A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 391: Ilpas Elpines notes (2)

Chapter 391: Ilpas Elpine\'s notes (2)

Eldrian stared at what was before him in wonder. He was not worried in the slightest as he could feel that the net was just there. It was not constricting or hampering his soul in any way. In fact, it seemed to be part of the Mageia Avyssos.

He had just always been blind to it, or at least he had been when trying to detect something earlier through entering the space before. He had indeed needed to come into contact with it to actually see it.

Moving closer, Eldrian stared at the lines one by one. He started with the green ones, wondering why only green was present. As he moved around one of these lines Eldrian realized something and if he had a body a massive smile would betray his excitement.

\'This isn\'t nature, though nature is mostly what it is made up of. That must be why Ilpas thought that it was the opposite of nature. The color isn\'t right though, nor is the feeling quite it.\'

Moving to another such a line, Eldrian found that the shade of green was slightly different, yet it was still not the light green of nature magic. Instead, they were all dark saturated greens.

\'Why did I miss it before?\' Eldrian wondered and as he thought back he realized that the gray smoke mixed with the green must have caused him to not realize this. It being on its own allowed him to now come to this conclusion. Being much closer was also something that helped greatly.

\'Can I?\' Eldrian sent out feelers to try and contact the string, finding himself shocked by what he felt. Raw mana normally appeared a soft white and could change into any type of mana depending on the environment and spell.

This instead, it felt like it was a mixture of elements. \'Nature, water, air.\' Eldrian noted that this line was more saturated. Moving to another, \'Nature, air, water. And this one is lighter colored.\'

\'Nature, fire, water.\' This one was both a shade darker and more saturated.


Continuing to move between them Eldrian realized that in all of the strings, light and darkness were absent while over 80% of each string was nature elements. He also noted that hybrid elements such as lighting and ice were absent.

\'Hybrid elements aren\'t everywhere, so it makes sense they are missing. But... Light and darkness are everywhere-\' Eldrian stopped abruptly as he recalled how the dark element was often present in the undead. Light, however, was always absent.

Thinking back to when he first started learning magic, the little research he had done only to quickly drop it. Eldrian recalled that light and dark were not just amounts of light. No, rather they were amounts of energy.

As a perfect example, ice was a hybrid element of water and dark. Yet, the color of ice is often lighter than water.

\'What about?\' Turning to one of the gray strings, Eldrian tried sending out feelers to determine what type of mana it was. He was far more careful as he recalled the vicious struggle against the onslaught of death mana from his previous reckless actions.

What he found was intriguing. He could only feel two types of mana from it and this was actually even stranger than his suspicions. The first thing he felt was the death element, something he knew very little about and it seemed most people knew very little of it. He had only come into contact with this element and the feeling it gave a handful of times.

The other was darkness. Shockingly, the death-mana would have been colorless (similar to raw mana) if not for the darkness mixed in.

Taking a moment Eldrian moved back and observed the net for a good while. Hours passed before he came to a conclusion. \'That\'s it, and it is so simple.\'

Again, if he had had a body in this place a bright smile would have betrayed his excitement.

Instead of moving towards the strings again, Eldrian tried summoning mana. It took a few tries, but soon he managed to feel his body, a silhouette body formed in the Mageia Avyssos. Above one of its hands was a ball of light.

The light filled the darkness of the abyss, hungrily sucked in by the gray strings and the surroundings. Yet, the strings green did not react at all.

\'Is it really that simple?\' Eldrian wondered, turned his back, and returned to his body. Moving his hand from the string it flew in the air like a cut string in the air, until it managed to reconnect with the other tree.

\'Why just the Ackley trees?\' Eldrian wondered as he could still feel a weird mana inside of his body. It was filled with energy, yet it sapped his own.

Sitting down, Eldrian focused first on getting it out of him. Shocked when he saw he only had had 121 HP left. It might sound like a lot, but it was about a third of his total (361).

He did not cast a heal on himself though, worried that it might have an adverse effect. Instead, he looked at the surroundings once more and then told Bring?rr that he was returning to the camp. The dwarf\'s relief was so great that Eldrian could even feel it despite the fact that the dwarf had his helmet on.

Naturally, Bring?rr had been worried that something had happened to Eldrian. He hadn\'t wanted to disrupt the elf, despite that he had stood still for hours and his HP had constantly decreased.

"We are coming back later, I just need some time to digest what I found and also share my findings with the leaders of the armies."

Shock caused the dwarf to stare at the elf before him for minutes on end, flabbergasted. When Eldrian finally started moving after confirming that everything was fine, only then did the dwarf recovered, yet his shock was still as massive.

"Wha-what did you find?" The dwarf asked, disbelief clear in his voice. He only knew how the corruption worked due to Amnur having shared this with all Abyssal Guards. They needed to know how to protect their homes from such an invasion.

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