The Return of the Disaster-Class Hero

Book 1, Epilogue 20 - Sworn Enemy (1)

Book 1, Epilogue 20 - Sworn Enemy (1)

To stop Lee Gun from falling for other women, one Scorpio Construct had been nominated to monitor Lee Gun. It was supposed to run interference.

Of course, it remained hidden since it didn’t want to be found out by Lee Gun.

However, the current situation could turn romantic. Furthermore, if the Construct did nothing, this might become a lewd erotic movie!

[Ahhhk!! Leader! You have to come quickly! Kuh-huhk!]

The Construct had been invisible up until now, but Heiji crushed it before it could call for its comrades.

She then approached the hesitant Lee Gun. “Really? Do I have to spell this out for you?” Heiji grabbed Lee Gun’s face.

When her long and elegant hands touched his face, Lee Gun started to sweat. “I mean… Heyh…”

It was rare for Lee Gun to be this flustered. He tried to detach himself from Heiji’s hands, but Heiji roughly pushed him against the wall.



Lee Gun didn’t even have the chance to feel pain. Heiji took off another layer of her clothes until her skin showed.


When her outer clothing was discarded, her bare shoulders and collarbones came into view. Lee Gun was unsure where to place his gaze.

Heiji was very aggressive. It seemed she was furious that the Scorpio temple’s Celibate Time skill had interfered with her affairs.

As she took off Lee Gun’s mask, she said, “Anyway, I’ll help you acquire the blood and tears of the fairies since your life\'s on the line.”

“I thought you treasured your fairies.”

“I do treasure them. I raised them as if they are my children.”

“Yet you’ll let me acquire their blood and tears?”

“I can gather their tears if I tickle them. Drawing blood from them won’t be too hard either. They’ll cooperate if I’m with you.”

Lee Gun immediately knew this was true. If Heiji were next to him, the fairies wouldn’t attack him. There was no downside if they could acquire what each of them wanted without any loss.

As if she had read his thoughts, Heiji’s face moved closer to his. It seemed she was trying to kiss him.

“That is why you can trust—”


However, Lee Gun suddenly grabbed Heiji’s chin. He pushed her away as if he didn’t like her coming onto him without permission. “Get off me! Don’t come closer to me.”

Heiji angrily replied, “Are you dead down there?!”

“It isn’t!”

“Then why? Do you not like me?!”

“It isn’t about liking you or not. Why would I trust you guys?”


“You guys are like merchants who only know about money.” Lee Gun held out his hand. “Whatever. Just hand over the items.”


“I’ll think about it afterward”


Heiji was surprised by the answer. It wasn’t all that bad, so she let out a bright smile. While his actions and words were rude, it couldn’t be helped; she was dealing with Lee Gun after all.

‘He didn’t like us from the start.’

She said, “Alright. I’ll show you that you can trust me. I’ve been persuading them. The fairies will come to meet us.”

Lee Gun nodded. While he hated the existence of the twelve Zodiac Saints, it wasn’t as if he didn’t get along with all of them. Of course, Heiji was one of them.

So he might be able to make her his comrade, like Hugo.

* * *

“That was what I was hoping for.”

Three hours had passed.

Lee Gun sighed when he saw the figures before him. They were the fairies.

Around a dozen minutes ago, a single fairy had come out to greet him, and he had followed it. In the end, he had arrived in a desolate forest.

The place was full of fairies as big as his forearm. These fairies had called Lee Gun to this place, yet their eyes flashed as they looked at him.

[How dare a mere human want our blood and tears.]

[We’ll have to teach him a lesson so that he can come to his senses.]

Lee Gun sighed. He should have expected this.

As he furrowed his brows, he looked at his surroundings. “Where’s your Zodiac Saint? She was supposed to ask you guys for blood. She said she would ask only a drop from each one of you.”

[Hmmph. Do you think we’ll listen to the words of a mere human?]

[She didn’t know her place. She dared to ask us to hand over our blood and tears to you.]

Lee Gun clicked his tongue.

‘That idiot failed in her negotiation.’

It didn\'t matter how much she treasured them and treated them well. The base nature of Constructs was like this.

Lee Gun turned around. “If you guys don’t want to give it up voluntarily, it’s fine. Also, it isn’t as if I know if the bedwetter was telling the truth.”

Lee Gun didn’t want to waste his power. Annoyed, he tried to leave the forest.


However, the fairies got in his way.

Lee Gun came to a stop. He snorted as he looked at them. “What are you trying to pull?”

[You dared to enter our territory, yet you think you can just leave?]

“I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t be doing this. Your leader is the partner of the Gemini Saint.”

He was referring to the Fairy Monarch Raeriqueen.

“If the Fairy Monarch finds out what you guys are up to—”

At that moment.

[Monarch? Are you looking for me?]


Lee Gun’s eyes turned round when he heard the voice coming from behind him. When he turned his head around, he saw a beautiful fairy with long hair floating in the air.

It was much larger than the other fairies and was as big as a human child. She was the Fairy Monarch Raeriqueen, whom Heiji used as a familiar.

Raeriqueen had heard an interesting story from Jean-Louis, so she smirked as she looked at Lee Gun.

[You will become a good nutrient for us.]

“Hmmph. Nutrient?”

[At the very least, that idiot Heiji lured a decent prey. That’s quite the achievement, so I won’t suck out her vitality this time.]

“Vitality?” Lee Gun turned back around as if he couldn’t ignore that. “What are you talking about?”

The fairies surrounding him let out evil laughs.

[We dare not drain and consume magical energy from our master, right?]

Lee Gun immediately realized what was going on. To manifest here, the fairies needed magical energy. He had wondered where they had acquired that amount of magical energy.

“You little insects basically tapped your Zodiac Saint and are draining her.”

The fairies rushed Lee Gun to kill him.

[An awakened being without a Zodiac is a great meal!]

[It’s great since Heiji isn’t enough!]

The fairies tried to consume everything, including Lee Gun’s flesh. They looked like evil spirits coming toward him.

Lee Gun was dumbfounded. He took out Heaven’s Punishment. “These bastards are like monsters!”

He brought down the heavy ax on a fairy.



Fairy Monarch Raeriqueen ground her teeth when one of her subjects fell. The angry fairy monarch snorted as she summoned someone.


It was none other than Lee Jaewon! The summoned Lee Jaewon didn’t even have time to be surprised.



The fairy monarch stood behind the summoned human, and her hand shot out of his stomach. Lee Jaewon vomited blood, and she threw him away as if he was trash.

[Eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I returned the favor.]

Sparks flew from Lee Gun’s eyes.

When Lee Gun disappeared from sight, the fairy monarch knew everything was going as planned. She intended to use her next spell, knowing an angry Lee Gun would attack her.

‘I’ll use a counter to get rid of him.’

However, Lee Gun unexpectedly appeared next to Lee Jaewon. After taking Lee Jaewon in his arms, he was about to go straight toward Sophie. He was as angry as he could be, but he knew his priorities.

‘If I let him be like this, he’ll die.’

Lee Jaewon wasn’t like them. He was a normal human. If Lee Gun used his legs, he could reach Sophie in a couple of minutes! He would be cutting it very close!

When Lee Gun tried to exit the forest, the Fairy Monarch gnashed her teeth.

[I won’t let you!]

She sent a spell in the direction of a city.


The fairy monarch’s attack destroyed the mountain next to the city.

Lee Gun came to a stop when he saw the incredible destructive power. He furrowed his brows.

[If you leave, I’ll send the next one toward the city. Come back here while I’m still being nice.]

He heard Raeriqueen’s laughter as he held onto Lee Jaewon. His eyes were bloodshot. “You dare…!”

At that moment, Lee Jaewon grabbed Lee Gun. “Lee Gun-nim… I’m fine… I don’t mind if you leave me behind.”

“What nonsense are you…”

Lee Gun was surprised when he saw Lee Jaewon. Was it thanks to the blood of a fairy?

The locations where the blood touched the wounds were quickly healing.

‘What the hell? Fairy blood does have regenerative abilities?’

It seemed Sophie had recommended the blood and tears of the fairies for a reason.

Lee Gun put down Lee Jaewon.

When Lee Gun came back toward her, the fairy monarch laughed.

[Good. As expected, you’re a hero. You don’t like the idea of humans dying. You made the right choice— Kyahhhk!!]

Raeriqueen screamed. It was as if blood bags were being popped in front of her.

After returning, Lee Gun was ruthlessly cutting down the fairies.

Kwah-jeek! Kwah-jeek!


[Help— Kuh-huhk!!]

The fairies tried to use offensive and defensive magic spells, but they were all useless.

“Did you think I stood back and did nothing because I was powerless? I took your Zodiac Saint into consideration, so I planned on negotiating with you idiots!”


As if he preferred this outcome, Lee Gun cut down the fairies. “She wanted you guys to donate blood, and she wanted you to shed tears through laughter. It was all nonsense. This is a much easier way to gather your blood and tears!”

Lee Gun held up his ax and brought it down on the fairies in a fury.


An incredible amount of blood was being shed, and her subjects were being ruthlessly killed.

Raeriqueen shook in fear. Lee Gun wasn’t just killing her comrades.

“I’ll turn you all into ointments!!!”

A variety of fairies were being turned into something unrecognizable. Raeriqueen felt like she was about to lose her mind.


Lee Gun ignored her as he wrung out all the fairies amid the chaos. “Hurry up and cry! Cry! Do it now!”

[Ahhk!! Please stop!!]

“Give me your tears!!!”

Fairy Monarch Raeriqueen fell to her knees as she watched Lee Gun slaughter her people.

In the end, Lee Gun turned all the fairies into a paste. He then approached Raeriqueen, who looked like she was out of her mind. “If you threaten the humans once more, I’ll find all the remaining fairies and turn them all into paste.”


“What is your answer?”


“Also, you shouldn’t leech from your Zodiac Saint. Serve her well.”


“Also, you better tell her straight what you guys did.”


This event would leave an incredible trauma on the fairy monarch, which lasted into the future. It was the reason why she had submitted so easily when she had reunited with Lee Gun.

* * *

Not too long before Lee Gun had fought against the fairies, Heiji had received an unexpected text, and she ran toward the forest.

‘There is still an hour left until the promised time.’

Yet Lee Gun had sent her a text message.

[I taught a lesson to your ill-mannered fairies.]

Heiji got an ominous feeling as she ran toward the promised location. When she almost arrived at the location, she couldn’t believe her eyes.

“You are already here?”

“…Lee Gun!”

Lee Gun was walking toward her, drenched in blood. Moreover, the blood belonged to the fairies.

Heiji ground her teeth. “What the hell did you do?!”

“I told you. They were ill-mannered, so I taught them a lesson.”


“Of course, I never planned on doing a blood drive to take their blood. What can I do with so little? It wouldn’t have been effective.”


Lee Gun arrived next to a shocked Heiji and patted her shoulder. “Thanks for gathering so many fairies in one place. I was able to heal my body thanks to you.”

Heiji was dumbfounded. “Hey. I told you that I’ll acquire the ingredients with you. You said you’ll trust me by waiting for me…”

“You believed that? Idiot.”


“Still, I saw something entertaining. I was able to see someone with a terrible personality like yours act shy. You were a bit cute when you confessed to me. I should have recorded it and sold it for some money.”


“I was dying inside from laughter. Who the hell would like someone like you?”

When Lee Gun whispered those words, Heiji felt something snap within her.

At that moment, Lee Gun— No. Jean-Louis, who had changed into Lee Gun, smirked.

[Thread of Connection (S)]

An odd sight was unveiled in front of his eyes. Strange threads appeared from Heiji’s body. These threads represented trust, loyalty, love, friendship, and other connections.

If he cut these strings, he could cut the connection between two people. If one’s connection and feelings were deep, these threads were thicker and harder as they twisted to form a rope.

Jean-Louis was aiming for the red strings. It was a connection related to love, and Heiji’s red strings were directed toward Lee Gun.

‘They are quite thick.’

Normally, he wouldn’t have been able to cut them easily, but he had shaken her trust in Lee Gun. So his skill was effective.

‘The strings have weakened.’

Jean-Louis smiled as he brushed past her and wiggled his finger.


The bundle of red threads had been cut. He had used his Royal skill called “Cut of the Abyss (SS).”

Afterward, Jean-Louis disappeared, and Heiji arrived at the location.

She saw the frightened and surprised Raeriqueen, who kowtowed to Heiji.

[I’m sorry, Zodiac Saint-nim! We did something we weren’t supposed—]

“Lee Gun did this?”

[Yes…! I’m sorry! We’ll never attack humans! We’ll never take them hostages!]

“No, it’s fine.”


Hate surged in Heiji’s eyes. “He’s a bastard. Your actions against him are understandable.”

While it was her negligence that had gotten the fairies killed, she couldn’t stand being violated like this by Lee Gun.

Jean-Louis cackled at this sight. He knew he had succeeded. “The biggest obstacle is gone now.”

The connection that represented trust and love was cut. Heiji\'s heart had only hatred left toward Lee Gun.

Now only three Zodiac Saints who followed Lee Gun were left: Kevin, Stevens, and Hugo.

“The next target will be Hugo Otis.”

Jean-Louis headed toward the one with 600% Faith.

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