A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 947 Akarui Calls For Help

After retreating to Avgi, Zamia headed to the holy spring. Both to cleanse her body of the voidstone dust, and secure the barrier for the barrage from the two they hadn\'t killed.

Agamemas took over command of those still fighting the infiltrators. Having noted that Ceph was no longer in a position to do so. Both parents have confirmed that he was safe before anything else.

It was as Agamemas was directing the others to catch those who had sneaked through. Aiming to weaken them from inside, that Ceph contacted him.

\'Something is wrong with Eldrian!\' Ceph shouted telepathically. Of course, Agamemas had known this all along. He had simply deemed that it could wait. With things calmed, for the moment, he headed over

The area was now encased in frost. In an instant, Agamemas noted that the frost was special. Similar to what he had seen Athtar wield. Unrefined, certainly. But certainly of a similar power.

\'So, that is what happened,\' Agamemas noted. The opening which had allowed him to kill the strongest of the three devils. It had come from Eldrian. Realizing this, Agamemas was both relieved and worried.

\'At least it isn\'t another unknown, but... Eldrian\'s condition isn\'t the best.\'

Auras, by their nature, tried to corrupt the soul of who wielded them. Tranquility\'s corruption was a separation from emotions and all that makes people, people.

If someone lost to it, they will become unfeeling. Ever seeking of knowledge. In a manner similar to, how someone who has lost to Wrath, will seek to kill everyone in their vicinity.

A single-minded pursuit.

At the stage which Eldrian was in, Agamemas\' only option was to knock him out. Which was easier said than done.

Eldrian\'s condition was precarious. He was hovering between life and death. Luckily, he was a Chosen. Dying would not be the end. However, what Agamemas needed was for Eldrian to stop thinking.

Should he remain conscious as a soul... That would be the worse case scenario.

Typically, the idea would be insane. However, it was possible. After all, it was how the undead came to be in nature—without outside intervention.

All that was required as a strong will clinging to life, revenge, or some other thing.

As Eldrian was now, muttering under his breath, he would cling to discovery. Dying and holding onto this feeling.

The prospect of being a soul separate from the body would be something to sweet to let go of. It would certainly lead to Eldrian becoming completely lost.

Agamemas did not know that Eldrian had already, on multiple occasions, stayed conscious after death. Agamemas also didn\'t know that Eldrian was close to a goddess. The easiest solution would be to leave him in her care, naturally.

She could intervene directly, whereas Agamemas couldn\'t. Matters of the soul were past even him.

Healing damage done from an attack would be possible. Returning the soul to what it ought to be. That was simple compared to curing inner corruption.

That which changed the soul from within.

When he and Zamia had guided Eldrian and Ceph\'s bond, they had loaned an artifact to do so. Without a mobile tower such as the one they had broken, Agamemas was truly helpless.

\'I have to be careful. Should he notice me, he will attempt to stop me.\' Agamemas thought. \'Trying to disturb him in this state is like ruining the crucial step in Amnur\'s forge, or in Athtar\'s magical experiments.\'

While emotions wouldn\'t surface. Should they, it would have been a godsend. No, Eldrian would react with cold indifference. Like Agamemas was a bug disturbing his peace. The silly thought made the old Alicorn smile, despite the careful work he was doing.

The easiest method was to disperse the air around Eldrian. Slowly having him fall unconscious from the lack of oxygen. Luckily, it was also something difficult to notice.

To be on the safe side, Agamemas took things slowly.

"It\'s done." Agamemas said. Waiting not just for Eldrian to fall asleep, but the aura of ice to disperse around him. Only once it did, did Agamemas heal him.

"He should be fine. But it would be best if you take him to Zamia to get some proper treatment."

The battle did not end within a few hours. When half a day had passed, Erik could no longer stay hidden where he was. Akarui would be getting hungry soon, if she wasn\'t already.

While reluctant to do so, he knew he couldn\'t just leave her alone for any longer. Making sure that no one was nearby, as crude as his methods were, Erik hurried into the cave. Doing his best to conceal the entrance once again.

Inside, he found a pouty Akarui waiting. Luckily, she hadn\'t been in the dark. The Ice Lilies covering the walls gave off a soft blue light. Enough to even read.

"Don\'t give me that look. Here, you\'re favorite." Erik said, taking out a truly special sandwich. A sandwich with peanut butter. Something that players had introduced into the world.

Akarui couldn\'t get enough of the sticky, ground peanuts. And, as a secret, Erik had added some sweet herbs which also boosted the immune system. He would have loved to add some magical herbs, but Akarui had pouted when he had done so before.

She had said, and Erik could still recall this with perfect clarity: "You ruined it!" Her anger had not subsided for the next three days. Which, at the time, had made Erik fraught with worry. Especially worried that she might try to run away.

Looking back now, it was a precious memory. And watching how her pout turned into a smile as she took the sandwich, Erik couldn\'t help but smile along with her.

"Sorry about this, but we\'re going to be stuck here for a while." Erik said, once she had finished her sandwich.

"Why?" Akarui asked, and Erik knew better than to try to hide it from her.

"The forest is being attacked." While still young, Akarui was no stranger to war. Had things calmed by now, Erik would have loved to hide it. But, as Zamia hadn\'t come to find them. He could only assume that things hadn\'t gone as planned.

Naturally, the news ruined Akarui\'s mood. Shockingly, though, she didn\'t cry, nor did she simply stay still. She turned to the flowers, determination overflowing.

"Akarui? What are you doing?" Erik asked.

"Asking the flowers for help!" She replied. "Please, please, please! Please help us. The meanies are trying to burn down the forest! They won\'t let you be either!"

Confused, Erik decided to wait. He knew Akarui had a special connection with plants, but he didn\'t see how normal—even if they were quite special, and indeed magical plants—would suddenly be able to help them.

Shockingly, Akarui seemed to be having an actual conversation with the lilies. "You can\'t? Why?"

"You\'re already helping? Barrier, oh, that makes sense! Then?"

"Oh? You called for help?"

"B-but, will they get here in time?"

"You can do that?!"

"Do what?" Erik asked, too curious to remain silent at this point.

"Apparently they can teleport..." Akarui frowned. "No, that isn\'t right."

"It would be more correct to say we can send our consciousness to other trees. Though only some can accommodate us in this way." A familiar voice said.

Turning around, Erik found a familiar wisp in the shape of a human. "N-Nerenth?" He ventured a guess.

Naturally, he wouldn\'t forget the Treant who had helped him understand why Akarui had her strange ability to find special herbs, and who had told him what was wrong with her.

However, Erik didn\'t see how she would be able to help. As far as he recalled, Nerenth wasn\'t nearly as strong as the Alicorns.

Her race was only that of an Ancient magical creature (or plant). All the pegasi and unicorns were of the same level, and all the Alicorns were even above that.

The only thing which made Nerenth a little special was her ability to grow fruits of life, and that she was an Omega monster. Which, according to players, was the highest grade for boss monsters.

Zamia and Agamemas, however, were even beyond boss grade. They were guardians of a holy spring, and the forest around it, after all. They would be like world bosses if one had to classify them. And there were two of them, and an army of boss level creatures nearly a thousand strong.

Avgi was, truly and utterly, insane in terms of power. Sadly, their enemies knew this, and kept them pinned in their forest.

Erik didn\'t know what made the spring so special, however, he knew of the Ice Lilies and how special they were. And that was probably only a small fraction of what the forest actually had to offer.

After all, apparently, the plants were conscious and aided in the forest\'s defense.

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