A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 419: The top 16 match

Chapter 419: The top 16 match

Unfortunately, he couldn\'t train throughout the night (day IRL) due to the tournament. Exiting the game when it was time, Eldrian joined the others for their match of the top 32. Surprisingly, none of the loser teams had attempted to fight them.

Most of which was due to Eldrian\'s sudden rise in popularity. With his post having sparked the creation of the entire community coming together everyone now knew his name. It didn\'t take long after that for them to realize he was part of Phoenix.

No team whose last chance it was to stay in the tourney wanted to face him, nor did they want to face the top 10. So they chose other lesser-known teams.

Standing in the grassland that was their arena this time. The group looked at their opponents, one of the favorites to win this tournament, Pure Warriors.

Immediately, when the two groups came close enough, Eldrian used mana sense to get a sense of their abilities. Smirking when he realized that they mostly only had normal-grade armor. While altogether they had 12 magic items, that was not all that much considering everything.

For the first time, Phoenix managed to beat this group who before had seemed impossible to beat. This was not just because of Eldrian\'s growth, but the others\' too.

Like always, Eldrian took the brunt of keeping the knights busy. While he was at it Judith managed to keep two of the warriors busy while Ilmadia and Zyviss made sure the fighters couldn\'t move else they would die from the constant spells and arrows focused on them.

With their overwhelming victory, the spectators didn\'t even know what to say. All that they could think of was that Eldrian was simply too strong. But surprisingly, the rest of the team wasn\'t lacking either.

The next day, Eldrian again went on a cleaning spree in the forest, finding nearly no resistance as he galloped through the forest. He could even feel the corruption starting to weaken on this day.

This day he only managed to clear 34 areas, which was still far more than anyone else, or even any other single group. The next day he cleared only 12, being forced to retreat constantly as the undead started focusing on the right where he had gone the days before.

\'Tomorrow I go left,\' Eldrian thought as he returned to camp, disappointed at the haul but not at the amount of gold he had gained thus far. If he were to go to the Adventurers guild, he would be able to claim 47 gold now.

Instead, he simply practiced his spells and then logged out for their match. Which was? against Elven bows, which was supposed to be a really hard matchup for them. It was still hard, but manageable.

Ilmadia immediately cast the strongest wind spell she had, making it impossible for their opponent\'s arrows to make it through. Eldrian then went out alone and started hunting in the forest.

What their opponents had hoped would help them keep the advantage had backfired as it allowed Eldrian to come up behind them in surprise. His speed shocking them, his ability to find them being even more shocking.

Naturally, the group was constantly updating Eldrian on where the arrows were coming from. And once he got close they stood no change.

Sneaking up on three archers in the woods, Eldrain planned to end it swiftly. However, just as he was summoning Frost Needle, the elves suddenly turned around and spread apart. Letting their arrows fly nearly instantly and forcing him onto the defensive.

Or so they had hoped. Eldrian simply used? Shield to suddenly gain an armor rating of 25 points. Causing their arrows to glance off of him.

Or so he had thought, yet shockingly, their arrows pierced into his body (where he had no armor) and sent him flying back.

\'What the?\' Eldrian asked in confusion as he used mana sense and jumped to the side to avoid the next arrows.

[Tier 1 Magical Arrow (Drysnos arrows)]

[Attack: +13]

[Ability: Pierces flesh with ease, no matter what]

\'The hell?\' Eldrian asked as he broke the arrows and healed himself while hiding behind one of the trees. Darting to another and sending a fireball (Volida) flying blindly in the direction of the three.

Naturally, he didn\'t get a hit, but the sudden fire in the woods caused the elves to jump back. Giving him the time he needed to regather his thoughts.

\'That was a nasty surprise, but if we are fighting from range- Shit!\' Rolling on the ground Eldrian avoided the arrow which had even managed to leave a mark on his head.

\'They were waiting for me.\' Eldrian realized and immediately tried his best to escape, yet it seemed that an arrow would come from every side. In desperation he cast his own wind spell, causing a massive mess in the middle of the forest and allowing him a few seconds to breathe.

"That won\'t work!" One of the elves shouted as they all charged into the wind. They didn\'t plan to get close to him, only near enough for their arrows to ignore the wind.

By now, Shield? had also worn out and Eldrian was left alone in the midst of five archers. Yet he wasn\'t without a plan. When they entered the wind he suddenly canceled the spell and burst forward. Sending two icicles flying at those behind him and his spear thrusting at the one in front.

One of the archers at the back managed to see the spell coming, the other had his hand ruined. While the one before him stood no change, once Eldrian was close enough he thrust so fast that the man\'s eyes hadn\'t even fully opened in surprise.

His shocked expression was frozen on his face as Eldrian ducked behind his body and used it to block the arrows.

Jumping from his body to a tree, Eldrian again sent a fireball. The archers expecting the same thing as last time were unpleasantly surprised. Eldrian had cast Mifotia and taken it upon himself to guide the little fireball. Causing it to explode right on one of the archer\'s bows. Ruining the strings and setting the wood aflame.

Even knowing that the items would be repaired after the match, the loss was still a heavy one. And before the man could recover three icicles flew at his chest. His armor managed to save his life, but only barely.

Unfortunately, Eldrian didn\'t manage to dodge the next arrow as it pierced his tight. He quickly broke the arrow and was about to jump forward when a shout of pain suddenly appeared from one of the archers. In shock, they turned around only to find a crazy barbarian lady charging running them down.

A broad smile grew on Eldrian\'s face as he used Ice Needle to finish off the last few archers. It was still the spell he was most comfortable with controlling that actually did damage. And a hit in the neck was almost always fatal.

Coming out of the match though they weren\'t happy.

"That was too close." Judith said. She had nearly died in the end. Her lack of armor was a massive problem, and one she refused to fix.

"There wouldn\'t have been a problem if you would just wear proper clothing!" Therdul countered, upset that he had missed the fun. Though he understood that he was too slow to keep up with the people from Elven Bows.

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