A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 315: Hidden danger of hidden classes

Chapter 315: Hidden danger of hidden classes

"What does knowing this help?" Katania questioned after a few seconds. She saw little significance in knowing this, beyond just getting a better understanding of their enemies. Which was certainly, in any, scenario a plus. But, not of much practical value.

"Right... It does not really matter much." Pelaros replied, "However, it does help me understand how some Unwilling can become higher undead. They simply need to work through their hatred for undeath."

Not following Evale let loose a "huh" in questioning.

Shaking his head with a? slight smile, Pelaros explained, "I now know why the revenant suddenly became, well... A full-fledged revenant. It must have realized it would die, and suddenly it didn\'t want to die again. Thus it was no longer an unwilling undead."

"That simple? It can\'t really be that simple." Katania said in disbelief.

"Why not, if you think about it, a lot of things are actually that simple. At least if you are supposed to be able to do it." Pelaros countered, causing everyone just more confusion. Pelaros sighed realizing that no one followed.

"Forget it, let\'s get back to work. Katania I am sure there are still people requiring help, and Evale, I believe your brother doesn\'t want to sit still. Better to go with him."

Nodding the two left, Pelaros clearly wanting them to leave for some reason.? As soon as they exited the cabin, Pelaros turned to Eldrian and asked aggressively, "What aura do you have?"

The aggressions caught Eldrian off guard, taking a step back he looked at Pelaros warily. Suddenly regretting the fact that he had shared that part.

"Ah... Sorry," Pelaros took a step back to show Eldrian that he meant no harm. "I did want to appear so serious. I just want to know what type it is."

"Why?" Eldrian questioned, still wary.

"Because of how strange they are. In the stories it always emphasizes the magnificence of the heroes, it never talks about the damages the aura does to the person."

"What do you mean?" Eldrian asked, calming down and looking around for a chair. Which he promptly sat on.

"I mean, it is always made a story of hero vs devil. It never goes into detail about what is going on... Nor what can, and sometimes do go wrong." Pelaros replied, adding under his breath, "That\'s why he is so invested in the soul."

Eldrian didn\'t catch the latter part, however, he realized what Pelaros might be worried about. "I have an aura of wrath. And I know the dangers of it, I can become lost in anger... Right?"

Pelaros nodded, finding the elf more interesting by the second. His knowing what his aura is, is impressive, at least according to what he had read about on people who had auras. Normally they needed to lose themselves a few times before learning what path they were on.

"However, that is not the only danger," Pelaros said, causing Eldrian confusion. He stared silently at Pelaros and waited for an explanation.

"Yes, generally all that would happen to someone with such an aura is they would become lost in a blood frenzy."

"We call such people berserkers, and for the most part, they are simply legends of the past. Most people dismiss it as myth, however, it is impossible that the myth came without reason. Yet it is also just these myths that most people know of."

Eldrian was naturally confused about how Pelaros seemed to know so much about so many things. So he asked, "What are you trying to get at, and how do you know so much about this?"

"Because I am curious," Pelaros replied with a sigh, "Ever since I was little those stories had fascinated me. Do you know why I became the mayor of Kynigo?"

Eldrian shook his head no.

"It is because it was supposed to be a city that requires little work. Back home I would be pressured by the family to perform, my nephew, Farest, is an exceptionally talented young centaur. He has already caught up to me in Tiers, however, that is mostly because, since my departure, I have stopped trying to improve."

"Why?" Eldrian asked, not trying to improve made little sense to him.

"Because I was strong enough. Or so I thought, until the bloody invasion started." Pelaros paused and sighed in frustration. "But while I have not grown stronger in the past 40 years, I have learned a great deal."

The 40 years threw Eldrian a little, with how young Pelaros still appeared.? Are centaurs long-lived? He wondered, but only for a second. His thoughts returning to the conversation as quickly as they had wandered from it.

"I did not spend my time hyperfocused in improving in one area, instead I read up on what I enjoyed." Pelaros sighed, again he realized that those days of being carefree were gone.

Inwardly he prayed that he would be able to keep the city safe. To keep Myropsis from needing to join the fray.

She was similar to him, only her focus was limited to magical research. However, he felt that she was a kindred spirit, even if she narrowed herself to one field. The field was still massive, magic was everywhere.

He wanted his niece to enjoy this time of her life, for as long as she still could.

Pelaros sighed again instead of continuing. Realizing that part of why he asked Eldrian to stop trying to teach Myropsis was that he wanted her to not hyperfocus. Naturally, there were also dangers, however, what in life was danger-free.

"I read a great deal, at least one book each day. Always books about the nature of things. While most of the things I never even attempted to copy, I at least know of them."

"In my reading, I have found quite a few pieces of writing written by the truly strong. Wherein they explained their situation and the situation of those who did not make it. Ilpas Elpine is one of the many whose works I have read."

"Due to this, I know that the myths are based in truth. The myths being the romanticized part." Pelaros paused a bit, continuing soon after.

"The situation of a berserker is one of balance. If you let the power you gain rule you, you will become permanently lost in a frenzy. Becoming a deranged being, more representing a demon than a human."

Eldrian shivered at these words. It was not hard for him to imagine what Pelaros meant, he just needed to think back to when he had nearly become lost. Heck, even now, most of his memories of that experience were lost to him.

"I understand," Eldrian said, wondering if this would be something that would follow him into reality. He hoped and believed that he should be safer than most since he should be away from the influence for a few hours each day.

Pelaros nodded and did not continue. He knew that preaching to someone would do little. They have to come to understand it themselves.

After a while of awkward silence, Pelaros asked, "Do you still have all the crystals we gave you?"

Hearing the question Eldrian replied in haste, "Of course, I still have them all. Do you want them back?" He asked, feeling that Pelaros might feel that it would be safer.

"No," Pelaros shook his head as he replied, "I just wanted to ask." After a slight paused Pelaros said, "Actually, can you give me one Mov Crystal and five mana crystals.

"Sure," Eldrian replied quickly pulling them out and offering them to Pelaros. Choosing to not ask why since he felt he did not really have the right. Luckily Pelaros explained why he wanted them.

"I am sure you are curious why. It is quite simple, while the last attack had done little damage, it would be dumb to not start improving our defense."

"Actually," Pelaros stopped as he was about to take the crystals, "Go find Thesolis, you probably have no understanding of arrays. Her explaining while making a defensive and detection array would be better than me explaining while doing nothing."

"She can also fill you in on what you will be doing from now on. Just tell her you are going to join in the research."

With that Pelaros left the cabin, leaving Eldrian trying to recall what Thesolis looked like.? Come on, it wasn\'t that long ago.? He told himself, sighing as he came back with nothing.

Observe? No, that will just piss off all the centaurettes.? He shook his head as he exited the cabin, turning to the first centaur he saw on guard duty.

"Sorry, can you help me find someone?" Eldrian asked, the centaur, whose horse half was covered in armor and his chest bare, turned to him with a frown.

"I am not a guide." He said, clearly not happy with being disturbed.

"Just tell me where she might be then," Eldrian replied, realizing that his first question sounded a bit too needy. "Thesolis, do you know her?"

The centaur\'s eyes opened slightly wider in surprise, however, it happened so quickly it was hard to realize. "Why are you looking for her?" The centaur used Observe as he asked this, confused when he saw that Eldrian was a Chosen. However, it did lessen his wariness.

"Pelaros asked me to deliver some things to her," Eldrian replied, shrugging when he saw the guards look. "He left before I could ask him where she was."

The guard sighed upon hearing this, "Typical. She is not in the camp currently, use the southern gate. You should see a group about half a kilometer out on the path we have cleared."

Thanking the guard, Eldrian turned to his map to figure out which direction was South. Promptly heading in that direction.

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