The Return of the Disaster-Class Hero

Book 1, Epilogue 14 - Pushover Maker (3)


“I’m sure you’re tickled by the fact that you are loved by the female disciples, right?”


“This is food the Scorpio Saint sent to you because she likes you. You have to eat it all in one minute! If you can’t, you will have to march for a hundred kilometers!”


* * *

Several months had passed since Lee Gun had started berating Hugo like this.

- What? What did you just say?

The one on the other side of the phone call was dumbfounded. He answered back with a question.

Lee Gun expressed his annoyance. “Are you deaf? I’m asking if you guys stole our good-for-nothing!”

The one on the other side of the call was so taken aback that he was about to grab the back of his neck.

- Why would we steal your good-for-nothing?

The person on the call with Lee Gun was the Leo Saint Stevens.

In truth, Stevens had been elated since Lee Gun had called first. Steven wanted to become close to Lee Gun, so he had given him his phone number Lee Gun. He also periodically sent texts to Lee Gun.

Of course, all his attempts had been ignored, but today, Lee Gun had gone out of his way to call him! So he had quickly answered the call, but Lee Gun had asked him to hand over the good-for-nothing! It had come out of nowhere!

- Who the hell is the good-for-nothing?

“Who else? I’m talking about the maggot who shoots the bow!”

- What? Hugo Otis? Why would you look for me if you’re trying to find him?

“Why else? I gave an order to the good-for-nothing a couple of days ago. He should’ve gone to you guys, but I lost all contact with him.”

Lee Gun was annoyed as he thought about what had happened a few days ago. He had been brushing his hair when a bunch of hair had fallen out. So he had called out to Hugo in fright. “Hey, maggot. Go get some hair loss potion from that pervert!”

“H…Hair loss potion?”

“Yes. I want something effective! Ah! I want her to put it on my tab again.”

In the end, Hugo had headed toward China as he had heard that Sophie had gone on a business trip there.

As events would conspire, monsters that Lee Gun had been looking for appeared where Hugo had traveled to. These were monsters that spat out a special type of gold.

However, the Chinese government had requested Stevens and Kevin to take care of these monsters. Therefore, Lee Gun had given a special order to Hugo.

“Steal it. Do whatever you have to do to steal it. I want you to take the gold that they gathered too.”

Anyway, Lee Gun had told Hugo to steal from the other Zodiac Saints and lost contact with him afterward.

This made Lee Gun angry and impatient, so he contacted Leo Saint.

“I’m sure you stole the good-for-nothing from me as revenge! Hurry up and hand him over!”

Stevens was truly taken aback.

- My god! You guys are the ones who stole the gold?! Hey! Do you realize how much our relationship with the Chinese government deteriorated thanks to you guys…

“Who cares? If you lay a finger on the good-for-nothing, you guys will pay for it!”

- What the hell? When did you get so close to him?

“Since his absence, I have had to eat ramen for three meals a day. Do you realize how great a cook that maggot is?!”

One could imagine what kind of expression had appeared on Stevens’s face on the other side of the call. However, that wasn’t important right now.

- We didn’t take him?!

“What? Then where the hell has he gone?”

- How should I know? He probably ran away!! I heard you were tormenting him a lot!

“What? I’m treating him very well. Who told you that nonsense?”

- Sophie did!

Lee Gun became angry. That perverted woman said that?

However, Lee Gun wasn’t quick to cuss. He did berate the maggot a lot because the maggot had gained popularity in recent days.

For example…

“Hey! Why are you signing stuff for fans? Hurry up and go to France! Bring me some baguettes!”

“France? We are in Korea right now!”

“Hey! I want to make a clambake. Go underneath the water and bring me the clams.”

“What?! We are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean right now!”

“Open it. It’s a present. It’ll help you improve your body.”

“This is poison!! Ooh-huhhhhng!”

Lee Gun had used noble(?) training methods to grow Hugo. He felt a pang of guilt, which gave validity to his next thought.

‘… Did he really run away?’

Was it because he had tormented Hugo too much? In the past, Hugo would always cry, saying his teacher was the best. But recently, Hugo continued to complain and push back on what Lee Gun said.

At that moment, Stevens laughed as if he had an ulterior motive.

- You should drop that weakling. Why don’t you go shopping for weapons with me?


- Yes. We have someone called the Capricorn Saint among us. He’s the only manufacturer among us. He’s making all our equipment. I’ll introduce you to him…

“I have no business with him. Everything he makes is trash.”

Stevens snorted as if he was dumbfounded. He thought Lee Gun was being conceited.

- Anyway, let’s please meet up sometime. It’ll be great for the apostles to get closer to each other…

“Buzz off! I don’t want to see you guys! If my rice cooker isn’t there, I’m ending this call! Jaewon says the food I made is trash, and he’s starving himself!”

- Wait a moment! Alright! Food! I’ll buy you guys food! I’ll buy you fifty servings of steak from an upscale hotel!

Lee Gun, who had been eating ramen for the past few days, furrowed his brows. “Hundred servings.”

- Alright! I’ll buy you food, and in return, you can tell me stories about your exploits of killing monsters…!


Aside from the part about the food, Lee Gun didn’t feel the need to speak any further. He ended the call.

It was because a familiar number had called him while he was on the call with Stevens.

“Hey, maggot. Where are you right now—”

- Teacher!!! Why aren’t you answering my call??? I heard you are teaching techniques to the squirt gun!!!


Lee Gun became angry since the one calling him was Kevin.

It was great that Kevin had graduated from being a wolf boy after encountering Lee Gun, but he had somehow gotten a hold of Lee Gun’s number. He kept pestering Lee Gun, as if he wanted to become friendly with him.

Of course, the texts that Kevin sent Lee Gun contained valuable information. If he didn’t respond at all, Kevin would send presents and coupons, so Lee Gun hadn’t blocked Kevin’s number.

“Why do you have the maggot’s phone? Did you kidnap him?"

- You’ll find out once you come here! Anyway, I’ll buy you a house, Teacher. Let me see your face for a moment.

“Buzz off! It’s time for me to eat.”


Lee Gun’s stubbornness was beyond imagination.

* * *

“My god! How were you able to make him come here?”

Heiji, who had arrived at the hotel, was shocked by the sight before her: Lee Gun was eating steak in front of her.

“No way! I tried to seduce him, yet he was like a brick wall…!”

She wasn’t the only one to be surprised.

“I tried to entice him with money and women, yet he refused to show up.” Jean-Louise was in disbelief as he looked at Lee Gun.

Ivan, Yang Wei, Sophie, Giselle, and Hailey were there too, and they were also surprised by Lee Gun’s presence.

While Ivan hated Lee Gun’s guts, the others had attempted to get closer to Lee Gun several times. However, Lee Gun never showed up no matter what they tried.

“Teacher!! You didn’t even respond to me when I called for you! Why would you agree to that bastard Leo Saint’s call?!”

Lee Gun found Kevin’s words annoying, so he kept chewing on his steak. “Stop bothering me. Go away. I have to eat.”

“If it’s food, I’ll buy it every day for you!!! I want you to spar with me in return!”

“Alright. Deal.”

The other Zodiac Saints were shocked.

‘We could have enticed him if we had offered food.’

It didn’t matter in the end. Lee Gun looked at his surroundings. “So? Where’s the maggot? You said I’d be able to find out about his whereabouts if I came to you.”

Kevin let out a bright smile. “Of course, it was a lie! If I didn’t do this, Teacher would have never shown up in front of us— Kuh-huhk!”

“You’re dead if you call me one more time.” Lee Gun was annoyed. He stood up after packing up the steak that he would give to Jaewon.

Stevens quickly moved to grab him. “Wait! You’re already here! Just stay a little longer! He should be here soon.”

“What do you want? I’m going to sleep.”



The door to the hotel’s restaurant was opened. At the same time, a familiar face made an appearance.

“I’m sorry for being late. I had a lot of items to bring.”


Lee Gun’s eyes turned round since the newcomer was the Capricorn Saint Sergeyevich (37).

Sergeyevich laughed when he saw Lee Gun. “I did as Stevens asked. I brought weapons that the thirteenth might use. Please slowly look at them. The price starts at a billion won.”

Lee Gun glared at Stevens.

Stevens clicked his tongue. “If I don’t do this, you’ll continue to use old and rustic equipment. Someone like you has to swap weapons frequently.”

It seemed he truly felt Lee Gun’s skills were going to diminish.

When he heard what Stevens had to say, the Capricorn Saint laughed as he moved closer. “That’s right. The thirteenth doesn’t have a Zodiac, so you probably have a hard time acquiring items. Why don’t you leave an order with me so that my Constructs can manufacture items for you?”

Lee Gun suddenly let out a murderous intent. “What? You want me to leave it to your Constructs?”

The Zodiac Saints flinched when they saw his cold gaze.

Heiji asked, “Did something happen between you and the Capricorn temple?"

Yes, he had a lot of beef with them. It was right after Lee Gun had awakened. He didn’t know why, but monsters were chasing after him. Moreover, he was a newbie who didn’t know how to fight.

“Ahhk!! Get away from me!”

Since he was a superhuman, he didn’t die from a single blow, but Lee Gun didn’t even know how to properly grip a knife. That was why he was a good sandbag for the monsters.

Moreover, he didn’t want civilians to get swept up in his troubles, so he couldn’t even go near a city even if he had a high fever. These were desperate times when he was just trying to survive, and in the land of the monsters, Lee Gun had met the Constructs of the Capricorn temple.

[What the hell? Is that a human?]

Lee Gun was captured by a monster, so he took this opportunity to ask for help from the Constructs.

[Poo-ha-ha-ha! The sight of you getting beaten up by the monster is quite funny!]

[What is that toy-like weapon? Did he make it himself?]

[Ha ha ha! Does he think he can kill monsters with such a shoddy club?]

[Ha ha ha! Look! He’s getting beat up as expected. It was a chore trying to run errands for our master. Thankfully, we ran across something entertaining.]

The Capricorn Constructs had laughed and watched as the monster used Lee Gun as a sandbag.

Of course, there was no way the Zodiac and this bastard wouldn’t know what their Constructs had previously done to him.

It seemed Sergeyevich had indeed heard about it. He laughed out loud. “I heard you took our blueprint. You studied it on your own, and now you can manufacture items. These are the items you have currently, right?”


Sergeyevich looked at the clothes, gloves, and shoes worn by Lee Gun. “They are amateurish, but you did well. However, they can’t be compared to what the pros make.”

He confidently brought out a brilliant ax and a greatsword. “I heard you like using heavy weaponry. These are power-type weapons that I picked out for you. The starting price is three billion won. We put extra effort into the exterior since Stevens ordered this one.”

Stevens was impressed with the cool-looking ax. “I like this! I’ll help you purchase this. Let’s go with this one!”

However, Lee Gun merely snorted. “Get that trash out of here. The stuff I make is a million times better.”

Sergeyevich’s expression scrunched up. It was subtle. “Look here, Thirteenth-nim. You keep overstepping your bounds, but we are pros. There are things you should and shouldn’t compare.”

“What? Pros?” Lee Gun looked dumbfounded as he took a fountain pen out of his pocket.

In the distant future, he would give this fountain pen to the Secretary.

Lee Gun stabbed the cool-looking ax with the pen, and something surprising happened.


A mere fountain pen was brought down on it, yet the ax was destroyed.

Sergeyevich was surprised, but Lee Gun merely looked at him in contempt. “It’s a cheap item that can be destroyed with a mere fountain pen.”

“What? Cheap?” A pissed-off Sergeyevich raised the greatsword. “Alright. Take out your mighty weapon. Let’s see if you can block this!”

When he swung the greatsword, Lee Gun smirked as he took up the fountain pen again. Then something surprising happened again.



Lee Gun blocked Sergeyevich’s greatsword with his fountain pen, and the greatsword broke into pieces.

The mouths of everyone fell open.

Lee Gun smirked as if something obvious had happened. “If I use weapons with poor durability like these, they will get damaged after I kill a couple of monsters. Ah! I guess it’ll benefit you if they break down quickly, right? Pros, my ass!”

Lee Gun got up with scorn on his face.

A flustered Stevens quickly grabbed Lee Gun. “W-Wait a moment! What is that fountain pen? Is it a weapon?”

“Weapon, my ass! It’s a pen that I use to sign. I made it for the day when I’m famous enough to sign autographs.”


When Lee Gun tried to leave, the Zodiac Saints made a commotion. The first one to grab Lee Gun was Kevin.

“Teacher! I’ll buy you food for a month! Please make me a weapon!!”

“One month? Alright. Give me your weapon. I have to measure the size…”

Lee Gun fell for the promise of food, so he didn’t hesitate as he held out his hand.

“Waaaaa! I should have expected this from Teacher!!!”


Everyone was surprised to hear the sudden cheer. The sound had come from the hotel’s window.

“What the hell? Squirt gun?!”


Yes, Hugo, who had been missing, was stuck close to the window.

In truth, he had suddenly been kidnapped to the future, and he had made it back right now. Moreover, it was as if his Faith had changed. The look in his eyes had changed, and he ran toward Lee Gun.

“Ooh-uhhhhhh!! I’m not sure why, but I’ll follow you forever, Teacher!”

“What the hell? You suddenly went missing, and now you’re acting this way? Why are you being like this?”

“For a moment, I doubted you, Teacher! Please marry me— Kuh-huhk!!!!”

Lee Gun ruthlessly kicked Hugo. Then he tossed aside Kevin’s sword.

Kevin was dumbfounded. “What are you doing? You said you’ll make me a weapon if I buy you food!”

“Ah. I don’t need it. The one in charge of making food is back.”


“Anyway, don’t look for me, idiots”

Kevin glared at Hugo as if he was Kevin’s nemesis.

The commotion among the other Zodiac Saints got louder.

“Lee Gun! Can you perhaps make magical equipment?”

Ivan was taken aback when he realized Lee Gun also had a manufacturing ability. Hailey and Heiji became further infatuated with Lee Gun. That wasn’t all.

“Lee Gun! Wait a moment! Can you make a sword instead of a fountain pen?” When Stevens, the Capricorn Saint’s best repeat customer, tossed aside his weapon to chase after Lee Gun, Sergeyevich ground his teeth.

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