Sign In To Become a God

Chapter 322: Just hit

On the alloy chair in the spacecraft\'s central control room, sat a silver-white mechanical puppet about two meters high.

"He" looked at the picture on the projection screen in front of him, and the artificial eyeballs flashed light, like a real person.

"Woo, there are really few foreign teams around here, I haven\'t met one in two days."

A world ring was also worn on the finger of the mechanical puppet.

Inside the World Ring, on the land about 100,000 kilometers long and wide, lying bored with a scarlet giant beast, with golden wings lying on the ground, it was the avatar of the giant Yanxing beast separated from Wang Yi.

The avatar of the Yanxing Giant Beast plus "A King\'s Armor" also has the ultimate combat power of the king.

In order to improve the efficiency of hunting, the three bodies have now been separated and headed to various places in the land of Yan Jizhu for hunting.

If there is any unexpected situation, the three bodies that have mastered the teleport can quickly arrive.

After all, the continent of Yan Jizhu is only 180 million light-years in diameter, and flying by spacecraft is slow, but teleportation is just a blink of an eye.

But now that the three bodies have been used, the matter of cultivation has been put on hold for the time being.

The Yanxing Giant Beast clone carries the detection instrument that Wang Yi used to spend millions of points to buy, which is at the level of the king. The Void Zerg Clan clone carries the best detection equipment it can get from killing Fenghou strong, but it is only nearly a million yuan unit, far worse than the Yanxing Giant Beast, let alone Wang Yi human. Carried by the body.

The body of the Yanxing Giant Beast is too large to sit in the spaceship. It either flies outside or learns the way of the demon race. It can only stay in the world ring, control the mechanical puppet, and rush out after fighting.

The special secret method of Yanxing Giant Beast Clan, which is cultivated by Yanxing Giant Beast clone, is far away from the second level of Dacheng. If the third level of Dacheng is cultivated, there will be a chance to expand the world in the body again, reaching two trillion kilometers. diameter.

But that requires a huge amount of resources, and there are no trillions of mixed yuan units without even thinking about it.

Therefore, the "Yanxing Giant Beast clone" is now honestly practicing and comprehending the "Beast God Mood".

"Simply cultivating "Yan Xing Bian" to the third level, I am afraid that it will have the resources of trillions of mixed yuan units." Yan Xing Giant Beast muttered. Not counting the resources needed to expand the world within the body.

However, if the "Yan Xing Bian" is successfully practiced, the body of the Yan Xing Behemoth can be expanded a thousand times.

Adding ten times the talent secret method "Body of Flame Star", it can be expanded ten thousand times!

The Yanxing Giant Beast is now the pinnacle of the world leader, with a body size of more than 2,000 kilometers.

When it is time to expand ten thousand times, that is 20 million kilometers!

Once you break through to immortality, it will be terrible!

The larger the body, once it becomes an immortal god, the cheaper it will be!

Because at the moment of stepping into the "immortal gods" from the realm master, the land of the origin of the universe and the sea of ​​laws will be touched. At that time, there will be endless energy supply and the realm master\'s body will be directly converted into the "immortal divine body" in an instant. This kind of opportunity to get that terrifying energy to transform the immortal body for free, only once.

Some beings, who are only one or two meters tall, can convert immortal divine bodies, how much energy can they absorb?

Some bodies are as long as one or two kilometers, and the energy needed to convert the immortal body is naturally astonishing. Like a giant starry sky, a body that is thousands of kilometers long, absorbing energy is even more against the sky!

Perhaps the attack power alone is 10 times stronger, but the reserve of "immortal power" in the immortal body is many times greater.

The "Big Flame Star" who practiced "Blank Star Transformation" and possessed the secret technique of "Body of the Flame Star" had a unique advantage in this regard.

In history, there has been an immortal-level Yanxing behemoth relying on its huge size and the "star stream fire" self-explosion secret method to blow up a cosmic venerable to death.

However, the behemoths of the flame stars that can cultivate "Blank Star Change" to completion are legends in the history of the behemoths of the flame stars!


Wang Yi\'s backing to the human race has a good chance to become a master of "Scorching Star Change", but he doesn\'t have enough money.

"This time, in the extraterritorial battlefield, it\'s a lot more money. You can\'t be without money, and you can change it with a heavy treasure." Yanxing Giant Beast scratched his chin.

He looked at his sharp claw knife, a bit disgusted.

At present, Yanxing Giant Beast mainly cultivates the law of fusion of fire and air. If the "Beast God Artistic Realm" reaches the fourth level, it can break through to the realm of the venerable.

Of course, the Yanxing Giant Beast was Wang Yi\'s clone, and the breakthrough conditions were different.

The current "Fire and Sky Beast God\'s Way" is only the third level of cultivation.

On the other side, the avatar of the Void Zerg clan was wearing royal armor, disguised as a captain of a vassal group of the human camp, and flew in a direction opposite to the two bodies in a biological spacecraft.

The three bodies act together and attack separately.

But the three bodies are the same soul, the consciousness is connected, and no matter what happens, they can all know at the same time.

The "Pronuclear" remained in the "Time Realm" and was carried by Wang Yi.

Because the "Time Realm" is bound by the human body, it can only be opened by the human body.

The sign-in is the same, and sign-in can only be done from the location of the human body.

"Hey, there is a team here." The Yanxing Giant Beast raised its huge head, and there was a hint of excitement in its dazzling and brutal red pupils.


With three bodies of Wang Yi, the human body can use the "Purgatory God Armor" to display the strength of the "Prime Seal of Kings", and the use of "Wang Armor" can display the strength of the "Limited Kings".

The Yanxing Giant Beast clone itself has the strength of the "king peak", plus the "king armor", it also has the strength of the limit of the king, and it is stronger than the human body.

The clone of the Void Zerg, plus the "Emperor Armor", is far more powerful than the "king limit".

No matter which body it is, it can roam wildly on the continent of Yan Jizhu.

If you really encounter an irresistible danger, you will either sacrifice your clone, anyway, the "pronuclear" can be resurrected in the time world.

Either hide in the realm of time, no one can do anything with him.

But the first two will reveal their own secrets.

Either call someone, whether the teacher Pang Bo Venerable or Chaos City Lord, he will be there on call.

But as a last resort, Wang Yi would not do this, and he was confident that no one on the battlefield outside the territory could push him to this point.


The Void Zerg clone wearing a purple-gold battle armor sat on the spaceship chair with his hands on the handle of a huge war knife. He is much better than the Flame Star Giant Beast clone. The Void Zerg clone itself is not large, and With the ability to transform at will, even if it becomes as huge as the avatar of the Flame Star Giant Beast, its strength will be affected.

The flying directions of the three-body spacecraft were not the same. They were triangular in shape and scattered in three locations on the land of Yan Jizhu.

Now, what the clone of the Void Zerg clan disguised was the aura of "Fenghou Peak".

The three-meter-high Void Zerg was covered in purple-gold armor, and there were a pair of folded wings behind it, with its eyes closed.

The purple shuttle-shaped spacecraft is flying in one direction.

The Void Zerg clone doesn\'t care where he is flying, he only cares if he has prey.

As a special life, the Void Zerg is a natural hunter, whether it is disguised, sneaked or killed, it is very terrifying!

Just waiting silently...


"A spacecraft was found at 950 million kilometers ahead." The voice of the intelligent system that controls the detection equipment rose in the control room.

The Void Zerg clone opened his eyes, his eyes were silvery white, without the slightest emotion.


A projection screen appeared in front of Wang Yi. The picture was a dark red biological spaceship flying in mid-air.

Biological spacecraft is actually a more common type of spacecraft in the universe.

But... it\'s only popular among demons and other ethnic groups. As for humans and machine races, they mainly use alloy spaceships and metal spaceships.

Biological spacecraft and metal spacecraft also have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Wang Yi\'s avatar of the Void Zerg clan uses a detection instrument of nearly a million yuan unit, which is considered good on the land of Yan Jizhu, just to be able to detect their situation while shielding the alien detection instrument of this biological spacecraft.

In the control room, a group of ugly creatures with a height of only about one meter two, covered with dark red hair like mice, are sitting together, stretching out their fluffy paws, each holding a glass of scarlet liquid and drinking.

They all faintly exude law fluctuations.

Six immortals.

"The rat race of the monster race." Wang Yi\'s eyes flashed.

One is a captain, and the other five are immortal warlords.

These six alien immortals had no idea that they had fallen into the eyes of death, and they were still drinking and discussing.

"I heard that there are several new powerful kings appearing on the Yan Jizhu Continent. It seems that there is a Zerg brood on the human side, killing people everywhere, killing many princes, and now he has a title called " The King of Insects"."

"King Royal Insect? It\'s such a mighty prestige, aren\'t you afraid that the Zerg will trouble him? Who is it?"

"People have enslaved the Zerg brood, and they are afraid that you will make trouble."

The voices of these powerful squad clan have some envy.

This month, Wang Yi quickly made a name.

After all, he was able to kill even Feng Hou Pinnacle. The dozens of Feng Hou Feng he killed also included many Feng Hou Pinnacles, which completely beaten his reputation. There are also many, but this can only be done by the general high-ranking kings.

Yan sacrifices to the mainland powerhouse like a cloud, there are countless different races, but only thousands of crowned kings.

Every king has a name.

Because Wang Yi always uses the "Zerg Legion" before every shot, the Zerg Legion has terrible attacking power, so naturally he gradually gained the nickname "King of Insects".

When Wang Yi heard these aliens discussing himself, he listened curiously.

It turned out that in addition to the human body, his other two bodies, the "Big Beast of the Flame Star" and the "Void Zerg" also received two titles.

However, the "flaming star behemoth" is the "flaming star world lord", especially abnormal, it can be called the most abnormal Yan star behemoth in the history of the outer battlefield, the world leader will kill Fenghou Pinnacle! Possess a combat power that is at least comparable to that of high-ranking kings! Let many powerhouses in the extraterritorial battlefield look at him!

If it weren\'t for the genius of the human race, but for the Yanxing behemoth, without a special reward for killing, there might have been many powerful people looking for trouble.

"Void Zerg" made many shots, and also received a name-"Hunting King", which means that it appears suddenly every time, kills with one blow, and is extremely brutal, and no prey can escape.

The three names represent the characteristics and styles of the three powerhouses, all of which are highly evaluated, and the "Void Zerg Clone" is even more rated as the strength of "The Peak of the King"!

Hearing this, Wang Yi couldn\'t help but feel that news of the foreign battlefield spread quickly. He had only been here for a month, and he actually gained a name so soon.

But this is also related to his strength and frequent shots to kill Fenghou.

The stronger the strength and the sturdier the record in the extraterritorial battlefield, the fame will easily spread to hundreds of millions of ethnic groups.

Ming Chuan Universe, this is also the lifelong pursuit of many strong people!

However, Wang Yi is only just showing up, and he is still far from the famous universe.

While Wang Yi was thinking, the monster clan spacecraft flew away from the detection range of the detection instrument, but Wang Yi had no intention of continuing to chase it.

Wang Yi\'s human body continued to fly towards the destination of the Sacrifice Tower, while the two major clones of the Yanxing Giant Beast and the Void Zerg were hunting and killing the immortal alien races everywhere in the Yan Jizhu Continent.


In a mountain range billions of kilometers away from the avatar of the Void Zerg, a pyramid spaceship is hidden in the void. In the spacecraft, there are two mechanical tribesmen sitting together. The two mechanical tribes are all made of metal. Very similar, at first glance it looks like two metal people sitting on two alloy chairs respectively.

"Haha, Imoli, this big fish we found this time, we will jointly kill him, and then the spoils will be divided equally." One of the mechanical races wearing black streamlined armor grinned openly.

The bald but handsome young mechanical race man sitting opposite him shook his head.

"No, no, no, Karnev, this time I found him first, and I first set a trap to lead him in, so I have more credit, and I have to get 10% more..." The mechanical youth saw his opposite companion. His face sank slightly, and his tone changed, "Of course, the battle is not over yet, our prey is still struggling, and we are still fighting with trapped beasts, so I propose that whoever has the most power in the battle can fight. More trophies will be distributed later."

He added another sentence, "Of course, what I have extra will remain the same."

Karnev pondered for a moment, and then reluctantly said: "Well, for your brother\'s sake, I agreed to this proposal. Next, we will work together to solve our enemy."

"Haha...You are a high-ranking king. Although I am a little behind you, I am only a junior-ranking king, but my mechanical army was created with the help of my senior. This alien named king!" Imoli laughed happily.

Karnev\'s expression is also much better. With his arrogant and arrogant personality, he will easily agree to the party\'s conditions, except that the opponent is not and because the other party\'s brother is a member of the Fang Yan\'s sacrificial mainland machine clan Super strong.


And in the vast mountains, countless flames and electric snakes penetrate the void, and the entire flame thunder and lightning prison has a space of hundreds of millions of kilometers in diameter. The thunder and lightning puppets of the mechanical clan, the flame puppets are forming a formation in the middle of the siege of an immortal king, and various powerful mechanical weapons are suppressing and attacking the immortal king.

A fierce battle is going on, the space is torn apart, the sound of a huge explosion shakes the sky and the earth, and the mountains are wiped out in ashes.

And more than one billion kilometers away, a purple shuttle-shaped spacecraft is flying over here quickly.

"Hey, why didn\'t I see people? This detection instrument is still not enough. If only there is a mechanical clan seal king detection instrument." A certain big knife is already hungry and thirsty.

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