QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 289 My Sister-In-Law Is My Surrogate 48

Han Rong dashed over to her daughter from across the hall whilst the eyes of everyone widened.

On the other hand, Han Jiao was completely drenched in champagne and bleeding from some minor cuts.

Looking down on her, He Yuan calmly took a sip of the wine he was holding. "You\'re an elite but you do not know how to act like one. Now look, you\'ve embarrassed yourself. How disappointing."

"HA!" A couple of young ladies who had been trying their best to hold in their laughter couldn\'t do it anymore and finally gave in.

"HA HA!" The laughter of the girls successfully triggered some other people and soon a good number of guests were laughing.

Han Jiao\'s chest heaved desperately as she looked around. So many people -especially ladies her age- were laughing at her. Unable to bear it anymore, she stood up and ran out of the hall in tears.

Han Rong sent He Yuan a glare before running after her daughter.

Looking at the rowdiness in the hall, the Han Madam saw white. She wanted so much to march up to Xu Lifen and smack the smile off the vile woman\'s mouth but she was an elite and such behaviour was beneath her.

Now at the bottom of the stairs, Chen Meili\'s face turned uglier and uglier. This banquet was supposed to be about she and her family gaining the praise and admiration of everyone alongside the envy of Xu Lifen.

How did things get this way?

Han Tao rubbed his wife\'s back and looked to his mother.

Min Yanyu got the message immediately and tried to salvage the situation. She eyed a couple of servants to get the broken glasses cleaned up before tapping on the mic. "Alright everyone. Please pardon our Jiao\'er. She\'s a little sick hence her bad mood. I hope everyone will forgive us."

Every single guest saw what happened clearly but they had tact and would not make things difficult for the Hans so peace prevailed in the hall once more and everyone went back to socializing.

A bunch of young masters and mistresses gravitated towards Chen Meili and Han Tao.

"You both make a wonderful couple. Look how stunning you look!" A fellow married lady said to Chen Meili as soon as she arrived. "Don\'t get me started on your three boys. They make me want to have a baby right now!"

Chen Meili laughed whilst Han Tao simply inclined his head in greeting. Soon enough, a couple of men stole Han Tao away and Chen Meili was left to bask in the praises of everyone.

Her heart finally settled and her happiness returned. She eagerly showed off her three boys to the elite ladies around her.

At some point, one of them sighed. "Just look. Even though young master Han is clearly having a conversation with the men, he keeps glancing over every second or so."

Chen Meili looked over and, sure enough, Han Tao was glancing in her direction. She blushed and looked at the ladies. "Please don\'t mind him. He worries a lot over me and the babies.

-Always checking to make sure we\'re alright. He even spends more time with the boys than I do, even though he\'s always busy with work. I don\'t know how he does it."

The ladies laughed and expressed their envy.

A few steps behind, Luo Wenjia was gritting her teeth as she repeated the word \'cheap slut\' in her mind. What was Chen Meili showing off so much for? It wasn\'t as if she was the first person ever to marry a good man.

Besides, she hadn\'t even married him the right way but had seduced him instead!

After enjoying the company of everyone for a good while, Chen Meili finally remembered Xu Lifen. She looked around eagerly. Who knew if Xu Lifen had been staring at her enviously all this while she wasn\'t looking?

When she finally found Xu Lifen\'s figure, her heart stopped. This was because Xu Lifen wasn\'t looking in her direction but instead appeared to be having a conversation with Han Yuanjun.

Uneasiness creeped into her heart. What were they talking about? What could Uncle Jun possible have to say to Xu Lifen? Why were they taking so long?

Unable to bear it anymore, Chen Meili looked to the servants holding the triplets. "The three of you take the boys over to their great-grandmother. I\'m sure she misses them."

One of the triplets extended his hand to Chen Meili and she kissed his cheek. "Hold on baby, muummy wouldn\'t be gone for long." And then she waved at them as the servants took them away. Immediately after, she advanced towards the other end of the hall.



After peace returned to the hall, He Yuan walked away from the mess behind him and made his way over to a different part of the hall -the buffet section in particular.

Nothing caught his eye so he simply grabbed another glass of wine from a passing waiter and sipped slowly as he observed everyone.

Two minutes later, someone appeared before him. "Xu Lifen."

He Yuan eyed the newcomer calmly. "Han Yuanjun."

Han Yuanjun stiffened a bit. Xu Lifen had never referred to him by his name before but after what had happened between his family and her, he didn\'t expect much so he nodded at her and got straight to the point, "How are the twins?"

He Yuan raised a brow at him. "What twins?"

Han Yuanjun\'s eyes widened. What did Xu Lifen mean by her words? Did something happen to the twins?! His hands trembled as he gulped. "Xu Lifen, you very well know which twins I\'m referring to. Although Han Tao had acted rashly, words on a piece of paper can never erase blood ties!"

He Yuan rolled his eyes. He didn\'t care for the feelings of any Han. If his words gave them heartache then that was their business. Afterall, the twins had been with them in the original timeline but had been grossly overshadowed and suppressed by Chen Meili.

If any of them had truly cared then such a thing would have never happened. He locked eyes with Han Yuanjun and simply said, "Are you done?"


"What\'s going on?" Chen Meili cut in. She looked between Xu Lifen and the glaring Han Yuanjun and her eyes narrowed.

She might gave thought too much. Uncle Jun did not appear like he was getting along with Xu Lifen. She wanted to laugh. Why had she worried herself in the first place when Xu Lifen was always more than capable of ruining things and burning bridges herself?

"Uncle Jun what\'s wrong why are you angry?" She asked in concern.

Han Yuanjun\'s chest heaved and when he noticed Xu Lifen was staring at him in amusement, he grit his teeth. She had been messing with him on purpose hadn\'t she? He calmed his breathing and glared at her.

"You\'re free to amuse yourself all you want but if anything should happen to the twins then we Hans would not take it sitting down!"

And then he stormed away.

He Yuan narrowed his eyes. "888, remind me to file a restraining order against anyone with the surname Han or Chen when we get back."

888\'s reply came immediately. [Noted.]

Watching Han Yuanjun leave angrily, Chen Meili was almost tempted to do a little dance. She looked over to He Yuan with a smile. "Ah, sist- I mean, Xu Lifen, long time no see. How have you been?"

He Yuan looked her from head to toe with a sneer. "Even you are unsure of your own position. What gave you the guts to talk to me?" And then he hissed and walked away.

A couple of feet away, some ladies burst into laughter. One turned to the other, "Did you see? Just now, Miss Chen had almost referred to young master Han\'s ex wife as sister-in-law!"

Another one laughed. "Indeed. A second choice would forever remain a second choice."

Chen Meili\'s face turned red. She had only made that delibrate mistake in order to spite Xu Lifen! And what was this about second choice? She was brother Tao\'s first! Xu Lifen was the true second choice!

But no one knew that so she could only grit her teeth and clench her fists in anger before storming away.



An hour into the banquet, Han Rong returned without Han Jiao. 2 minutes later, Min Yanyu and Fu Lan climbed on the stage with happy smiles on their faces. "We Hans have prepared a little present for both parents and our precious heirs. I hope they enjoy it."

Chen Meili and Han Tao looked over curiosly. They had seen the huge curtain on the stage and knew it was some kind of surprise but they refrained from asking questions even if they were curious.

The triplets were right next to the Han Madam playing with some toys on their on little chairs as the curtain on the stage slowly opened to reveal a large screen.

Curiosity filled the covered the expressions of most guests but others who knew how these kinds of banquets usually went were already expecting a cute video of the twins and their parents during the past year.

He Yuan walked closer to the front of the hall with a smile. Along the way, 888 materialized by his side and he had no choice but to stop. Why?

The System was dressed in an ancient style black robe with embroidered clouds on the helm, wide sleeves and an open chest area. It was so out of place in the hall but 888 looked so good that He Yuan couldn\'t fault him.

888 pretended not to notice his host\'s dumbfounded expression, simply adjusted his glasses with a barely hidden smile and kept walking like nothing happened.

At the forefront of the hall, Chen Meili stared at the large screen and exchanged a warm smile with Han Tao before walking over to stand by the Han Madam with the rest of the Hans.

Before the TV screen turned on completely, He Yuan\'s eyes trailed to the triplets seating on their little chairs and facing the screen.

His eye twitched and he turned to the side. He gave his system another appreciative once over before saying, "888, I feel a little guilty that babies have to see this."

888 glanced at the Hans standing together and rolled his eyes. "They can\'t understand a thing anyways. Even if they do-" He shrugged, "-Just take it as collateral damage."


He Yuan shook his head helplessly and then a thoughtful expression settled on his face. "Hey, you don\'t think that they\'re going to grow up screwed right? I read from somewhere that exposing pornography to kids messes up with their heads.

The System rolled his eyes again. "You turned out fine."

"Well, yea-." He Yuan\'s eyes widened. "Wait what? I wasn\'t exposed to pornography at a young age!"

888 bit his lips to hold back his smile. "Really? So your weird kink just developed on its own? That\'s even more concerning."

He Yuan narrowed his eyes. "What weird kink?"

At that moment the large screen completely turned on.

888 opened his mouth and poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue playfully. "Who knows?" And then he motioned at the screen. "Go on, watch the show, it\'s what you enjoy doing the most."

He Yuan\'s face burned so much that 888 was sure if he gave it a little pinch, blood would drip. He raised a hand to his lips and laughed softly.

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