QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 29 The CEO's Runaway Omega And Three Little Buns 7.0

When He Yuan came downstairs the next morning, everyone was gone. The Zhang madam and family head had gone on a one day trip. He Yuan was a bit confused about this family head, he was never home. He was more like a prop in the Zhang family to make up their numbers.

As for Zhang Jun, Li Shiyu and the kids, they had gone on a family outing to an amusement park to have fun. Must have felt guilty when he called them out for paying no attention to the kids.

Two servants were laying out his food with disgruntled expressions. He Yuan could recognize them. The older lady was an omega standing in for Zhang Jun\'s nanny who was in the hospital whilst the younger male alpha was a brain dead supporter of Li Shiyu and his OP kids. The both of them were brought in by Li Shiyu.

Normally, he wouldn\'t put them in his eyes but these two were fond of bullying Li Yexi. Giving him a smaller portion like a beggar, doing the barest minimum when they had to prepare food for him. Sometimes the food was not even edible!

They even downright disrespected Li Yexi and treated him like air whenever he gave an instruction. Their actions became bolder and bolder the more favour Li Shiyu and the kids received in the Zhang family. At this point, they treated Li Yexi like dirt beneath their shoes.

He Yuan scoffed. What did they think this was? A drama where even the servants could look down on him? Li Yexi was truly too soft, just because he wanted the Zhang family\'s approval, he never complained. Like that would solve anything.

His eyes trailed to the food served before him. It was a mass of blackish sludge and even what he assumed was the meat dish looked like they just fried raw meat without washing or seasoning. It still had blood in it!

He Yuan gave the servants a cold look. "What is this?" Did they think he would take all the nonsense they had been shoving down the feeble Li Yexi\'s throat? Did they think he had no pride?

The older omega tsked nonchalantly and the young alpha directly said, "Food. If young master doesn\'t want it then we could take it away but we\'re tired and can\'t go through the stress of cooking all over again so if you don\'t want to starve then..." The two of them smiled and sneered at He Yuan in disgust.

He Yuan laughed coldly and stood up to walk over to the alpha. The man was probably around twenty four, Li Yexi\'s age bracket. This particular servant before him had done a lot. Too much in fact.

The surroundings suddenly became dark for five seconds and He Yuan became angry. Very angry.

He looked at the servant again and felt his blood boil. Before he could comprehend what he was doing, his hand was already raised.


For the time the servant had mixed an insane amount of laxatives into Li Yexi\'s portion of food, almost killing him. He Yuan noted in his mind.

The alpha male servant was shocked stiff and the older omega woman directly plopped to the ground in fear.


For the abortion pills he had slipped in Li Yexi\'s meal to cause his miscarriage in his last life.

[Zhang Jun had returned one night, drugged with an aphrodisiac and hallucinogen and, mistaking Li Yexi for Li Shiyu, had slept with him.

Three weeks later, Li Yexi had discovered he was pregnant. This was at the time where Li Anjing was arrested but Li Yexi was elated knowing he was finally pregnant, thinking Zhang Jun would be compassionate to his family on behalf of the child.

Zhang Jun was instead pissed, Li Shiyu felt betrayed and Li Yexi ended up having a miscarriage out of the blue. He Yuan could still feel Li Yexi\'s heartache when he saw Li Shiyu could barely contain his happiness at the loss of the child.]

The servant\'s face was burning in pain. It was abnormally red and beginning to swell but he was still in shock. The other servants in the household were also beginning to gather.


For mixing in the drugs that made Li Yexi to be muddleheaded and vulnerable enough to be raped by the man Zhang Jun had found in order to frame Li Yexi.

The servant finally reacted with a hoarse scream and covered his swollen face as tears rolled down his cheeks.

He Yuan was also exasperated at Li Yexi. If he was more cautious, a lot would\'ve been avoided but the omega was just too gullible. A few words from Zhang Jun and he was already believing that he got all those casualties from food and drinks he ate outside or even the environment in general.

It was so annoying. Once Zhang Jun was in the picture, Li Yexi\'s sense of reasoning flew out the window. He Yuan wanted to smack some sense into the Li Yexi of the past life so bad.

The servant held his cheeks. He couldn\'t hit Li Yexi back in front of everyone so he could only scream in pain, "Young master what did I do to you?!"

He Yuan was raising his hand again when the alpha cowered in fear and called out with much more humility, "Young mister Zhang, I meant young mister Zhang."

He Yuan chuckled. So he knew the proper way to address Li Yexi all this time? He looked to the duo and said coldly, "You have 15 minutes to pack up your stuff and leave the Zhang residence. You\'re fired."

The older omega finally found the courage to look up at He Yuan. "Young mi.. Mister Zhang, you can\'t fire us like that. We didn\'t do anything and we were brought in by Mister Shiyu."

"Do i need to spell out my reason for firing you? You were hired by a mere caretaker in my own home and yet you have the guts to question me? Who gave him the authority to bring in servants? Why wasn\'t I, the rightful son-in-law, informed?"

He Yuan hooked the omega\'s chin with his finger and watched as she trembled. No matter what, she was female and he would never lay a hand on a female, she was lucky that he was still bound by his moral values.

He normally would not hit males either but he didn\'t know what came over him. His hands were trembling from the realization of what he had done so he stepped back.

He thought back to everything the male servant had done. The alpha had no qualms scheming Li Yexi within an inch of his life on behalf of Li Shiyu. Since he came at a point in time where the servant\'s first scheme had already succeeded, he wasn\'t going to keep him here to reenact the second and third schemes.

He Yuan cleared his throat and clenched his fists at his sides to reduce the trembling. "The Zhang family might treat me with disrespect but that gives the servants no right!"

He made sure to glance at every servant present so they all get the message. "No matter what, I am still from the influential Li family and if I decide to take care of you, not even the Zhang family would be able to make a peep on your behalf."

Every servant present shivered but not as much as the two before him. "You have 10 minutes left. Don\'t tempt me."

The two of them scurried away to the servant\'s quarters like rats. "The rest of you can take the day off."

The young mister Zhang didn\'t need to tell them twice before the servants were rushing over themselves to leave. They became too complacent because the young mister Zhang always let everyone get away with disrespecting him that they forgot the kind of backing he had. How could they be so stupid? They all thought as they perceived the fear in each other\'s eyes.

When the mansion became completely empty, He Yuan sat on the dining chair once more. His hands were still trembling and his chest felt heavy, making it difficult to breathe. He also felt the urge to cry for no reason.

888 materialized on a dining chair and stared at the sulking He Yuan. "That one got to you huh? Never thought I\'d see the day you get all violent so soon, playing whack-a-mole with that servant\'s face." He burst out laughing. "Turned the poor guy\'s face into a pig head."

He Yuan was calmer now so he glared at 888 and looked the other way. He hadn\'t been planning on attacking the servant like that. He just suddenly lost control when everywhere went dark and that situation bothered him a lot. He always prided himself with his self control. What went wrong?

"I never planned to, " He whispered to 888 with his eyes on the shiny marble table.

888 adjusted his glasses and cocked his head to the side. It caused his long hair to pool on one side, like a silver waterfall. "Hmm. I figured. Your mental fortitude is really low, your soul energy is the same. It\'s very easy for the leaser\'s residual emotions to be triggered and cause these kind of outbursts when you\'re weak."

He Yuan\'s eyes widened. "You mean to say the leaser\'s soul is still in this body now but dormant?"

"Well yes... And no." 888 ignored He Yuan\'s frown and continued, "Normally, the leasers\' soul remains in a separate system space awaiting results from the taskers but a thread of their soul must also remain in their bodies.

-This thread usually has no consciousness and its main purpose is to guide the leaser\'s soul back into their bodies after the deal is done but when faced with an intense emotional trigger, these soul threads tend to react independently.

-The reason it affected you so much is that unlike you, the souls of the leasers are still at optimum state aka abundant soul energy. It takes a lot of soul energy for a tiny wisp such as yourself to keep the leaser\'s soul thread in check."

He Yuan nodded although the explanation did not make him to feel any better. He would just have to focus on getting stronger. He hated losing control. He was about to open his mouth when his stomach grumbled.

888 laughed and He Yuan scratched his nose to hide his embarrassment and then he smiled at the system. "Uhmm, 888. Can you cook?"

888 arched a brow. "Hmm mm. But if you\'re about to ask me to cook for you then you better swallow your words." He looked at He Yuan with disdain. "What do you take me for?" And then he dematerialized.

He Yuan sighed. What is the dammed system even good for? He shook his head as he took out his phone to order something to eat.

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