The Villains Need to Save the World?

Volume 1 Chapter 46: The Great Escape From the Dak Inn!

Volume 1 Chapter 46: The Great Escape From the Dak Inn!

Translator: The Light

“Kriss, do you not remember me? Didn’t we make a pledge that we would be together forever! Have you forgotten our kiss that sealed the oath?!”

“I’m not Kriss, you’ve got the wrong person, I don’t even know you...”

“You liar, your hair has already betrayed you! I understand, you must regret getting engaged to me, didn’t we promise to be each other’s.... You must be trying to get together with that wealthy noble’s son. You’re so heartless, you bully...”

“I never got engaged with any... Wait, you and Kriss are engaged? Aren’t you both girls!? No wait, I’m not even Kriss, why am I explaining this to you, just hurry up and let me go...!”

“Your eyes, you’re definitely Kriss, you must have fallen under the effects of the virus that turned your eyes into such a shade of pink! So that’s why you don’t remember me, the virus has made you dumb. Come on, I’ll take you back to the church and cure you, even if you remain dumb for the rest of your life, I’ll take care of you forever!”

“Kri.... Kriss is over there, take me over there and you’ll know, can you... quiet down a bit, please.”

There was no way in hell that Bella was going to admit that she had gotten the wrong person, she decided to be wrong to the end, ‘refusing’ to believe that Ariel wasn’t Kriss. As for being engaged to Kriss, that was a complete lie, if Kriss was Bella’s fiancée there was no way that Bella would keep such a beautiful ‘betrothed’ out of her sight and fall into such danger.

Ariel couldn’t do anything about Bella’s ‘inability’ to recognize faces, no matter how frustrated she got. Even though her hair was the same colour as Kriss’, the two of them weren’t twins and there were still discernible differences between them if anyone were to look closely. This blonde knight didn’t look to be a stupid person, why was it that she was unable to realize the difference between her and Kriss?

Bella didn’t push Ariel any further, even though it was quite entertaining to flirt with such a beauty, it was still quite risky. This silver-haired beauty had a similar aura to Kriss, also a conflicting mix between good and evil. If Bella’s guess was correct, this beauty could also be on the same level as Kriss, meaning that if Bella were to completely cross her, the Dark Sanctuary would have a powerful enemy in the future.

Bella used the legendary ‘princess carry’ on the embarrassed Ariel and started to move towards the 3rd floor’s west side. According to the silver-haired beauty in her arms, the one that Bella was the most concerned about, Kriss, was over there. Bella had to resist the temptation of kissing the girl in her arms each time that she looked down, she had also noticed that the girl’s body scent was different from Kriss’ due to their close contact.

The inn’s third floor wasn’t very large and it wasn’t long before Bella saw that familiar figure. Kriss had her back to them and was sitting cross-legged on the ground, a dark green sword stabbed through the inn’s wooden floor in front of her. Bella recalled that the sword was called ‘Venom’s Kiss’, a weapon that was able to apply poison on its user’s attacks as well as protecting the user from various types of poisons.

Unfortunately, the aphrodisiac smoke of ã??Flower Demonã?? Pittmanz was ‘technically’ not poison as it didn’t cause any actual harm to females, meaning that ‘Venom’s Kiss’ was unable to completely negate the smokes’ effects.

Kriss had evidently not been able to escape the effects either. Although from the back Kriss looked calm and steady, but as Bella got closer, she could sense that Kriss’ heartbeat had sped up and her breathing was uneven. After seeing the situation in front of her, Bella somewhat regretted carrying Ariel over here, because if she hadn’t done so, Bella might have had a chance to make Kriss ‘hers’ here and now.

“Do you see now, she’s the real Kriss, I’ve told you so many times. Now that you know the truth aren’t you going to...”

“Kriss, when did you have a twin sister! You’ve never even told me before, is that your sister over there? You two sisters teaming up to trick me, such...”

“I... I’m Brittany Ariel, the 5th princess of the Aldrich Empire(Magic), I’m not related at all to the 1st princess of the Gabriel Empire(Swordsmen), Mathilde Kriss. You’ve really made a mistake, if you don’t believe me go and ask...”

“So you’re name is Ariel! What a pretty name. Nice to meet you, name’s Bella, just a wandering knight. I’m sorry about earlier...”

“ were messing with me! You already knew that I wasn’t Kriss... and you even used your mouth.... You even bullied me!”

“I wasn’t messing with you! It was true that I couldn’t differentiate the two of you, there’s no need to look so angry, it’s not like you lost anything from a simple ki...”

“Stop right there, nothing happened between us, nothing at all! Weren’t you looking for Kriss, she’s right there!”

In all of the worlds that Ariel had transmigrated through, she had never seen such a ‘thick skinned’ person, brushing it all off after taking advantage of her and even stealing her first kiss. However, she couldn’t really make a solid rebuttal, it was true that she hadn’t really ‘lost’ anything material, but Ariel felt as if she had lost something, but she couldn’t pinpoint exactly what she had lost.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take responsibility for you. Since we’ve already kissed we can be together for the rest of our lives!”

“You... who is asking you to take responsibility! Get away from me you perverted girl, let me go!”

“It was my first kiss too~! Ariel, shouldn’t you take responsibility for me!”

“That was your first kiss? Haven’t you already.... With Kriss....?”

“Our oath was sealed with a kiss to the forehead, where has your mind ventured off into? I think that you’re the perverted girl here Ariel! I don’t care, you have to take responsibility!”

“In my last world.... Wait.... I’m ignoring you from now on, trying to... bait out my... words...”

Only now did Ariel remember that engagements in this world were sealed by a kiss to the forehead by both sides of the engagement, she had gotten this world’s traditions mixed up with that of Earth’s, where people sealed their engagement with a proper kiss. Ariel had almost let slip the secret that she was a transmigrator to this perverted girl, Bella.

In Ariel’s panic to cover herself up, she didn’t notice the glimmer of light that showed in Bella’s eyes for a split second. Bella had heard the first part of Ariel’s talk about her ‘last world’ loud and clear, even though Ariel had been extremely quiet when she had said it, but the distance between them was too small for it to have been any use. This vital piece of information failed to escape from Bella’s ears.

Bella’s suspicion that Ariel was a transmigrator had been all but confirmed, if it was true, counting Lisha and Kriss, Bella had already encountered three of her ‘peers’ in this world. It was common knowledge in the fantasy light novels that each transmigrator ‘books’ the entire alternate world, so why were there so many transmigrators in this one?

“Bella... you’re finally here! What are you two doing?”

“Nothing, Kriss, don’t get the wrong idea, nothing has happened between us!”

“I’m sorry for getting here so late Kriss. We ran into a big zombie on the way here and our DPS{1} was lacking and it delayed us quite a bit, it would have been so much faster if you were there.”

Ariel hurriedly tried to explain herself before Bella could even open her mouth, afraid of Kriss getting the wrong idea. She had heard from Bella that she and Kriss were already engaged, and for Bella’s ‘fiancée’ to discover them in such an easily misunderstood position surely wasn’t a good thing.

After hearing Bella’s familiar voice, Kriss finally let go of the breath that she had been holding this entire time. It wasn’t easy for Kriss to have forced herself to remain calm until now, the toxic smoke had also caused her entire body to heat up and she had even began seeing hallucinations. Based on her previous lifetimes’ knowledge, Kriss quickly identified that the toxic smoke had an aphrodisiac effect which had sent her into a state of panic and unease, what made her more embarrassed was that all of her hallucinations involved Bella in some way.

Why was Bella the one that had appeared! Shouldn’t a guy be the one that... why was it another girl? Something deep inside Kriss throbbed, but she immediately felt embarrassed after thinking such ‘impure’ thoughts. When she had given her room’s key to Bella, she did have some underlying reason for it, but she wasn’t that aware of it nor did she put much attention to it. But now this aphrodisiac smoke has exposed her true thoughts that she had kept hidden even from herself, it was hard for her to not be embarrassed.

Right now, Kriss found it a bit awkward to face Bella, who had thought that Kriss’ blushed face was a side effect of the aphrodisiac and didn’t pay too much attention to it or the complicated expression of Kriss’ face.

Bella walked up to Kriss and allowed the girl to prop herself up using Bella’s shoulder. It wasn’t that Bella didn’t want to carry Kriss, but for some unknown reason, Ariel had clung on to Bella tightly and didn’t seem like she planned to let go anytime soon. Bella wasn’t heartless enough to force Ariel down, so she could only offer Kriss a shoulder.

Following Kriss’ instructions, Bella and the others reached the room where the four girls had been seeking asylum. As soon as they had entered the room and closed the door, the defensive light magic that had protected the floor finally dissipated, countless malicious spirits instantly flooding the floor, creeping towards the room that the girls were in, the wretched crying travelling ahead of them.

Kriss seemed to have known that this was going to happen and swiftly drove the sword ‘Darkness’ Torment’ into the floor behind the door, stopping the malicious spirits from coming any closer.

Both Ivy and Susan were in the room and they were both mostly clear-headed, just a little flushed and heating up. After seeing Bella, the two of them let out a breath that they had been unkowingly holding. They didn’t know why, but Bella was the first one that they had thought of when they had fallen into trouble, perhaps it was due to how Bella had defeated the powerful [Fierce Dragon] after sending them away to safety!

Seeing the two familiar faces still clear-headed, Bella was both happy and dissapointed. While Bella was happy that both girls were completely unscathed, but she was rather disappointed because they were completely fine. She was really suspecting that ã??Flower Demonã?? was selling some ‘fake drugs’, wasn’t its smoke supposed to have an aphrodisiac effect? So why had all the girls that she encountered been barely affected! She didn’t know what she could trust anymore, these years people were even selling fake aphrodisiacs...!

Bella sat down at the room’s table, letting Ariel down as well/ Even though Ariel had escaped from Bella’s ‘demonic clutches’ she didn’t go very far, choosing to sit down right beside Bella. Bella really wondered what was going on in the head of this girl that had stubbornly wanted to get away from Bella just a moment ago, why was it that her attitude had changed so much?

Seeing Ariel be so ‘clingy’ towards Bella. A slight change happened on Kriss’ face, but she didn’t say anything and instead sat on Bella’s other side and pretended as if she didn’t care. Both Kriss and Ariel sat down with their own thoughts, as for what they were thinking, the two of them were probably the only ones that knew.


Outside of the Dak inn, ã??Flower Demonã?? Pittmanz looked a little frustratedly at the attackers, because after Pittmanz had pulled back all of the Demon Sentinels on its side, the attackers suddenly stopped attacking, were they just playing or something! The party of beauties hid behind the ranks of the Dragon Sentinels, not attacking at all. Pittmanz was at a loss for what to do, it lacked the courage to make the first move and attack instead.

Even though Pittmanz was one of the 8 generals of the ã??Night Kingã??, its main purpose was its strength and prowress against female heroes, goddesses, and angels. Against any decently strong evil being that wasn’t affected by its toxic smoke, Pittmanz was basically a piece of trash that anyone could kick to the side of the curb.

Any single one of those Dragon Sentinels could beat ã??Flower Demonã?? Pittmanz into a pile of fertilizer, it hadn’t had enough of its life yet and wasn’t about to seek an early death! Because of the fact that all of the beauties were decked out in a full set of equipment from the celestial world, Pittmanz mistakenly thought that these beauties were survivors of the celestial world. However, the celestial world should have been completely blood washed by the 12 demon kings ten thousand years ago, how had so many survivors suddenly popped up after ten thousand years of silence?

Another thing that Pittmanz didn’t understand was why had the celestial world joined forces with demons, even though Pittmanz was unable to identify where the Dragon Sentinels came from or whom they served, but their equipment and the aura they gave off were definitely those of demons. They shouldn’t be any of the other 11 ancient demon king’s subordinates, were they from the demon world? But the passage connecting the demon world to the surface world should have been destroyed in the war, there shouldn’t be anyone from the demon world able to reach the surface world, not to mention so many.

While the two sides were having a standoff, Hadias, the princess of the demon world, received a secret message from Bella using the power of the contract between them. She stealthily withdrew to the back of the party and quickly took to the skies. Using the dark clouds as cover, Hadias wrapped around the Dak inn to a window on the inn’s third floor, prepared to aid in Bella’s evacuation.


Back in the room on the Dak inn’s third floor, Bella was currently feeling up Ivy’s body, which was currently in her embrace. This time Bella wasn’t trying to take advantage of Ivy, but to help her relieve some of the effects of the aphrodisiac. Probably the biggest reason that the four girls on the third floor had remained clear-headed was due to the effects of the defensive light magic that the 3rd holy maiden of the Church of Light, Susan, had placed. The defensive magic not only kept the malicious spirits away, it also had the effect of keeping the heads of allies within its range clear-headed.

However, although the girls were still clear-headed, their bodies still had been effected and it would be hard for them to do anything if Bella didn’t ‘relieve’ them a little with a massage. Such publicly taking advantage of girls was a chance that Bella wasn’t about to let go, Ivy and Susan had already been secretly ‘claimed’ by Bella anyways, there wasn’t anything ‘wrong’ with her taking advantage of them.

“Bella, your technique... this isn’t your first time right? Really, what kind of Holy Knight are you... the Church of Light doesn’t...”

“I’m not a Holy Knight, just ask Susan, she’s a holy maiden. There’s no Holy Knight as beautiful as me in their Church, hehe. Ariel, are you perhaps jealous!? Want me to...’

“Who’s jealous!? Kriss, let’s get away from this perverted...”

“Ariel, I... I want to stay here, if you aren’t used to it you can go rest over there for a bit.”

Seeing the enjoyment on Ivy’s face as she received Bella’s massage, a strange feeling flashed through Ariel’ heart, she wasn’t sure if it was jealousy but she knew that it made her a little unhappy. Ariel had wanted to take Kriss and leave Bella alone, but Kriss seemed to be dead-set on staying/ Even though Kriss’ face was flushed as well, probably due to shyness, but she didn’t seem like she had any intent to leave.

Ariel turned her head to look at Susan, but was shocked to see that the Church of Light’s 3rd holy maiden didn’t seem to find anything with this, even walking towards Bella and sat down in front of her, as if waiting for Bella’s further actions.

Was this world crazy? Even the Church’s holy maiden was allowing such absurd actions! Right as Ariel was still questioning life, Bella put down Ivy beside Kriss and asked Kriss to take care of Ivy for a bit while she recovered her strength.

After, Bella casually embraced Susan and repeated everything that she had just done to Ivy. Even though Susan had an embarassed look on her face, but she didn’t resist Bella’s violation. When Bella had suggested to help them relieve the strange feelings, Susan had known that something like this would happen.

Both Susan and Ivy had some knowledge on what caused the strange reaction in their bodies, and if they were to relieve it normally, they would be taken advantage by a man... the decided that they would much rather let Bella take advantage of them! While Susan was still lost in ecstasy, the door to the room’s balcony was opened and the demon world’s princess, Hadias equipped in a golden set of god-tier equipment entered the room.

“Master... I’m here to pick... you up...” Seeing the scene in the room, Hadias averted her head awkwardly, question this owner in her heart... these beauties sure are weird, not resisting at all. Especially those two silver-haired girls, their power was something completely out of Hadias’ detection range, meaning that they were much more powerful, but even the two of them didn’t resist against Bella. Was it that strong girls on the surface these days liked this kind of stuff? The surface world sure was hard to comprehend sometimes!

Bella secretly let out a breath, now that Hadias had arrived, they could finally evacuate the four girls. Her goal from the beginning was to do just this, not to kill ã??Flower Demonã?? Pittmanz. She wasn’t a hero or anything like that, there was no reason for her to beat every villain she ran into to death.

The most important reason was that Pittmanz was evidently an evil being that was basically the natural enemy of all females/ While Bella could take advantage of Pittmanz’s unpreparedness to destroy it right here, but that might expose her deepest secret, that of her gender from the previous world. It should be completely impossible for any girl to get close to Pittmanz and kill it. Bella wasn’t the kind of girl to expose her greatest secret just to seek a moment of exhilaration.


{1} Damage Per Second if you don’t know, Bella is talking about how her party’s damage output was lacking


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