A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 375: Ordering a backlog of spells to learn

Chapter 375: Ordering a backlog of spells to learn

Eldrian talked a bit more with Elizabeth after figuring out how to make use of the benefits. A large part of which was her trying to convince him to join them for a quest. Eldrian however wanted to take it easy for a few days or weeks.

All the rushing of things had finally caught up to him. Losing himself had scared him, he did not wish to push himself to the edge again. It also did not feel like the quest was in danger of failing, and if it was he knew there was nothing he could do to change it.

The quest goals were simply insane. He might be able to help in finding the source of the corruption, maybe he might find a way to stop it or cleanse it. Though he doubted it.

Helping the army hold the forest was not something he could make a difference in, nor had he any idea how he was supposed to save the king. Or even if the king really needed saving.

Regardless of all this, the biggest reason why Eldrian wanted to take it slow was the last goal. According to the system he was still being targetted and recalling how Andreas had been a devil, Eldrian dared not leave the camp.

It was the only place he felt confident he would not be stabbed in the back. He couldn\'t even teleport away since the camp had no temple.

He now always used mana sense to ensure he never got tricked by a devil. He had no idea if it would work as he had yet to discover anyone. Still, being able to see their information as well as their mana flow, Eldrian felt it should find out most of them.

He had become far more uncaring about how it was considered rude, especially once Eldrian realized that most people wouldn\'t know he was inspecting them. Mana sense seemed to be far harder to detect than Observe, so far no one had even looked at him strangely when using it.

Leaving the tent, Eldrian headed to the Adventurer\'s guild\'s. A large plain tent.

As always the Adventurer\'s guild made sure to have representation wherever something big was going on. Those in the tent were all Tier 5 or 6 to ensure their own safety. Eldrian took this in and noted that no one seemed suspicious before turning to the right counter.

Like their normal setup they had two counters. One to get drinks at, and another to get quests at. Eldrian headed to the second, though for a moment he was pulled to the former.

"How can I help you?" A centaur with a graying coat and a pure white goatee asked.

"I would like to order some spells," Eldrian said, handing his new guild emblem to the man.

"What type of spells are you looking for?"

"Anything good against the undead," Eldrian replied.

"Of course, up to what Tier?"

"Three, but don\'t ignore Tier 1 and 2."

"Certainly, as this is pertaining to the task of defending our lands the spells will be free. However, you will need to pay them off after the threat has gone."

"Excuse me?" Eldrian didn\'t expect them to just give him the spells. While it was dumb asking for payment before arming people, he had thought they would stick with it.

"It is a unique perk of being a registered adventurer\'s group. As you are a Chosen I assume you did not know this. Lone adventurers must always pay since we have no way to hold them accountable to staying and fighting."

"However, for registered groups, their reputation is linked to them fulfilling their mission and keeping their word. Now, let\'s see where the spell list is. Spells against the undead are quite the hot topic."

Heading off the centaur asked a few of his colleagues until one handed him a stack of papers. Not many, probably less than ten. However, instead of heading back the centaur repeated this till he got two more stacks. Finally, he headed back to the waiting Eldrian.

"Here you are, take your time. The name and description of the spells are on the pages. Each page is dedicated to the field that the spell is under."


"Creation, Destruction, Healing, etc. Spells are also kept together according to the main element, so you will find spells that are fire related, be it just fire or a fire-hybrid spell grouped together."

Nodding Eldrian found himself a seat and started to read through the list. He wanted to find a few holy spells, though he was unsure if he would be able to ever learn them. He had never managed to feel holy mana, if that was even a thing. He felt it was.

Looking through the pages Eldrian found that most of the spells were fire or nature-related. A few wind spells were also added as were a few ice and earth spells. There were no holy spells to his disappointment.

\'Wait, that is an interesting one. How does it work?\' Eldrian paused as he found the one and only light spell on the list. Naturally, his first thought was that light must be the next best thing compared to holy. However, he quickly recalled that things were never so simple.

\'Still, it would be good to pick up. Right, so.\' Pulling up the system note taking application, Eldrian made a list of all the spells he wanted. Heading back he quickly shared them with the centaur.

Spells at Tier 3 were still very limited in their diversity and use, Eldrian hoped that learning more would allow him to get a better grips on how he could alter spells. This was certainly the next step he needed to go for.

He had learned how to control his mana, thereafter he had learned how to control his spells through controlling his mana. Then he had learned how to alter the spells through the magic abyss, yet he had never learned how to directly control and alter his spells.

\'While I want to take it slow, I don\'t want to do nothing.\' Eldrian thought as the centaur looked at him in astonishment.

"Are you sure? The total comes up to 2 gold." The old centaur\'s astonishment was not the amount of gold, but how many spells were needed to get to that amount.

Spells and skills were certainly cheaper than weapons, and it was even more marked down with the war. Items could only be marked down so much before they reach the lowest point. Where the cost would just equal the material cost.

Spells instead were pure profit. Price was usually only attached to them to lock people into an organization, or to provide funds for an organization. With the aim being to control who could learn what. Since if everyone had access to something possibly dangerous, then it would be near impossible to keep order.

Naturally, this held more during peace than in war times. In war times keeping order was not as important as not losing. Hence sacrifices could be made.

To get to the total cost of 2 gold Eldrian had picked over half of all the spells on each page in each pack. It was far more than he could learn, and the centaur\'s astonishment came from the fact that even a Greatmage (Tier 6) would take months to learn even just a quarter of this number.

"Yes, I might not actually learn all of them, but I want to learn how each should work. I hope they come with such descriptions."

"Apologies, what we provide is only the spell module with basic instruction on how to use the spell effectively. Not the theory behind the spell."

"Is there no way to add it?" Eldrian asked in hopes that it was possible.

"I can see what I can do. It will take longer-"

"Can you then first give me the spells as you planned, and then later give me the theory behind them? Also, can you possibly give me a few divine spells?"

"I can do the first, but not the latter. Divine spells are locked behind their god, to learn and cast it you must either receive the blessing of the god or your faith must be strong enough to connect you to them."

"Can\'t you get me a few divine spell modules regardless?" Eldrian asked, he did not really plan to learn the spells. He more wanted to figure out the difference in how it was cast.

"I can try," The centaur said with slight hesitation. The only reason he gave in was because Eldrian was a high elf. While Eldrian had chosen to hide his titles, him being a Tier 3 high elf was impressive. Especially since everyone knew they had only been here for a few months.

Thanking the centaur and getting his name before going, Eldrian couldn\'t wait till the spells arrived. According to Hermes, it would take two days to gather all the spells.

With a smile Eldrian started practicing his spear routine out of habit. Going through the simple basic moves allowed his mind to wander while his body got in good exercise.

When mind-wandering became boring he would start casting spells while going through his routine. Eldrian\'s aim was to have his mind detached from his body. To be able to attack and defend while he focused on attacking or defending with his spells.

This was naturally really hard, and maybe even impossible. It wasn\'t hard to split his focus, but Eldrian didn\'t want to split it. He hoped that he could act through instinct while casting spells.

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