A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 513 - A Smooth Start

Chapter 513 - A Smooth Start

With this message, Judith along with a few other players who focused on full damage builds snuck closer to the cave entrance. Once they were just a few meters from it, they quickly rushed in and killed all the goblins that were close to the exit.

Doing as much damage as they could in this charge.

As soon as the goblins started to realize what was going on and reinforcements started to arrive, the players retreated. Pulling the goblins out of their cave.

However, no spells or arrows were launched once this happened.

Instead, the players waited for the goblins to commit to the counterattack. Therdul\'s team of heavy warriors joined the fight once the numbers of goblins became too much and more and more hobgoblins appeared.

Hobgoblins are larger than the normal variety of goblins and can learn some basic skills up to Tier 4. They are similar to a human of a similar Tier, but with lesser intelligence. Still a far cry from a goblin knight.

Eldrian found it strange that this was his first time seeing hobgoblins, leading him to wonder why that was. Why the goblins at avgi had missed this variant.

Slowly the numbers of the goblins rose more and more. Once they outnumbered the players busy fighting three to one, the archers joined in. Hitting them from the sides of the battle where they had slowly tried to move to surround the players.

This simple addition quickly moved down tens of goblins. Finally, a goblin knight showed. As soon as he did, the archers all focused on him.

The large dark green-skinned creature around 1,8m (5ft, 11in) stood proud a the cave entrance with a shining shield and sword. Shockingly, both were magical items. The shield did wonders to block the incoming arrows, and when that was not enough, the normal goblins nearby made excellent cannon fodder.

Narrowing its eyes, the goblin knight looked at the floor littered with the dead goblins and roared in anger. Charging forward, it aimed for Judith with bloody rage.

Judith easily deflected the blow, yet she was shocked at the strength behind it. She could immediately tell that she had the advantage in stats, but she also realized that if she took the goblin knight too lightly it would end badly for her.

Just as she blocked another blow and swiveled to counterattack, another goblin knight arrived. And not much later two more appeared from the cave. Their numbers quickly grew and reached thirteen in just a few seconds after the first\'s appearance.

With arrows almost never reaching them, it was finally time for the mages to act. With Nikki\'s message, spells of fire rained down on the entire horde of goblins. In this case, all the players were using the same element to ensure that their spells did not conflict with one another.

The rain of fire caused screams of terror and pain to fill the air as the goblins died quicker than ever, yet the goblin knights were not bothered that much. They rushed through the fire and quickly locked blades with the players.

Just a few seconds later the fires all died down as another ten goblin knights rushed out of the cave.

[{Eldrian} - Shaman just cast a magic barrier, focus on buffing or formation spells (Earth spells are all formation spells)]

With the message, Eldrian also finally moved. Dashing from the backline, he rushed forward to finish his task. As he passed the line of fighting players who were now under heavy pressure, Eldrian helped them out through making use of Vrachos.

He always carried a handful of stones in his inventory for just such use.

The simple Tier 1 spell was still effective. Especially since the cast was hidden and by the time the shaman managed to react to the flying stones, they had already connected with their targets. Flying into the goblin knights\' necks and causing blood to flow freely.

As Eldrian entered the cave following a cleared path from the spells earlier, three messages echoed.

[Player has participated in killing a goblin knight: 25.2k XP rewarded]

[Player has participated in killing a goblin knight: 50.4k XP rewarded]

[Player has participated in killing a goblin knight: 33.6k XP rewarded]

Naturally, the 109k experience made little difference to Eldrian\'s 186M that he required for the next level. But you couldn\'t expect much more from level 20-ish Tier 4 monsters. Especially when the kills were shared.

Once inside, Eldrian was quickly stalled by more hobgoblins. However, they were no threat to Eldrian. Eldrian cut them down with ease with Crystoi.

While he could not equip the spear and access its abilities, he could still swing it around and make use of its excellent damage. Luckily, the entrance of the cave was large enough to allow Eldrian to make use of this to its fullest. Killing multiple goblin and hobgoblins in a single swing. The sound of XP kill rewards echoed in his ears.

Finally, he saw the shaman concentrating on him. Eldrian smiled as he watched the mana gather and form into a massive blade of wind.

[Gobling Shaman | Tier 5 | Level 28]

[HP: 270]

[Mana: 612/790]

[Magic Attack: ??? (Spell damage multiplied by 3.48)]

[Intelligence: 348]

[A goblin with some intelligence, capable of strategizing and learning spells. How they manage to learn spells is unknown, yet every shaman will know at least five spells.]

\'How does he have more intelligence than me!?\' Eldrian questioned, nearly allowing a random goblin to land a blow. Which would have been bad, since even with all his equipment, there was still plenty of open skin that they could land a hit in.

When Eldrian managed to recover he wanted to see if he could cast inside the barrier.

As soon as he tried, he could feel the mana leaving his body simply dissipating into the air. And while he could attempt to combat this, the smile on the shaman\'s face told him that doing so would be dumb.

Instead, Eldrian jumped to the side as the wind blade sailed past and cut through tens of goblins. Leaving a bloody path which Eldrian quickly jumped on to rush the shaman.

Eyes wide in surprise, the shaman scrambled to cast another spell. Never having expected Eldrian to notice and dodge his wind spell. Eldrian was far too fast. Arriving before the shaman in just a few seconds. Far before he could finish his second spell while maintaining the barrier.

The goblins between them having offered no resistance to Eldrian thanks to his speed and activating \'Shield\'. Giving him 32 MR and AR.

At the last second, Eldrian\'s thrust was blocked by a strong unexpected blow nearly causing him to lose his grip. Jumping back, Eldrian stared at the strange creature which had sprung from the ground to stop his attack.

It appeared like some sort of failed mutation, having the dark green skin of goblins but not a humanoid form. Instead, it appeared more like a wolf.

[Goblin Blaidd | Tier 5 | Level 35]

[HP: 850]

[Attack: 67 (Claw)]

[Attack: 114 (Bite)]

[Venom: 10, 5 (HP per 5 seconds, SP per 5 seconds)]

[A goblin mutation caused by offering a vargr as food to a Folia.]

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