The Spider Queen

Chapter 741 Things Are Looking Up!

(Hydra Star System- Planet Eleron)

(Central Administration Building- Principal\'s Office)

"Extraordinary," Principal Malik muttered in disbelief as he looked at the hybrid girl sitting down comfortable on the chair in front of him.

"You really achieved the impossible… not since your father has a cultivator achieved the void stage at the age of twenty."

"Wow… sorry… but I really have no words. This… this is unprecedented."

The elderly Mendolesa man adjusted his tie and absentmindedly tapped his claws against the top of his desk.

He was still in a state of shock.

Sophie was indeed the best student among the second years but that did not mean that he thought that she would enter the void stage.

The average age for Zrudread University graduates who successfully reached the void stage was between three hundred and four hundred years old.

And many didn\'t!

It was important to note that individuals who attended Zrudread University were the top geniuses in the entire Federation and received almost limitless cultivation resources.

And even then… most failed to take the next step to the higher stages of cultivation.

"So, what are your plans now?" Principal Malik asked curiously.

"I need to work on controlling my strength… right now I can only go at one hundred percent or zero with nothing in- between," Sophie explained calmly.

"I will still attend university until I get my degrees because even though my cultivation state is high… I still want to learn more techniques and ways to fight."

"A wise choice," Principal Malik replied with a small smile on his wolfish face. He reached into one of the drawers of his desk and pulled out a thin white card.

"This is an access card to the upper-level training facility on campus… it is currently not in use so you can have it all to yourself."

"I will assign you a coach to help you learn how to control your strength."

"His available times will be added to your online schedule so just select from the options when you would like his services each week."

"Thank you, Principal Malik," Sophie spoke warmly as she reached out with her hand and took the card.

The hybrid girl tucked the card into her storage bag and then stood up. She exchanged a few more pleasantries with the elderly Mendolesa man and then left the room.

Sophie\'s steps were light and carefree as she walked through the long and winding corridor towards the exit.

She was a void stage cultivator…

She was a void stage cultivator…


An almost child-like excitement bubbled beneath Sophie\'s calm exterior as she resisted the urge to shout out in joy.

And her dad was alive as well!

The past couple of days had just been good news after goods news. Life was looking up and for once Sophie could not see any dark clouds on the horizon.

The hybrid girl titled her wrist communicator upwards and accessed the Virtual Net as she finally left the building.

The sun was shining brightly, and the blue sky had not a cloud in sight and yet Sophie was fully occupied by the contents on the screen on her wrist.

[Breaking News! Duchess Peterlor has entered the void stage!]

[The second youngest person in the history of the Earth Federation- The unstoppable rise of the noble House Peterlor!]

[\'I always knew that she was special\'- one of Sophie\'s high school teachers explains why he was not shocked by the news!]

[Will she surpass her father? Our panel of cultivation experts will weigh in on the matter with special never before seen clips from the Inter University Tournament!]

Sophie swiped across the screen and came across more articles about her surprising breakthrough to the void stage.

Now you may be wondering why she didn\'t keep her newfound strength a secret….

Well, the answer was quite obvious.

The news was released as a warning. There was a big difference between a house led by a noble in the qi tide stage and one who was a void stage cultivator.

Her personal strength would make even less likely for her enemies to plot against her and without a shadow of a doubt they must be in a state of panic right now.

If she continued on a similar trajectory to her father, then she could possibly enter the realm of gods by the time she was in her early thirties to forties.

Her enemies would now be forced to evaluate her as a future god stage cultivator as would her allies.

There were very few friends in politics… only common interests. Sophie trusted her father\'s allies for now, but things could always change in the future.

She needed to show the world that she had the potential to be a force of reckoning within the Earth Federation.

Sophie continued to browse for a few more minutes before turning off her wrist communicator and looking upwards at the sky.

She could make out tiny black bird-like creatures soaring through the air in a v- shaped pattern towards the northern region of Planet Eleron.

Sophie let out a light sigh and continued her walk with an odd sense of peace and tranquility.

Everything for once was going in her favour.

It felt good… but it also felt strange.

The hybrid girl half expected to hear bad news or have the hunter goddess in her mind telling her that she would need to bring her another sacrifice.

But no… there was nothing to worry about.

The stares from the students whose paths Sophie crossed were a bit different today. There was a great deal of admiration in their gazes as well as a thick undercurrent of jealousy.

Those dark emotions usually came from the older students who looked at Sophie while trying to push down their own feelings of inadequacy.

They were all geniuses here so why was there such a large gap?

Many would have to wait several decades or centuries to enter the void stage while a hybrid girl had done it in her second year.


A completely ridiculous farce!

Sophie was not blind and could sense the unpleasant stares thrown in her direction, but she moved on with an aura of indifference.

By now she was well used to being the centre of attention wherever she went so the gazes of complete strangers did not bother her one bit.

Buzz! Buzz!

Cleo: [Are you coming back home soon? Astrid and Qiana are over, and they want to know if you are heading with us to the beach]

Sophie: [Of course babe! I wouldn\'t miss it! Honestly after speaking with the principal for like three hours, I\'m pretty tired… you know how long he can talk…]

Sophie: [I really need some sun, sand and sea!]

Cleo: [Awesome! I\'ll tell them to wait for you. Love you darling :D]

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