and inform Zack about this," Ernest said. 

After taking a small detour, they walk back to the inn.


From MC\'s perspective:

Inside the room, I held my temple and pondered. I feel like I walked straight into a trap.


The two guardians hiding in the dark noticed the anomaly. Because there are still many rogue warriors who continue to walk by. Most of them never left their spot and continued to wait.

Both guardians looked at each other. 

Before coming here, they thought it was just another normal day. 

But right now, they are wondering what kind of mission the trio has taken. They can\'t make a judgment call on this matter. So they decided to inform the dean as usual.

The dean has already ordered them to update the news from time to time. Both the guardians knew the dean would do something about it.



The door opened. Ernest and Laverne both walked in.

"What happened?" 

"Did you guys find something?" I asked.

I noticed their expressions are worse than before.

"Zack, you are right?"

"There is indeed something wrong with the rogue warriors. When we were outside. I saw many of them in the team."

"But all of their gazes are set on the inn. Some even tried to follow us. But we took a detour to avoid them," Ernest said.

Hearing that I massaged my temple in confusion.

"Can we go back?" I asked.

I realized it\'s a waste of time to speculate. It\'s better if we go and come back some other day for the mission.

But Ernest remained silent to my question.

Laverne said, "Zack, you don\'t know. Ernest spoke to our faction head. But he didn\'t want us to return."

"What did he say?" I asked.


Ernest let out a small sigh before starting to explain to me. 

At first, my expression was calm. But when I heard the faction head wanted us to apprehend the criminal. 

"Carlos," I said in my heart. I was right. That guy was hiding something. I should talk to the dean about this mission.

But before that, we need to leave this city asap. 

"Alright, we should leave right away. Once we get back to the academy, I\'ll talk to the dean," I said to them.

Ernest and Laverne were surprised to hear me saying that.

Ernest asked, "Are you sure?"

Laverne looked at me with hopeful eyes. I sighed inwardly. Looks like both of them are not confident as well.

Then I nodded my head in response. Ernest and Laverne left their rooms to pack their things.

At the same time, the guardians hiding in the shadows nodded their heads in approval. They already informed the dean about Zack\'s current situation. 

But she has yet to make any decision. 


The dean\'s office,

Dean Rebecca frowned, looking at the reports displayed on the screen. She received the information from Zack\'s guardian a few minutes ago.

She doesn\'t know whether Zack was in trouble or not. Even if he was in deep trouble, the guardians would take care of it.

So she decided to take some time to verify something. When she went through the mission details. She didn\'t find anything related to the bedrock city.

Which means the mission assigned to Zack was not an Academy mission. Her eyes flickered with a slight glint.

She understood what the mission was about. Carlos has assigned a private mission to them. As far as she knows this is not the style of Carlos Kent.

"What does he want?" She said to herself.

She knows Zack doesn\'t have purple essence. It doesn\'t make any sense to assign a mission to him.

She decides to contact him. But suddenly she stopped midway. She thought it was better to observe the situation further.

Because the guardians only speculated. So far nothing has happened. So she doesn\'t want to make quick judgments.

Then she sent a message to both guardians to observe further. If there is trouble, they are free to take action. 

The bedrock is an independent city. But that doesn\'t mean they are weak. If there is something wrong, she won\'t hesitate to turn the city upside down.

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