A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 409: Divine magic (1)

Chapter 409: Divine magic (1)

"Ready?" Eldrian asked and the group nervously nodded, scared of falling off, getting hit by a branch, and what made the quest\'s first part Rank A already.

Setting off, Eldrian led the group while using mana sense, finding the nearest start of the corrupted area and giving everyone a few minutes to get used to the suffocating feeling. Making sure that they were not near any Ackley trees that might cause them to alert the undead.

Naturally, being spotted was still a possibility, but it was one thing Eldrian could control.

"What is this?"

"This is so uncomfortable."

"No way, my stamina is draining!"

"My horse!" The poor guy hit a large tree branch as his steed turned around and left the corrupted area. Leaving a large red mark on his forehead.

The other agimii soon followed suit and left the corruption, all but Eldrian\'s. He had been casting Anthise on his steed, confirming that the spell worked as intended and causing the agima to start to trust his rider as he felt the spell combating the effect of this terrible area.

"This is the corruption, not a fancy name for such a deadly place," Eldrian said after turning to look at the group who were now all out of the corruption. "It starts where the trees wilt, and it will constantly drain your stamina, deeper in it might even drain your health."

Hearing this the group shivered, not having thought they would discover such a massive danger right at the start.

"That is not all, the undead are also patrolling the border of the corruption and there are plenty of scout-type undeads who can locate us and signal our position to the undead hordes."

"Are you sure we can do this?" Elizabeth asked, not wishing for her entire team to be killed for a quest that was impossible.

"I can do part 1 of the quest on my own even," Eldrian said, those who did not know him well thought he was boasting, but those who were with him in the team felt relieved hearing this.

"Then why did you invite us to join? And how are you fine still inside that area?"

Eldrian smiled and finally left the corrupted area, "Using a rejuvenation spell basically counters the effect of the corruption, however, it will lose its effectiveness the deeper we go."

"As for why I invited you, that is because the forest is massive and while the gold reward is going to be split, the level-ups won\'t be. I know I can\'t do everything alone, and so does the kingdom. They probably don\'t think we would be able to do much, but even if we clear just two areas, that is two they do not have to think of."

The players nodded as they realized what Eldrian was getting at. "In any case, I had no plan to try and do anything today."

"What? Why then-"

"You all need to first learn Thora, it is a Tier 1 spell extremely effective against undead. Here." Handing the spell module to Elizabeth, Eldrian started riding back to the camp. The stablehand was surprised seeing them return so quickly, however, he asked no question and simply took the agima.

"What was the point of that?" Elizabeth asked as they returned, shocked that they hadn\'t even tried to clear one area. From Eldrian\'s confidence, it was clear he could do it on his own, losing the 50 silver that she felt were at the tip of her fingers made Elizabeth feel strange.

"To let you know what to expect. While the rewards are shared, it is only if we all clear the same area. I have no plan of doing that."

"You\'re going to abandon us?" Elizabeth asked in realization.

"Isn\'t that too harsh. I just know I will be far faster on my own. Let me explain things so you can understand what I am thinking."

Eldrian started from where he had discovered the trees and explained how to identify them without constantly using Inspect. Then he explained how Thora worked and should work against the undead, and also that they shouldn\'t ever try to fight the undead that appeared and instead always run. Even if they have to abandon an area that was almost completely cleared.

"Lastly, it is important that you don\'t go past the 500 meters indicated in part 1."


"As I said, the corruption truly becomes far more taxing the deeper you go. Most of you will likely not be able to handle it."

"Then does that mean we have to abandon it after part 1?"

"Not necessarily, the corruption will likely be weakened after we clear the first part. Besides that, you should make sure you guys never go out unless the soldiers are also clearing parts of the forest."

Elizabeth did not need to ask why, it was clear that it would spread the undead thin and decrease the likelihood of them being chased and surrounded. After discussing a bit more with Elizabeth and then sharing some tips with Ilmadia, Eldrian started updating the bestiary of the guild.

Adding the weaknesses that he had found for the undead, even sharing the spell module of Thora on there and stating that everyone who planned to face undead had to at least learn this one Tier 1 spell.

Just as he was about to leave, Elizabeth asked, "When did you get the new armor? It looks nice."

"Ah-" Eldrian looked at his chest, arms and legs and realized he had even forgotten he had been wearing armor. A good sign. "It was my reward for discovering that the Ackley trees are how the corruption is spreading."

Eldrian didn\'t plan to discuss the armor\'s abilities, and instead said goodbye as he had another place to be at. Heading to where his teacher was supposed to be.

"Haru!" A man with golden hair shouted as he saw the elf approach the tent that functioned as an inn. It had only been added recently and had a strict curfew at 8, still, many soldiers who were recovering or were stationed here and on break came to share a few drinks and also their pains.

"Ayden!?" Eldrian naturally did not recall the man\'s name and instead had used mana sense to not appear like a jerk, though he did recognize him. The two had fought during the night invasion and had been the backbones of their group that had kept growing as they stood their ground till the lich arrived.

"Haha, I heard you are still curious about divine magic. I thought you would have given up."

Nodding Eldrian followed Ayden who plopped down on one of the empty tables and ordered himself a mug of wine. Yes, a mug. Eldrian instead ordered some fruit juice, which garnered him a frown but Ayden did not argue.

After toasting and catching up on what was new with both, Ayden asked in surprise. "Really, no wonder you want to know about divine, or rather holy magic."

"There\'s a difference?"

"Of course, divine is an entire aspect of magic. It is like calling water magic elemental magic. Sure, you are correct in saying it, but you are ignoring a lot of things."

"I see, then I assume holy magic is aimed at undead?"

"Yes, and I came prepared. Here, take a look."

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