Reincarnated as the Son of Conglomerate

Chapter 172 Dirty Campaign

The person responsible for the event, Richard Dickson, became the target of media attention, but he declined interviews and chose to assist the victims instead. Some reporters tried to capture photos of him visiting the victims in the ambulance. In contrast, the candidate for lieutenant governor candidate was surrounded by dozens of reporters and cameramen.

"Sir, what happened during the attack? Where were you when they struck?" A female reporter inquired.

"It all happened so suddenly. Out of nowhere, a group of unidentified individuals wearing clown masks appeared. They attacked while we were delivering the speech. Fortunately, the campaign location was close to the Rays of Hope headquarters. I\'m thankful they were willing to help calm the situation."

"Could there be a political connection to this attack?"

Jonathan narrowed his lips. "Let\'s not speculate. It\'s better to wait for the police to complete their investigation."

"Do you have any guesses about who might have done this?"

"I don\'t, and I have no idea who they are. But I\'m sure, they must hold some resentment towards us."

Jonathan answered each question with firm and objective responses, despite some reporters trying to lead the conversation in a certain direction. Besides the candidate for lieutenant governor, there was another figure at the center of attention.

Dozens of microphones were thrust toward a young man with black hair dressed casually. He wasn\'t alone in the camera\'s spotlight. People in training attire stood behind him. Though they were sweaty, their faces appeared cheerful.

"Mr. Justin, how did you know about the attack here?" a reporter asked.

"We were practicing, and suddenly a friend of mine, who happened to be one of the campaign team staff, asked for our help. So, we helped them," Justin replied with a simple smile.

"Mr. Justin, why are you and your guild members willing to help Dickson-Thompson? It\'s unusual for a guild to get involved in emergency situations other than dungeons."

"Before becoming awakeners, we were ordinary people. It\'s only right that we help those in need when we have the power to do so. I believe other guilds would do the same if they were in our position."

"What\'s your response to this attack?"

"Of course, I strongly oppose it. Whoever they are, these people deserve severe punishment. They\'ve caused harm to many people. Fortunately, there were no casualties."

Justin was used to being in front of the camera, answering every question smoothly. He appeared genuine and natural. He enjoyed the interview. However, his guild members were a different story.

Standing with a disgruntled expression on his face, Akio couldn\'t wait to leave. Michael couldn\'t help but raise an eyebrow. His face bore a hint of boredom. While the two of them wanted the interview to end quickly, Joanna and Olivia felt the opposite. Olivia pouted. She wanted to be in the front line, but her friends always pushed her back. Joanna clenched her teeth as she bit her nail. She waited for reporters to ask her questions, but they didn\'t seem to do so. Meanwhile, Sylvia just stood there like a duck.

Rays of Hope shone like a gem amid the chaos. It appeared radiant amidst the dreadful incident. Many eyewitnesses claimed that the situation calmed down after Justin and his group arrived. They came across as real-life superheroes.

Justin and the others remained the focus of reporters for the next half-hour.

As the crowd at the entrance dispersed and the journalists left, the field grew quieter. Finally, members of Rays of Hope found some breathing space. Some members returned to their headquarters, while the rest took a rest under the trees.

"Phew, it\'s finally over. They asked too many questions." Justin leaned back with a relaxed stance.

Joanna clicked her tongue upon hearing the guild master\'s words. "Stop pretending you didn\'t enjoy that interview. You really looked like you did." The blonde-haired girl was still upset about not getting any questions from the reporters. So, she vented her frustration on Justin since he got all the attention.

"It\'s always the people in the highest positions who get the credit. Subordinates just do the dirty work," Olivia remarked, sounding salty.

In response to the negative feedback, Justin sighed in frustration. "You know I didn\'t ask for this, right?"

Joanna and Olivia remained silent, turning their faces away.

Seeing the boss in trouble, Michael spoke up to help him. "Stop acting like kid. The guild leader\'s position is crucial because it represents our guild\'s image. And the journalists know that. And have you forgotten? How many times has Justin cleaned up your mess?" He glanced at Akio, seeking support. "Right?"

However, Akio wasn\'t paying attention. His gaze was fixed on empty air, and his mind somewhere else. Only after Michael called him twice did this oriental man turn.

"Why are you daydreaming? What are you thinking about?" Michael asked, squinting his eyes.

"It\'s nothing. I\'m just thinking about those damn clowns."

Michael hissed. "You\'re still thinking about that? Come on, buddy. Let it go. It\'ll only weigh on your mind if you keep thinking about it."

"It\'s alright. We\'ll catch them next time," Justin tried to reassure Akio\'s thoughts.

However, the oriental man couldn\'t shake it off. He felt that something was off about the previous attack. But his friends said it was just his frustration at failing to stop the clowns from escaping.

Only one person responded seriously to Akio.

"If something\'s bothering you, say it. Let us hear it."

Akio turned to a white-haired woman among them—Sylvia.

"Just say it, Akio. You\'re only making us curious if you keep it to yourself," Olivia urged Akio to express his thoughts.

Akio pursed his lips, trying to recall memories in his mind. "I think there\'s an enemy disguised among us."

Instantly, everyone furrowed their brows in curiosity. Justin and Michael began to respond seriously.

Akio told them that when he was about to capture the gauntleted and the green-haired clown, someone attacked him so they could escape. He was sure that the attacker wasn\'t one of them. The attack that almost hit him was very powerful, while the clowns he fought against were mid-rank awakeners.

Of course, Justin and the others didn\'t take the story at face value.

"I think the person who attacked you was the boss of those clowns. He stayed hidden during the chaos," Justin said.

Akio shook his head. "A boss wouldn\'t personally come down to the field to help his subordinates do the dirty work. They always wait for answers."

"By the way, what did that person attack you with?" Olivia asked in a curious tone.

"Small," Akio answered.

Olivia squinted. "Small?"

"Yes." Akio nodded. "I\'m not sure what to call it. All I know is that it was very small and fast. If I had been hit by that attack, I might be in a coma right now."

Instead of making his friends understand, Akio only made them think harder. And the more they thought about it, the more confused they became.

Their atmosphere fell silent.

"Have you told Klaus about this?" Sylvia asked.

"Not yet. I haven\'t had a chance to meet him," Akio replied. He looked at Joanna. "Do you know where your brother is?"

The blonde girl raised her eyebrows. "I haven\'t seen him either since then."

Everyone\'s attention then turned to Justin. He was the person closest to Klaus after Joanna. However, he wasn\'t either. They then asked Olivia, and she gave the same answer.

None of them had seen where Klaus went after the chaos ended.

Far from the hustle and bustle of Manhattan, there existed an area with neglected, empty buildings. Among these structures, there was an abandoned building project. Its walls were deteriorated and covered in mold. The layers of paint peeled and cracks spread across various spots, giving off an impression of the building\'s age.

Dim light from hanging lamps on the ceiling created an ambiance that was both night-like and dim. The light lent a warm touch to the seemingly damp room. Despite the limited air circulation, the air within felt fresh, albeit a bit stagnant.

The large windows along the walls were shrouded in a thin layer of dust, causing the outside view to appear blurry and gray. Some light from the outside managed to filter in, illuminating the floating dust particles in the air. Occasionally, the swift flight of a bird cast fleeting shadows on the wall.

Among the dozens of abandoned rooms, one bore signs of life. Inside, dozens of injured people filled the space. Some lay sprawled out, while others sat on the floor. Each of them had a clown mask lying on the floor.

"Damn... that was close. Those slant-eyed freaks were truly terrifying," a tomboyish woman placed her pair of gauntlets on the table.

"He he he, how many times have I saved you? I didn\'t know there were awakeners that strong," a green-haired man responded, patting the copper staff on his lap. "They might have captured us if not for this Arcana. A Legendary-Class Arcana is truly extraordinary. Ha ha ha!"

However, as the atmosphere began to settle, an unfamiliar sound shattered the room\'s silence. Heavy footsteps approached, and the clowns quickly realized they weren\'t alone in the room. In an instant, a man appeared at the entrance, his sharp gaze fixed upon them. He wasn\'t alone. Walking beside him was a woman with short hair.

Seeing their arrival, the tomboyish woman grinned.

"Finally, you\'re here. What took you so long?" she asked.

The mysterious man replied, "We got caught in traffic due to the chaos you created. Thanks to Sheila, we arrived sooner."

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