A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 44: Difference in Observe

Chapter 44: Difference in Observe

Using observe, the player looked at the beasts\' stats and visibly paled. Making Eldrian curse as he realized the real factor in deciding the outcome will be arriving soon.

He started looking for Vivian, as he felt he would need help against those big ones and players certainly won\'t be able to fill the gap.

"Tell me why you are so pale," Eldrian asked the player, wanting to guide him back to reality.

Eldrian had realized that players would often space out, him included. This happened often when they were looking at the interface. Especially if they were surprised by what it showed them.

"Sure..." The player drifted off as he looked at the front-most bigger beast again.

[Direwolf, Demonic Beast]

[Tier 1, Level 3]


[HP: 275]

[Attack: 56]

"Seems like the beast is a direwolf and beta. Not sure what it means, but it has very high stats." The player said slowly, still trying to come to grasp what he was seeing.

"It is level 3, has 275 health and 56 attack."

"Well shit. That means two hits and we die, right?" Eldrian said. Finding that it sounded much more dangerous than normal monsters. Who had to hit him around 5 times, or so he assumed after having been hit once, and then having connected the damage to his HP loss.

The player did not comment as he was shocked to hear it put into words. \'Indeed, two direct hits, and we would die.\' He thought to himself and started looking for a path to take away from these monsters. He wanted to get as far away as possible. He felt confident that people like him will just be fodder, not even the good kind of fodder.

Eldrian did not bother himself with the player. He understood the mentality and actually was impressed with how long the players as a whole had stayed. Even when they had felt overwhelmed, they had stayed until now, where the situation was looking better.

They certainly wanted to start leaving now. As none of them wanted to die and lose their items, when doing so would result in no real gain for them or the NPCs.

Eldrian turned back his gaze to the Betas, who were slowly making their way forward. Not rushing into the fray, rather sending those around them in. Eldrian felt confused why they didn\'t just charge, but he felt that what they were doing will be worse.

He promptly turned to look for Vivian again, finding her near the edge of the melee. He then started rushing over while watching her fight her foe.

She was struggling in taking the upper hand against a direwolf. Each time she tried to deliver a killing blow, she would be forced to dodge. This was because the beast would send out a random attack aimed at her leg or hands.

Vivian did not want to trade blow for blow, thus she was consistently forced to back off. Her sword not offering her the reach she needed to stay safe. She started wishing she had brought a shield, it would have helped her immeasurably.

In this manner, the beast managed to keep the fight going. Forcing Vivian to abandon her attacks when she found a nice opportunity. Simply because it sent a random swipe at her legs.

The trade would be in Vivian\'s favor as the attack she would receive would certainly not be a deadly wound. But Vivian knew the wound would force her to have to seek healing or else she would likely die. If she did get help then she would be slowed down. Which any other beast would easily manage to use to their own advantage.

In this regard, Eldrian realized players had a massive advantage. While his leg was cut deeply, it did not affect him too much. Simply because the pain was minor, more secondary. For NPCs it would be full-on, easily causing them to flinch or stumble, which could lead to their death in a fight.

Eldrian also wondered how it would be if his leg had been damaged more severely. Like if his leg had been broken. Asking himself if he would be able to use the leg then. He thought about it and realized that he most likely would be able to. But his coordination and movement would probably be impacted due to the leg not working properly.

\'Interesting food for thought.\' Eldrian ended his thoughts with this statement, storing it for later. He stopped this train of thought because he had reached Vivian. He was now near enough to use a good opportunity to finish the beast. But far enough to not alert the beast.

From when he went from group to group he had learned that beasts would focus on the target. But if a person stepped into a three-meter radius then they would react to it and take this person\'s actions into account. While they would normally just glance at people past this circle of observation.

But this certainly wasn\'t set in stone, as some of the beasts reacted when he was 4 meters from them. Normally if he was eyeing it, it would also eye him. While some others would completely ignore everything but their target. Making it possible to literally come close enough for his weapon to hit it before it started reacting.

As such Eldrian stopped around 4 meters from where Vivian was fighting. Just to be on the safe side. While he was waiting for an opportunity to strike, he also looked at those fighting around him. Not wanting to be jumped himself, and also open to helping someone else. If the opportunity presented itself.

Eldrian did not find an opportunity with those around him, nor did a beast target him. But he soon found one with Vivian\'s fight. She was again forced to stop her attack as the beast dodged her first strike and randomly swinging its one leg, trying to catch her legs. Causing her to be unable to follow up her attack.

But Eldrian was able. As it was off balance from the dodge and haphazard attack he rushed in. Quickly stabbing his spear into its stomach.

Vivian was so surprised by this sudden intervention that she did not follow up on Eldrian\'s attack. Clicking his tongue, Eldrian pulled his spear out, before thrusting it right back in. Aiming for its heart this time.

The beast still off balance and almost falling over from the first thrust momentum, had no time to dodge the second thrust. This one pierced into its lungs and even grazed its heart. Eldrian pulled out his spear, causing the beast to collapse.

Glaring hatefully at Eldrian it soon died from bleeding.

[180 XP gained]

Seeing the XP message Eldrian turned to Vivian. He had waited for the beast to bleed to death because of the saying, \'Never corner an animal.\' He assumed it went doubly for monsters. Rather wanting to wait for it to bleed out, than going for an attack where the beast might decide to suicide attack him.

\'Seems like I am not the only one with tunnel vision.\' Eldrian joked to himself as he saw Vivian still looking at the beast strangely. Eldrian felt like he saw a look of frustration in her gaze, but he wasn\'t sure. He discarded this thought and decided to start the conversation which was not starting.

"We have trouble."

"What?" Vivian asked, confused. Her voice contained surprise and frustration with the confusion. The first because she had not looked around in over a minute. Thus she believed the battle was still turning out good for them. The latter because she was irritated that the beast prevented her from ending the fight for so long. Always managing to narrowly avoid her sword, or let it hit in a less important area. Then aiming to return the hit for one of its own.

She felt upset with herself, since such an easy and basic tactical fighting style had almost won over her. It had managed to prevent her from killing her target, which she considered a failure. Especially when she was stronger than her opponent.

"Just look over to the front," Eldrian replied to Vivian\'s question. But only after a few seconds, during which she had calmed down.

Doing as Eldrian told her she turned to look at the formation, which was currently to her back.

"Fuck..." She cursed, feeling exasperated.

\'After all this, we are still in the fire.\' She thought to herself. Turning back to Eldrian curious on why he had come to find her. While she indeed needed the help, she was certain that Eldrian didn\'t come over just to help her.

"I think we should be able to handle one," Eldrian said as he saw her gaze.

"Are you insane?" She countered, feeling like Eldrian had lost his mind. Not needing to be told what Eldrian was talking about. One could only mean one thing.

"Why?" Eldrian turned to her in confusion. He had no idea what the standard stats of the beasts were. But from his fights, he learned a good hit to the heart or head would kill them. It had done so reliably thus far, therefore he assumed this held true for the betas.

"Those are betas!"

To which Eldrian simply nodded his head. Indicating he knew that.

"And you still want to fight them with just two of us?"

Again Eldrian nodded.

"Do you want us to die?"

"What, no. Is a beta that much stronger?" He asked in confusion. Not understanding her protesting.

"Yes it is..."

"What is the standard stats of the direwolves?" Eldrian asked, wanting to get a comparison.

To his question, Vivian gave Eldrian a confused stare. \'What do they call it.\' Eldrian asked himself, trying to remember what Dave had told him, when Dave had used observe on him. Failing Eldrian decided on a different approach.

"What do you see when you look at the direwolves with observe?" Eldrian asked while also looking around, making sure that there were no beasts coming for them. He also looked to the betas, wanting to ensure they had yet to charge into the fray.

They were currently waiting right at the edge. Seemingly waiting for something specific to happen. This made Eldrian feel uncomfortable, but he couldn\'t just rush them. That would be simple suicide.

"Um lets me use it quickly," Vivian replied as she turned to one of the beasts who was fighting a soldier.

Eldrian felt greatly confused, as he felt any person would use it before fighting a foe. Ensuring you know what they are capable of. Thus he expected Vivian to just tell him, not to have to take time to use the skill.

"Um, Well I see that it is a direwolf. Tier 1 and level 2. And its constitution attribute is 102 while its claws can do 32 damage."

\'Well let\'s just assume the constitution attribute goes 1 to 1 with HP.\' Eldrian thought as he realized the information Vivian was much different from players. Luckily the damage part seemed to be the same. As it was just short of the betas, but higher than he had been expecting.

"What about the beta?" Eldrian asked, hoping to be able to see a connection. But the answer disappointing him.

"Um... Tier 1, level 1. Constitution of 150 and claw damage of 84"

\'Well, that does not tell me shit about their HP. And the damage difference is massive too. But it does show that the difference lies more in their damage.\' Eldrian thought before saying.

"See, not that big a difference. Just don\'t get hit."

Leaving Vivian speechless.

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