Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 376 - Worthy Of Being My Successor

After five decades of accepting and learning to live together as humans and Nocru, the world suddenly changed with the emergence of a dominant Nocru clan making the future of the world uncertain. But at this moment the blend of citizens on Hyesong hadn\'t exactly caught up with what was happening.

Qilin Hao and Qilin Kai who should have been at odds were both climbing up the stairs to the high platform of the Arena where Qilin San was seated towering over everyone. The man looked like he was preparing to give a victory speech. Even his clothes had changed and he was draped in a golden robe looking like a phoenix risen from the ashes.

When the pair that were competing to get to him first reached the door simultaneously they began to push and shove each other to get through first. But before they could enter they were stopped by a group of Qilin guards blocking the door.

"I am sorry your highnesses but you would have to wait until his majesty has finished speaking," said the attendant with a smile so wide you would think he had won the lottery.

Qilin Hao\'s sword lit up and so did Qilin Kai\'s threatening the guards. It was obvious what they wanted to do. Because this pair despite being on opposite sides were second only to Qilin San in strength the outcome was already decided. But if these guards didn\'t fight then they would be punished by Qilin San.

Unwilling to relent they took on a stance like they were ready to fight. Qilin Hao sneered and right after that the door that had been closed tightly suddenly exploded and two guards flew into the room with their backs directly hitting the edge of the platform railing.

Qilin San was currently seated on a chair reading the map of this world with a cup of wine in his other hand. He didn\'t even raise his head nor flinch when his men crashed into the room.

Qilin Hao strode in and stood in front of her father her chest heaving deeply as she glared at him. All that fearful and cowering behaviour she used to have in front of him was gone as she stood there with her head raised high.

Clutching the hilt of her sword tightly she said," We need to go back..... I have unsettled matters with the Huishe."

When he heard this his eyes that had been skimming through the map stopped for a moment but he didn\'t say anything. He placed the paper down as she continued to speak.

"They harmed my son and I can\'t let them get away with it," she said as she sheathed back her sword.

Qilin San placed his index finger on his lips and narrowed his eyes before saying, "So you haven\'t seen your dearest father for years, tsk... I mean decades yet this is the first thing you say to me?... Now I see where your son gets his disrespect towards me."

Qilin Hao who didn\'t see the need to greet this man politely clenched her jaw tightly as she contemplated what to say. But before she could give a response the ass kisser Qilin Kai actually bowed before the man and said, "Greetings to his majesty. This servant has been looking forward to this day for a very long time."

Qilin Hao wanted to laugh. A Nocru never bowed before anyone with the exception of their parents but this teacher\'s pet bowed before her father just like that. At this moment she seemed to see herself fifty years ago in Qilin Kai. She used to do all sorts of extra things just to gain her father\'s favour.

But all this man did was use her as a dishcloth and once she was a dirty rag he would mercilessly toss her out like garbage. Now she couldn\'t give a damn especially after this man tortured her aether till she begged for death.

Qilin San smiled as he raised his nephew\'s chin to look at him. "As expected..... worthy of being my successor. You may rise," he said to Qilin Kai before letting go of his chin and tilting his head back to drink the cup of wine.

With it all gone he gazed at Qilin Hao as he addressed the both of them. "I am ushering this clan into a new era. It\'s up to you whether you want to be a part of it or not," he said with his boring gaze staring straight into Qilin Hao\'s eyes, "your son had a love affair with a Huishe and I don\'t think he would let you exact revenge on his behalf."

Qilin Hao\'s jaw tightened further as she took a step forward. She wanted to beat him up but she was well aware of her own strength. This wasn\'t the right time to take action. If she acts impulsively she would lose her life so would her son and husband. Qilin San was petty like that.

Qilin San snorted coldly as he gaze down at his hand sitting in an imposing kingly manner. "You are fully aware of your own strength so why even try?.... You should count it a blessing that I haven\'t banished you out of the clan. Now be a good girl and stand beside me in ushering our clan into a new era."

Hearing these shameless words Qilin Hao couldn\'t bear it anymore. She stretched out her hand with an intimidating gaze and Qilin San instantly knew what she wanted. He unsheathed the sword he had taken from Ji Yao and stared at it with a malicious smile. With the sun rays reflecting on its blade he said, "As expected you inherited my superb forging skills.... I am impressed."

When Qilin Kai heard this he felt incredibly annoyed. He had obviously been much more respectful to Qilin San but the man didn\'t even give him a second glance. Instead, he was praising this daughter he had hated with every fibre of his being and inviting her to walk beside her. It was like watching a sequel of what happened fifty years ago.

With his head lowered he clenched his fist as he chanted internally, "I will pay them back tenfold..... no a hundredfold."

"What I don\'t understand is that it has the divine sense of someone special to me.... which is highly unusual. How could this sword have the divine sense of my mother, huh?" continued Qilin San as he caressed the blade of the sword with an intrigued expression.

Qilin Hao didn\'t know why and if she could eliminate the divine sense in that sword and redo it again she would. She honestly answered, "I don\'t know..... just give it back to me and I will be on my way."

Qilin San who had been immersed in studying the sword abruptly opened his eyes and replied in a lowered voice, "I would much prefer it if it stays with me."

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