The Scum Is A ***

Chapter 554 - The Scum Is Cooperative

"Huh?" they muttered when they looked around. "We seem to have forgotten someone…?" they said as they tried to recall.

"Ling Yun." Fei Yinzi answered with a complicated expression on his face.

"Oh. That\'s right!" they exclaimed when they realized it.

"Where did he go? I seem to have seen him earlier…?" Jing De asked.

"I saw him leave, walking in that direction." Li Yan answered and pointed. "He seemed to be lost in thoughts." He added.

"Should we find him?" Wen Wen asked. "After all, his is a lone participant…" he said and looked at Fei Yinzi.

Everyone looked at Fei Yinzi. They know that Ling Yun has become Cheng Sheng\'s new disciple and he is also a mage, which made Cheng Sheng feel more favorable towards Ling Yun since Cheng Sheng is also a mage.

Now, everyone thought that it was a mistake that Fei Yinzi became Cheng Sheng\'s disciple. But, they don\'t think so. Fei Yinzi deserves to be Cheng Sheng\'s disciple. They can see how hardworking Fei Yinzi is, and they can say that Cheng Sheng also favors Fei Yinzi, though it doesn\'t look like it.

"Let\'s split up." Fei Yinzi spoke. "Li-ge, Yan-ge, Qi Lan-ge, Lian-ge, can you go with me to find my shidi?" he asked as he looked at Tang Li, Li Yan, Qi Lan and Wu Lian.

"Sure." They answered and secretly felt happy that he admitted Ling Yun as his shidi.

"Thank you." Fei Yinzi said before he turned to Chen Wu and Wen Yan. "Wu-ge, Yan-ge, you go continue looking for our base. We will look for the signal from our base later." He told them.

"Okay!" they answered.

"Let\'s go." Fei Yinzi spoke. "Yan-ge, please lead." He told Li Yan.

"This way!" Li Yan said and flew to the east.

Fei Yinzi, Wu Lian, Tang Li and Qi Lan followed him while Wen Yan, Chen Wu and the others went the other way. Everyone is looking at their maps.

"This direction… the mountains?" Tang Li spoke.

Wu Lian frowned. "One have to avoid the mountain if the surroundings are dangerous." He spoke. "Especially when he is lonesome." He added.

Everyone nodded in agreement. "He won\'t be in danger… will he?" Tang Li asked.

Fei Yinzi\'s fists clenched. "Let\'s go faster!" he said.

Everyone agreed.

Tang Li, or anyone from the Huakai Sect, not only should their bad luck needs to be noted but also their crow\'s beak. Ling Yun is really in danger.

Ling Yun saw black wisps of air with his special eyes and he followed it only to suddenly arrive in the demons\' lair! "Fck!" he cursed in a low voice as he tried to step back only to suddenly felt all the hairs on his body stood at their ends.

He immediately moved to the side, barely avoiding a claw! He drew his sword and cut off the claw of the demon before he kicked it, using the momentum to leap above the trees. Then, he immediately jumped to the branches of the trees, one after another to run!

But, the demons seem to be smart. When they saw him up above, they ran while leaping, trying to grab the branches of the trees, or maybe Ling Yun\'s leg!

"Yun-er!" Ling Xi exclaimed with a gasp when he saw that one of the claws of the demons almost scratched Ling Yun\'s foot when the other landed on another branch. He sighed in relief when he saw that Ling Yun turned and kicked the claw before he ran up the tree\'s trunk to climb higher.

"Whew!" the audience sigh and wiped off the sweat on their foreheads as they released their breaths they didn\'t notice they have been holding after they saw that a demon crawled up behind Ling Yun.

"His reflexes became faster." Ling Xi muttered.

"It should be thanks to Ho Ting." Cheng Sheng spoke.

"Why?" Ling Xi asked as he looked at him.

"If not for the other trying to creep behind Ling Yun and his blind spots, Ling Yun would have the back of his head along with his brain be clawed out of that demon." Cheng Sheng said.

Everyone shuddered in horror when they imagined it, especially Ling Xi whose face paled in fright.

"How sure were you that Ling Yun would avoid it?" Fei Yin asked.

"A hundred percent." Cheng Sheng confidently answered.

Everyone felt admiration in their hearts, especially Ling Xi who felt grateful. Even though Cheng Sheng is very busy, he actually still looks after his disciples, albeit Ling Yun is new. This showed that he cared about his disciples very much.

Fei Yin smiled as he stared at his lover. He felt proud that his lover finally learned how to care about others and not just himself, and Fei Yin. Fei Yinzi and Ling Yun… it was thanks to these two that Cheng Sheng had become a better person.

Ling Yun\'s situation isn\'t good. If he just hadn\'t become curious, he wouldn\'t get in this trouble! This place is outside the map\'s range!

"Fck." He cursed when he saw the demons used their claws to climb the trees. What did his master Cheng Sheng say before? \'curiosity kills the cat\'? Well, he will definitely die at this rate! He thought and gnashed his teeth as he drank more potions.

"Why isn\'t he using his sword to fly?" someone asked.

"Are you an idiot?! If he will use his sword, the sword\'s glare would attract more demons!" someone said, feeling anxious for Ling Yun. "And if he flies to the other participants, he will be dragging them with him!" he added.

Ling Yun definitely couldn\'t do this, since he is kind. He would rather die than cause trouble to others.

"Yun-er…" Ling Xi muttered as he clenched his fists, wanting to fly inside the special space.

Yu Wen saw Ling Xi\'s expression and felt his heart ached.

"Ai. What\'s taking the others long?!" the audience asked, referring to Fei Yinzi\'s rescue group.

"Not good! He is finally surrounded!" someone cried when they saw that the trees around Ling Yun are filled with demons. And more demons are coming this way after their kin called their cries.

Ling Yun can\'t escape.

"Yun-er!" Ling Xi cried and felt his heart skipped a beat in fear when he saw that the demons beneath Ling Yun are nearing him fast!

"Bai Tan… that Shapeshifting Blanket, where it is?!" the audience asked when they remembered Bai Tan saving the participants that almost died from fall earlier.

But, there was no flash of white indicating that Bai Tan is coming. Everyone held their breaths as they watched the demons about to reach Ling Yun\'s feet.

"Yun-er!" Ling Xi cried and was about to leave to go to where Ling Yun was when Cheng Sheng stopped him. He was about to ask when he heard everyone\'s cry of surprise.

He turned, only to see two flashes of lights appeared and surrounded Ling Yun while the demons surroundings the trees fell and turned to corpses after their heads have been sliced off of their necks. Before they could react, they saw the trees also fell, including the tree where Ling Yun was standing.

"Wah!" Ling Yun cried. But, before he could fall, Bai Tan has finally arrived! It caught him. "Who - ?!" Ling Yun asked and turned to see who saved him.

Everyone also stared intently. They saw that Fei Yinzi\'s group still hasn\'t arrived, so who could it be that saved Ling Yun? Two flashes of light… it means that there are two people?! They thought and saw that the smoke disappeared, revealing two figures in the middle of the ground and are surrounded by the fallen trees and corpses of demons.

One was wearing a cold expression while the other one was wearing a lethargic expression. They aren\'t wearing any sect uniform so they can\'t be disciples. They also looked young, around the same age as Ling Yun and the other participants so they can\'t be rogue cultivators.

Who are they? Everyone thought.

"This face… looked familiar…" Pai Lie muttered while Zheng Fu Gong nodded as they looked at one of the two figures who had a cold face.

"Xiao Bao?!" Chen Han exclaimed in shock.

"WHAT?!" their eyes widened and they looked at the cold-looking one.

"Wait… wasn\'t he a child before?!" they said when they remembered the shota figure that even copied the face of child Cheng Sheng which made Chen Han and Chen Jing feel fond of him. "How did he turn to a bishonen?!" they asked.

"This other one… he felt familiar…" the Xinfaxian Sect elders muttered as their eyes narrowed. If xiao Bao is Fei Yin\'s sword spirit, then this other \'person\' that wears exactly the same expression of Cheng Sheng is also a sword spirit. It could only be – "… xiao Ling?!" they exclaimed.

Xiao Ling slowly rubbed his sleepy eyes as he dropped his sword. But, before the sword could fall to the ground, xiao Bao caught it.

"Damn it. Who disturbed my sleep?!" xiao Ling asked and frowned as he turned to look at Ling Yun and Bai Tan.

Both Ling Yun and Bai Tan shuddered in fear, for xiao Ling\'s expression, even if it is an angry expression, is like Cheng Sheng\'s, who is their master.

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