A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 872 Magic Practice And Theory (6) - Helping Jade

"But I see you can control your powers far better." Eldrian noted as Jade reluctantly gave up on charming him. "What do you even need my help for?"

"But you promised!" She countered.

\'Pretty sure I did that half heartedly... oh? Right, I can use more data.\' Eldrian smiled. Realizing there was no harm—at least not to him.  "Alright. I need to discuss a few things with Levana. But once we\'re done, I\'ll help."

Jade was so elated she completely missed Eldrian\'s devilish smile.

Returning to his normal spot, Eldrian had Little P clear the surrounding undead. He was surprisingly good at it, especially since the undead burned so darn well.

Though he did need to come to Eldrian for a refill of mana every hundred or so kills. Still, the XP was steadily rolling in.

\'Oh wow. I\'ve been missing out.\' If Eldrian had Little P do some hunting for a week, there might not even be any wandering undead around the region anymore.

\'Mmm, yeah. I prefer leaving some. We already abandoned the land and they are useful for testing things.\' Still, Eldrian continued to send his familiar hunting.

He ordered it to fly about 50 kilometers before killing anything. Oh, and the surrounding 10 kilometers were now clear of any enemies. Though, because of Eldrian\'s frequent visits, it was less populated than most other areas.

"So. I\'ll ask again." Eldrian said before starting, keeping in mind that he shouldn\'t reveal too much to Jade. He wasn\'t sure what Miracle actually knew, but he didn\'t want to give them any free information.  "Are you sure about this? It\'s not going to be easy."

A quick nod confirmed Jade\'s... \'training\'.

It took a few hours to figure out the optimal method. But once Eldrian found it, he had Jade coughing up blood just like Brazen the day before. And of course, he would generously throw some heals and rejuvenated at her when needed. Not letting her rest for more than a few minutes.

\'Hey, this might actually work!\' Eldrian noted.

Thanks to the previous breakthrough, it hadn\'t taken him long to pinpoint the source of power feeding Jade\'s charms. Just like mageia, the aura was in effect a field surrounding a specific frequency of lifeforce. Concentrated around Jade. But because of her attempt to charm him, a sliver moved and separated from the dense mass around her.

To put it simply, Eldrian considered the frequency pink. Whether or not this was correct (he couldn\'t see it, only sense it), he couldn\'t tell. Eldrian was pretty sure he only saw / felt it as such was because he linked pink with love, charms, and stuff.

He pinpointed its location with mageia, and then—after a few hours of practice—he had learned to clash his own lifeforce with it. This required some careful maneuvering since Eldrian couldn\'t actually control the lifeforce that produced his field of mageia. Nothing that practice didn\'t solve, though.

The first success had brought them both to their knees. But Eldrian was receiving less and less damage, while Jade had been receiving more and more.

"Come on! You can do just. Just withstand the repulsion." Calling it repulsion was cheating. It was an explosion. But Eldrian didn\'t need to mention that. Jade knew that full well.

After a few minutes, she stood on shaky legs. Eyes vacant. She only continued to push since she was indeed feeling her control grow. Though she was mostly doing this unconsciously at this point.

\'Oh, is this two I\'m sensing? So she can split it now, not just strengthen it?\' Eldrian had no idea what two sources would change compared to simply strengthening one. After all, the actual effects came from the field around the lifeforce, not it itself.

Regardless, he waited to see what would happen. After all, he wasn\'t just training; he was also experimenting. Testing to see what Jade could do would help him if he ever faced someone with similar powers to hers.

\'Oh, that\'s... disappointing.\' Realizing that she was simply delaying one. Hoping to cath Eldrian off guard, Eldrian decided it was perhaps enough for the day. The sun was setting and Jade was clearly near her... \'I might have pushed her a bit too far.\'

Looking at her eyes, Eldrian dropped her off at the fort so Levana could deal with the aftermath. After all, the vampire knew something about charms and as far as Eldrian knew; they were close.

As he left the fort, he ignored the glare he was receiving from the raven haired beauty. Playing with some basic ice formations to take his mind off the murderous intent he was sensing. By the by, Eldrian also realized why bloodlust actually existed and could be felt.

It was basically an aura—or in other words; it was a radiation field caused by one\'s emotions leaking through their natural gravity. Or, well, that was how he was explaining it to himself.

Despite it being night, Eldrian\'s experiments and training didn\'t stop. Moving with Little P as his light source (though he also used a basic spell to see better in the dark) Eldrian headed for the encroaching.

His day had been unproductive with the back and forth, but Eldrian was testing things while walking. So he wasn\'t too bothered that it took him some time. He also used that time to contact everyone before they logged off and get a feel for the general situation throughout the kingdom.

"You doing okay?" Eldrian asked his shivering companion. Just a few minutes in the undead lands had Little P losing flames. Around twenty minutes in total and the firebird perched on Eldrian\'s shoulder, shaking.

Stroking its back to console it, and feed it some mana, Eldrian let Little P wait back at the destroyed town while he continued his research. First, Eldrian needed to confirm the drain and whether this was the same as what had happened in the forest of Pyknos.

While waiting to see how bad the drain was, Eldrian tested some things with his own auras. His newfound \'sight\' allowing him to notice a few things.

\'Well, not sure if I\'d call this the same...\' Simply put, his auras worked just like Jade\'s. A small sliver of lifeforce of the respective element surrounded by a field of said element.

It could be broken down to the core being super heated when calling on the aura of wrath. And, as one would expect, that heat disperses into the environment. Forming a field of heat, or flames, around the sliver.

This revelation made Eldrian feel dumb. It was quite basic stuff. But he had to feel it to understand what was going on.

Eldrian could, for a short while, and in limited complexity, control the flames. In so doing, he thus made the sliver move, but he wasn\'t controlling the essence itself.

It was like using magnets to move a piece of iron without letting anything touch the iron piece. Quite difficult to pull off. But certainly not impossible.

Ice was naturally the same, but instead of heat, it was radiating cold. In that same essence, Jade\'s charm was simply more concentrated at the sliver of lifeforce. If she could learn to make that invade a person through their own defensive fields... it would be bad.

\'But Brazen\'s was difference.\' Eldrian noted. His only conclusion as to why was because it was a bloodline, not an aura. And he assumed it was a far weaker one. Certainly, it couldn\'t be compared to Eldrian\'s bloodline.

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