A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 313: Auras, what are they?

Chapter 313: Auras, what are they?

"It is also about auras, I am not sure if this is known by others, but I think that they are a special type of magic." Eldrian said, adding a bit later, "Maybe a unique aspect of magic."

"What do you mean?" Pelaros asked, the statement too vague.

"I think..." Eldrian paused, trying to get the right words. "Right, they are like abilities."

Raising an eyebrow in questioning, Pelaros pressed, "What do you mean?"

"I am not too sure what abilities are. But, as I understand it, they are like skills and spells. However, unlike spells and skills, they do not require knowledge to be used. Rather it is something to do with bloodlines... Or something like that."

Eldrian paused as he tried recalling what he had heard of abilities, which wasn\'t really much.

"Well, that is correct." Pelaros said, shifting into his human form, "It does not take mana, nor does it take any particular knowledge. It just takes time to get used to, and in certain cases, you would need to reach a certain level first."

"Right, well... I think that auras are something similar. Only, instead of being something to do with bloodline, they are something you can..." Searching for the right words again, Eldrian paused for a moment, "Something you can earn."

"Earn?" Everyone in the room questioned, unable to follow Eldrian\'s logic.

Auras were mysterious. Generally, only special classes of monsters would have them. Such as the Higher undead or Alphas. It was a hot topic in all the magical debates, however, a conclusive answer has yet to be found.

This did not mean no one had the answer to this. Rather, that the kingdom of Taurus did not have it. To empires, this was common knowledge, at least to those who had reached Tier 5. While in Tier 1 kingdoms, all the commanders and stronger would know of this.

The concept not generally taught, as it is believed that people too weak would not be able to make use of the information. Thus there is little use in sharing it with them.

"Yes, or something like that." Eldrian nodded, not sure to explain how he got his auras. As he was unsure himself, even after his talk with the system.

"I don\'t get it," Evale said, shaking her head as she tried to make sense of this.

As far as they knew, or rather were taught, it was a special trait of monsters. And in very few cases people would also have an aura.

However, that was mostly in stories. The people in these cases born to be heroes of the nation. Enabling them to fight back, and in some cases, claim some new land. Legendary figures of myths.

"Umm..." Eldrian didn\'t know how else to say it, so he decided to go to the next part he wanted to ask and say. "Pelaros, do you know where your ability comes from? Is it really something to do with your bloodline, or is it something else?"

He asked this in the hope to gleam if abilities and auras were similar. Being really hyped to try and gain control over his. However, he knew it was a long way away. Which had doused most of his hype.

"Something else?" Pelaros echoes, shaking his head, "I don\'t know, all those of the direct bloodline have it."

"Then... Does the ability disappear with generations?"

"Yes, if it didn\'t then half of the centaurs should have the ability."

Eldrian nodded, believing that it must then be something to do with a bloodline indeed. "Have you ever entered your soul?"

Shaking his head no, Pelaros replied flatly, "Of course not. Very few would dare venture into their souls. The task is dangerous, as it is far too easy to get lost inside oneself. It is why I have continually warned you not to pursue that venue."

Pelaros paused, deciding to rather not dive deeper into the latter.? "If you are wondering why I seem to know a great deal about it, it is because of what I have read. Why?"

"Because... I think auras have something to do with souls. What I was doing, is meditating yes... But it was more than just meditating. I first entered the magic abyss, where I saw the damage to my spell. Thereafter, I entered my soul."

Hearing this the three looked at Eldrian in a strange way. Evale thinking that he was brave, Katania that he was a genius fool.

Knowing how many mages would give anything to be able to enter the magic abyss freely, and yet Eldrian used it so recklessly. Going even further and entering his soul, something which he seemed to be able to do easily. Which perplexed her to no end.

For divine magic users entering the soul was one of the highest goals, however very few succeeded.

Pelaros instead, was wondering just where Eldrian would draw the line. Even after warning him multiple times, it seemed the elf before him just wanted to be reckless.

Seeing their silent looks, Eldrian felt embarrassed. However, he pushed on, "The thing is, there I saw something weird. It was like a mist of light, but devoid of light. A black patch within the abyss surrounding my soul."

His explanation did not help them at all, making them just more confused and causing their expressions to grow stranger. His not wishing to explain the condition of his soul, nor his auras, made it harder for him to form the words.

"Okay, ignore that... I simply wished to say that the aura entered my soul, and tried to affect it."

This, contrary to the previous statements, caused Katania and Evale to gasp in shock. Pelaros however simply nodded, "That would make much more sense. The total suppression has been a constant question, however, no one would ever think to meditate in such a situation."

"Not to mention that finding a place near enough where the revenant would not attack is hard enough. Adding onto it that no one simply entered their souls out of curiosity. Of the research fanatics who actually dare try it, they would try it with many safety measures."

"Then..." Eldrian paused, he did not know how to continue, luckily Katania suddenly asked.

"Wait, this makes so much more sense!" Katania exclaimed, "Just think about beasts. Unlike revenants, their auras generally only affect their pack. It does not strengthen the other beasts, nor does it weaken their prey."

"What are you getting at?" Evale asked, somewhat following and somewhat not. Not enough to leap to the answer without it having explained to her.

"Just think about it, it is not like we have never tried using Colorful Sights to examine them. I mean, beasts are far easier to examine than a Higher undead. So naturally, we tried to use them to figure out how auras work." Katania replied.

"However, nothing has ever been found. If it is as Eldrian said, then that makes sense. Is that why you asked about abilities and bloodlines?" Katania ended by asking, Eldrian shaking his head in denial as he did not think of this. However, it made sense in this context that the two would be intertwined.

"Wait, but I could see the aura." Eldrian countered after a slight pause where he pondered how an Alpha\'s aura affected only its pack.

"Are you sure you didn\'t just see the strengthened miasma of the undead group?" Katania asked.

"I-I... I am not sure about that. However, I did see it when I was in my soul."

"But that is different, it is a very special case. And even if someone did as you among beats, they would find nothing."

Eldrian paused and pondered this, certain that the miasma he had seen was not just death-mana. The gray mist left behind where the undead was turned, and which followed them as they lived in undeath.

As Eldrian pondered, he suddenly recalled a piece he had read while trying to figure what souls were and what to expect with undead. Hurriedly, he quickly looked in his inventory for the singular extract.

"Pelaros, do you know this..." Eldrian paused as he read the name, "Ilpas Elpine?"

"Oh," Pelaros looked at Eldrian in surprise, "How did that sneak into the books we gave you. Yes, I know of him. He is a famous magus of around 5000 years ago."

"Fi-five... Five thousand?" Eldrian echoed in shock.

"Yes, he was one of the founding fathers of our kingdom. In fact, he should still be alive, seeing as he is a high elf. However, after his venture into The Encroaching, he suddenly departed after leaving some findings with us."

"S-so there are more volumes of this?" Eldrian asked, certain that this was something key to souls and auras.

"Yes, however, they are in the capital. It is shocking that Myropsis had added this extract..." Pelaros mumbled the last part,

Shaking his head to regather his thoughts, Eldrian said, "Here, he mentioned that an aura is filling the lands. Do you think what he meant is truly an aura?"

Shaking his head, Pelaros replied, "I have no idea. We never truly thought of it. I mean, it is hard to distinguish the aura a scene or place gives you, versus an aura someone has. The word is the same, but the meaning is completely different. The first is simply a feeling, while the latter is much much more."

Simply a feeling?? This phrase caught Eldrian\'s attention, reminding him that his auras were also simple feelings. Only, the feelings were empowered by magic.

This!? Eldrian\'s eyes flew wide open and everyone waited for him to say what he just realized. Instead, they watched as Eldrian sat down against the wall and closed his eyes.

"Not this again!" Pelaros complained turning into his centaur form without realizing it. Finding he was too late as Eldrian did not stir to his shout. This was then followed by Pelaros cursing so loud the soldiers outside could not help but take a step back from the cabin.

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